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Created July 19, 2021 16:57
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Python ProxyGrabber using proxybroker v0.3.2
import asyncio
import aiohttp
from concurrent import futures
from time import perf_counter
from os import path, stat, remove
from proxybroker import Broker
import logging
class ProxyGrabber:
def __init__(self, timeout=3, filename="proxy.txt", site_to_test=""):
self.site_to_test = site_to_test
self.timeout = aiohttp.ClientTimeout(total=timeout)
self.filename = filename
async def grab(self) -> str:
result = await self.loader()
if result is not None:
return f"http://{result}"
result, _ = asyncio.wait(
[self.broker_find(), self.pub_find()],
result = [i.result() for i in result if i.result() is not None]
if result:
return f"http://{result[-1]}"
raise OSError("No proxy found")
async def broker_find(self):
proxies_num = 10
proxies = asyncio.Queue()
broker = Broker(queue=proxies)
# finds 10(==proxies_num) https proxies
await broker.find(types=["HTTPS"], limit=proxies_num)
proxy_temp = []
for _ in range(proxies_num):
proxies.get()) # write proxies to the list as soon as possible
except Exception as err: # something might go wrong
logging.error(f"Can't find a proxy with proxy broker: {type(err)}: {err}")
return None
# ProxyBroker returns lots of info but we need only proxy
proxy_temp = [str(i)[1:-1:].split()[4] for i in proxy_temp]
logging.debug(f"Find proxies with ProxyBroker: {proxy_temp}")
return await self.saver(proxy_temp)
async def pub_find(self):
async with aiohttp.request(
) as resp:
assert resp.status == 200
proxy_temp = await resp.text()
except AssertionError:
logging.warning("Probably, limit has expired")
return None
proxy_temp = proxy_temp.split("\n")
logging.debug(f"Find 5 proxy: {proxy_temp}")
return await self.saver(proxy_temp)
async def check(self, proxy: str, session: aiohttp.ClientSession):
# simply tests access to the site via proxy
site = self.site_to_test
proxy = "http://" + proxy
ping = perf_counter()
async with session.get(site, proxy=proxy, timeout=self.timeout) as resp:
assert resp.status == 200
except futures._base.TimeoutError:
logging.debug(f"Too slow proxy: {proxy}")
return None
except aiohttp.client_exceptions.ClientHttpProxyError:
logging.debug(f"Bad proxy: {proxy}")
return None
except Exception as err:
logging.debug(f"This proxy ({proxy}) doesn't work, " f"exception: {type(err)}:{err}")
return None
ping = perf_counter() - ping
logging.debug(f"This one seems to be good! Proxy: {proxy} Ping: {ping}")
proxy = {"proxy": proxy, "ping": ping}
return proxy
async def saver(self, proxies_to_check: list):
# it's better to use one session per all requests
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
# check all the proxies in parallel mode
checked_proxies = await asyncio.wait([self.check(i, session) for i in proxies_to_check])
# checker will return None if proxy is bad, we need only good results
proxies_to_save = [i.result() for i in checked_proxies[0] if i.result()]
if proxies_to_save: # for the case, when all proxies are bad
proxies_to_save = sorted(
proxies_to_save, key=lambda m: m["ping"]) # sorts proxies to find the fastest...
# and after we don't need ping argument and http:// prefix anymore
proxies_to_save = [i.get("proxy")[7::] for i in proxies_to_save]
with open(self.filename, "a+") as f: # write proxies to the file
read = set(f.readlines())
proxies_to_save = list(set(proxies_to_save) - read) # double-write protection
for proxy in proxies_to_save:
assert f.write(proxy + "\n")"Saved proxies to the file: {proxies_to_save}")
return proxies_to_save[0]
return None
async def loader(self):
# almost same as saver, but it doesn't append file with new proxies
if not path.exists(self.filename): # Firstly, check if we have a file
logging.warning("We don't have a proxy file!")
return None
elif stat(self.filename).st_size == 0: # Secondly, if it is not empty
logging.warning("The proxy file is empty!")
return None
with open(self.filename, "r") as f: # Read the file and close it
read_proxies = f.readlines()
logging.debug("Everything is ok, opened the file with proxies...")
read_proxies = [i[:-1:] for i in read_proxies] # delete \n
# it's better to use one session per all requests
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
# check all the proxies in parallel mode
checked_proxies = await asyncio.gather(*[(self.check(i, session)) for i in read_proxies]
checked_proxies = [i for i in checked_proxies if i] # delete all None's
if checked_proxies: # for the case, when all proxies are bad
checked_proxies = sorted(checked_proxies,
key=lambda m: m["ping"]) # sorts proxies to find the fastest'Found fastest proxy {checked_proxies[0]["proxy"]} '
f'with ping {checked_proxies[0]["ping"]}sec')
# and after we don't need ping argument and http:// prefix anymore
checked_proxies = [i.get("proxy")[7::] for i in checked_proxies]
with open(self.filename,
"w") as f: # open file as "writable" to delete all the content first
for i in checked_proxies:
f.write(i + "\n")
logging.debug(f"Wrote in file this list of proxies: {checked_proxies}")
return checked_proxies[0]
logging.warning("No working proxy in the file!")
return None
async def check_site(site: str, timeout=aiohttp.ClientTimeout(total=5)) -> bool:
async with aiohttp.request("GET", site, timeout=timeout) as resp:
assert resp.status == 200
logging.debug(f"Internet seems to be connected. "
f"Response from {site}: {resp.status}")
except Exception as err:
logging.warning(f"Site {site} does not work: {type(err)}:{err}")
return False
return True
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