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Created January 31, 2019 09:56
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Splunk SPL cheatsheet
# SPL cheatsheet:
# Additional resource:
- List users and corresponding roles:
| rest /services/authentication/users splunk_server=?
| fields title roles realname
- List indexes:
| eventcount summarize=false index=* index=_* | dedup index | fields index
| rest /services/data/indexes | dedup title | table title
- Simple tabling of results:
| table _time src_ip src_port dest_ip dest_port proto url method proxy
| sort _time
- Simple count statistics:
index=os sourcetype="wineventlog:security" EventCode=4688
| stats count, values(Creator_Process_Name) as Creator_Process_Name by New_Process_Name
| table New_Process_Name, count, Creator_Process_Name
| sort count
- Send e-mail function:
| sendemail to="[email protected]"
- Create timechart:
| table _time, <field>, name
| timechart span=1d sum(<field>) by name
- Show rare events:
index=os sourcetype=registry
| rare process_image
- Keep only the results that match a valid email address:
| regex email="/^([a-z0-9_\.-]+)@([\da-z\.-]+)\.([a-z\.]{2,6})$/"
- Use sed syntax to match the regex to a series of numbers and replace them with an anonymized string:
| rex field=ccnumber mode=sed "s/(\d{4}-){3}/XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-/g"
- Expand an event with more than one multivalue field into individual events for each field value:
| rex field=_raw "a=(?<a>\d+)" max_match=5
| rex field=_raw "b=(?<b>\d+)" max_match=5
| eval fields = mvzip(a,b)
| table _time fields
- Match valid IPv4 addresses:
| eval ipv4_valid = if(match(ipv4, "^((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$"), "valid", "invalid")
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