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Created December 15, 2017 18:47
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paho-mqtt stacktrace
header = {int} 62
message = {MQTTMessage} <paho.mqtt.client.MQTTMessage object at 0x7f80d2403ba8>
_topic = {bytes} b''
dup = {int} 1
info = {MQTTMessageInfo} (0, 0)
mid = {int} 0
payload = {bytes} b''
qos = {int} 3
retain = {int} 0
state = {int} 0
timestamp = {int} 0
topic = {str} ''
pack_format = {str} '!30784s-30784s'
packet = {bytes} b''
rc = {int} 0
self = {Client} <paho.mqtt.client.Client object at 0x7f80d4997978>
_bind_address = {str} ''
_callback_mutex = {RLock} <unlocked _thread.RLock object owner=0 count=0 at 0x7f80d49785d0>
_clean_session = {bool} True
_client_id = {bytes} b''
_current_out_packet = {dict} {'command': 48, 'mid': 15994, 'qos': 1, 'pos': 0, 'to_process': 26, 'packet': bytearray(b'3\x18\x00\x0fs1/uptime/state>z23910'), 'info': None}
'command' (140191328231584) = {int} 48
'mid' (140191299437264) = {int} 15994
'qos' (140191299246656) = {int} 1
'pos' (140191376423992) = {int} 0
'to_process' (140191287566896) = {int} 26
'packet' (140191323436736) = {bytearray} bytearray(b'3\x18\x00\x0fs1/uptime/state>z23910')
'info' (140191399465288) = {NoneType} None
__len__ = {int} 7
_current_out_packet_mutex = {RLock} <unlocked _thread.RLock object owner=0 count=0 at 0x7f80d3e40660>
_host = {str} ''
_in_callback = {lock} <unlocked _thread.lock object at 0x7f80d3ed8828>
_in_message_mutex = {lock} <unlocked _thread.lock object at 0x7f80d3e4f940>
_in_messages = {list} <class 'list'>: []
_in_packet = {dict} {'command': 62, 'have_remaining': 1, 'remaining_count': [2], 'remaining_mult': 128, 'remaining_length': 2, 'packet': b'x@', 'to_process': 0, 'pos': 0}
'command' (140191328231584) = {int} 62
'have_remaining' (140191287566704) = {int} 1
'remaining_count' (140191287566768) = {list} <class 'list'>: [2]
0 = {int} 2
__len__ = {int} 1
'remaining_mult' (140191287566832) = {int} 128
'remaining_length' (140191287459392) = {int} 2
'packet' (140191323436736) = {bytes} b'x@'
'to_process' (140191287566896) = {int} 0
'pos' (140191376423992) = {int} 0
__len__ = {int} 8
_inflight_messages = {int} 3
_keepalive = {int} 60
_last_mid = {int} 15994
_last_msg_in = {float} 110142.505705873
_last_msg_out = {float} 110145.410514766
_last_retry_check = {float} 110144.50794297
_logger = {NoneType} None
_max_inflight_messages = {int} 20
_max_queued_messages = {int} 0
_message_retry = {int} 20
_msgtime_mutex = {lock} <unlocked _thread.lock object at 0x7f80d3e4f968>
_on_log = {NoneType} None
_on_message_filtered = {MQTTMatcher} <paho.mqtt.matcher.MQTTMatcher object at 0x7f80d49e4278>
_on_publish = {NoneType} None
_on_subscribe = {NoneType} None
_on_unsubscribe = {NoneType} None
_out_message_mutex = {RLock} <unlocked _thread.RLock object owner=0 count=0 at 0x7f80d3e40ab0>
_out_messages = {list} <class 'list'>: [<paho.mqtt.client.MQTTMessage object at 0x7f80d2403a58>, <paho.mqtt.client.MQTTMessage object at 0x7f80d24039e8>, <paho.mqtt.client.MQTTMessage object at 0x7f80d2403ac8>]
0 = {MQTTMessage} <paho.mqtt.client.MQTTMessage object at 0x7f80d2403a58>
_topic = {bytes} b's1/uptime/state'
dup = {bool} False
info = {MQTTMessageInfo} (0, 15992)
mid = {int} 15992
payload = {bytes} b'23907'
qos = {int} 1
retain = {bool} True
state = {int} 2
timestamp = {float} 110145.400260342
topic = {str} 's1/uptime/state'
1 = {MQTTMessage} <paho.mqtt.client.MQTTMessage object at 0x7f80d24039e8>
_topic = {bytes} b's1/PHOTORESIST_light/state'
dup = {bool} False
info = {MQTTMessageInfo} (0, 15993)
mid = {int} 15993
payload = {bytes} b'323.00'
qos = {int} 1
retain = {bool} True
state = {int} 2
timestamp = {float} 110145.410430734
topic = {str} 's1/PHOTORESIST_light/state'
2 = {MQTTMessage} <paho.mqtt.client.MQTTMessage object at 0x7f80d2403ac8>
_topic = {bytes} b's1/uptime/state'
dup = {bool} False
info = {MQTTMessageInfo} (0, 15994)
mid = {int} 15994
payload = {bytes} b'23910'
qos = {int} 1
retain = {bool} True
state = {int} 2
timestamp = {float} 110148.400792104
topic = {str} 's1/uptime/state'
__len__ = {int} 3
_out_packet = {deque} deque([])
_out_packet_mutex = {lock} <unlocked _thread.lock object at 0x7f80d3ed8800>
_password = {NoneType} None
_ping_t = {int} 0
_port = {int} 1883
_protocol = {int} 4
_reconnect_delay = {NoneType} None
_reconnect_delay_mutex = {lock} <unlocked _thread.lock object at 0x7f80d3e4f918>
_reconnect_max_delay = {int} 120
_reconnect_min_delay = {int} 1
_sock = {socket} <socket.socket fd=6, family=AddressFamily.AF_INET, type=2049, proto=6, laddr=('', 37901), raddr=('', 1883)>
_sockpairR = {socket} <socket.socket fd=7, family=AddressFamily.AF_INET, type=2049, proto=0, laddr=('', 39489), raddr=('', 35543)>
_sockpairW = {socket} <socket.socket fd=8, family=AddressFamily.AF_INET, type=2049, proto=0, laddr=('', 35543), raddr=('', 39489)>
_ssl = {bool} False
_ssl_context = {NoneType} None
_state = {int} 1
_thread = {Thread} <Thread(Thread-6, started daemon 140191256860416)>
_args = {tuple} <class 'tuple'>: ()
_daemonic = {bool} True
_ident = {int} 140191256860416
_initialized = {bool} True
_is_stopped = {bool} False
_kwargs = {dict} {}
_name = {str} 'Thread-6'
_started = {Event} <threading.Event object at 0x7f80d23f9780>
_stderr = {TextIOWrapper} <_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stderr>' mode='w' encoding='UTF-8'>
_tracer = {ThreadTracer} <_pydevd_bundle.pydevd_cython.ThreadTracer object at 0x7f80d3e40b88>
_tstate_lock = {lock} <locked _thread.lock object at 0x7f80d49aed28>
additional_info = {PyDBAdditionalThreadInfo} State:2 Stop:None Cmd: -1 Kill:False
daemon = {bool} True
ident = {int} 140191256860416
name = {str} 'Thread-6'
stop_reason = {int} 137
_thread_terminate = {bool} False
_tls_insecure = {bool} False
_transport = {str} 'tcp'
_userdata = {NoneType} None
_username = {NoneType} None
_websocket_extra_headers = {NoneType} None
_websocket_path = {str} '/mqtt'
_will = {bool} False
_will_payload = {bytes} b''
_will_qos = {int} 0
_will_retain = {bool} False
_will_topic = {bytes} b''
on_log = {NoneType} None
on_publish = {NoneType} None
on_subscribe = {NoneType} None
on_unsubscribe = {NoneType} None
slen = {int} 30784
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