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Alex Gain aleksgain

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aleksgain /
Created February 19, 2023 09:44 — forked from tjelen/
Zerotier: Setting up the default gateway in Ubuntu Linux

Zerotier Ubuntu config notes

Setting up the default gateway (for VPN tunelling)

Ubuntu 18.04 UFW settings, based on [1] Step 1

  • ens3 .. primary physical ETH interface
  • .. ZT network
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aleksgain /
Last active March 9, 2020 16:22 — forked from ljm42/
unRAID - automatically move photos to array
## Usage (after configuration):
## 1. Insert camera's memory card into a USB port on your unRAID system
## 2. The system will automatically move (or copy) any images/videos from the memory card to the array
## 3. Wait for the imperial theme to play, then remove the memory card
## Preparation:
## 1. Install jhead (to automatically rotate photos) using the Nerd Pack plugin