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Tail recursion is it's own reward

Alexey Khoroshev aleksxor

Tail recursion is it's own reward
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junderw / getByteCount.js
Last active September 4, 2024 17:04
Estimate bytes for bitcoin transactions
// Usage:
// getByteCount({'MULTISIG-P2SH:2-4':45},{'P2PKH':1}) Means "45 inputs of P2SH Multisig and 1 output of P2PKH"
// getByteCount({'P2PKH':1,'MULTISIG-P2SH:2-3':2},{'P2PKH':2}) means "1 P2PKH input and 2 Multisig P2SH (2 of 3) inputs along with 2 P2PKH outputs"
function getByteCount(inputs, outputs) {
var totalWeight = 0
var hasWitness = false
var inputCount = 0
var outputCount = 0
// assumes compressed pubkeys in all cases.
var types = {
# to execute this gist, run the line bellow in terminal
\curl -L | sh
cou929 / detect-private-browsing.js
Last active May 1, 2024 21:07
Detect private browsing mode (InPrivate Browsing or Incognito).
function retry(isDone, next) {
var current_trial = 0, max_retry = 50, interval = 10, is_timeout = false;
var id = window.setInterval(
function() {
if (isDone()) {
if (current_trial++ > max_retry) {
vlad-shatskyi / notifyosd.zsh
Last active December 15, 2015 11:49 — forked from ihashacks/notifyosd.zsh
Displays a notification when a command, that takes over 10 seconds to execute, finishes and only if the current window isn't the terminal. Add to your .zshrc: [ -e path/to/notifyosd.zsh ] && . path/to/notifyosd.zsh
function active-window-id {
echo `xprop -root | awk '/_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW\(WINDOW\)/{print $NF}'`
# end and compare timer, notify-send if needed
function notifyosd-precmd() {
if [ ! -z "$cmd" ]; then
cmd_end=`date +%s`
((cmd_time=$cmd_end - $cmd_start))
harlow / factory_girl_example.rb
Created December 4, 2012 20:39
Factory Girl Cheat Sheet
# This will guess the User class
Factory.define :user do
first_name 'John'
last_name 'Doe'
admin false
# This will use the User class (Admin would have been guessed)
Factory.define :admin, :class => User do |u|
zhengjia / capybara cheat sheet
Created June 7, 2010 01:35
capybara cheat sheet
=Clicking links and buttons=
click_link('Link Text')
click('Link Text') # Click either a link or a button
click('Button Value')