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#!/bin/bash -e
# Use this annotated script a base for launching an interactive console task on Amazon ECS
# more info:
# Requirements:
# - `jq` must be installed on both the client and server
albandiguer / Testing Your Gem
Created July 10, 2024 15:08 — forked from jonathanroehm/Testing Your Gem
How to test a gem you're working on locally in your development host ruby on rails app

Setting up your bundle config to allow your host app to use the local version of your gem

What we don't want:

Having to test your gem on your host app after having to commit changes to your gem... and then having to rebundle your gemfile ... which forces you to refer to your gem-in-process like:

gem 'nfg_ui', git: '', branch: 'feature/some_feature_branch_that_im_working_on'

And then have to:

$ bundle update gem_name`
albandiguer / signoff
Created April 29, 2024 21:27 — forked from dhh/signoff
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Abort sign off on any error
set -e
# Start the benchmark timer
# Repository introspection
OWNER=$(gh repo view --json owner --jq .owner.login)
albandiguer / http statuses
Created February 19, 2013 00:48
http statuses
Status Code Status Message Symbol
1xx Informational
100 Continue :continue
101 Switching Protocols :switching_protocols
102 Processing :processing
2xx Success
200 OK :ok
201 Created :created
202 Accepted :accepted