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Created March 20, 2012 13:08
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Mergesort in Clojure
(defn merge-seqs
"Merges two sorted sequences into a single sorted sequence"
([left right]
(merge-seqs (list left right)))
([[left right]]
(loop [l left, r right, result []]
(let [lhead (first l), rhead (first r)]
(nil? lhead) (concat result r)
(nil? rhead) (concat result l)
(<= lhead rhead) (recur (rest l) r (conj result lhead))
true (recur l (rest r) (conj result rhead)))))))
(defn mergesort
"Produces a sorted sequence from an input sequence.
Works best with vectors (since it uses 'count' internally)."
((fn mergesort-counted [xs n]
(if (<= n 1)
(let [middle (bit-shift-right n 1)] ; fast division by 2
(merge-seqs (map mergesort-counted
(split-at middle xs) ; two halves
[middle (- n middle)]))))) ; count of each half
xs (count xs)))
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