December 19, 2011 21:50
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Caleb's vimrc file.
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
:version 6 | |
colorscheme ps_color | |
if &term == "screen" | |
"set t_kb= | |
"fixdel | |
endif | |
set enc=utf8 | |
set fencs=utf8,cp1254,latin1 | |
set autoindent | |
set smartindent | |
set showmatch "show matchign brackets | |
"set smarttab | |
"set cindent | |
set smartcase | |
set tabstop=4 | |
set shiftwidth=4 | |
set syntax=on | |
set infercase | |
set nohlsearch | |
set matchpairs+=«:» | |
set shiftround | |
set wildmenu | |
set nowrap | |
set backup | |
set noerrorbells | |
set history=1000 | |
set ruler "show ruller at bottom | |
set scrolloff=1 "give context when scrolling | |
set hlsearch "highlight search results | |
set backspace=2 "smart backspace | |
set nostartofline | |
set fo+=r | |
"set list | |
"set listchars=tab:>- | |
set ttymouse=xterm2 | |
set splitright | |
set complete+=k/usr/dict/* | |
nmap I :set paste<Cr>i | |
"<esc>I sets paste mode | |
nmap i :set nopaste<Cr>i | |
"<esc>i clears paste mode | |
let fileType = &ft | |
if fileType == 'php' | |
set kp=/home/users/caleb/bin/phpman | |
"iab _S $_SERVER[']i | |
"iab _P $_POST[']i | |
"iab _G $_GET[']i | |
endif | |
":command! -nargs=+ Calc :py print <args> | |
":py from math import * | |
:command! -nargs=+ Calc :r! python -c "from math import *; print <args>" | |
"map ' ` " switch mark jumps so ' goes to column | |
"map ` ' " and ` goes to row | |
"map <space> i_<esc>r | |
map <space> <C-d> | |
map <tab> >> "indent when not in edit mode | |
"map <tab> >> "indent when not in edit mode | |
imap <C-g> <C-x><C-f> " File complete on ctrl g | |
" safety for craig who can't remember to hit esc instead of f1 | |
map <F1> <Esc> | |
imap <F1> <Esc> | |
" alt+: on most machines | |
map » : | |
imap » <Esc><Esc>: | |
" alt+: on rhino | |
map ; : | |
map ; <Esc><Esc>: | |
map <M-;> : | |
imap <M-;> <Esc><Esc>: | |
map <F5> :set hls!<bar>set hls?<CR> | |
if &filetype == "" | |
" setfiletype text | |
source ~/.notepad | |
endif | |
if &filetype == "mail" | |
set nosmartindent | |
endif | |
function! PoundComment() | |
map - 0i# <ESC>j | |
map _ :s/^\s*# \=//g<CR>j | |
set comments=:# | |
endfunction | |
function! LispComment() | |
map - 0i; <ESC>j | |
map _ :s/^\s*; \=//g<CR>j | |
set comments=:; | |
endfunction | |
function! HTMLComment() | |
map - $a --><ESC>0i<!-- <ESC><CR> | |
map _ :s/^\s*<!-- \=//g<CR>:s/ \=-->[ \t]*$//g<CR>j | |
set tw=0 formatoptions=tcq | |
endfunction | |
function! CComment() | |
map - $a */<ESC>0i/* <ESC><CR> | |
map _ :s/^\s*\/\* \=//g<CR>:s/ \=\*\/[ \t]*$//g<CR>j | |
set nocindent comments=sr:/*,mb:*,ex:*/,:// | |
" set nocindent comments=:/*,:// | |
endfunction | |
function! TexComment() | |
map - 0i% <ESC>j | |
map _ :s/^\s*% \=//g<CR>j | |
set nocindent comments=sr:%,mb:%,el:%,:// | |
set tw=72 formatoptions=tcqro | |
endfunction | |
function! CPlusPlusComment() | |
map - 0i// <ESC>j | |
map _ :s/^\s*\/\/ \=//g<CR>j | |
set nocindent comments=:\/\/ | |
endfunction | |
function! VHDLComment() | |
map - 0i-- <ESC>j | |
map _ :s/^\s*-- \=//g<CR>j | |
set comments=:-- | |
endfunction | |
" function! CDSLibComment() | |
" map - 0i-- <ESC>j | |
" map _ :s/^\s*-- \=//g<CR>j | |
" set nocindent comments=:-- | |
" endfunction | |
function! SpiceComment() | |
map - 0i* <ESC>j | |
map _ :s/^\s*\* \=//g<CR>j | |
set comments=:* | |
endfunction | |
function! ConfigComment() | |
map - 0idnl <ESC>j | |
map _ :s/^\s*dnl \=//g<CR>j | |
set comments=:dnl | |
endfunction | |
function! VimComment() | |
map - 0i" <ESC>j | |
map _ :s/^\s*" \=//g<CR>j | |
set comments=:\" | |
endfunction | |
function! XDefaultsComment() | |
map - 0i! <ESC>j | |
map _ :s/^\s*! \=//g<CR>j | |
set comments=:\! | |
endfunction | |
function! PostscriptComment() | |
map - 0i%% <ESC>j | |
map _ :s/^\s*%%\= \=//g<CR>j | |
set comments=:\! | |
endfunction | |
function! FT_text() | |
call PoundComment() | |
set tw=72 formatoptions=tcq | |
endfunction | |
autocmd Filetype html call HTMLComment() | |
autocmd Filetype vhdl call VHDLComment() | |
autocmd Filetype c call CComment() | |
autocmd Filetype css call CComment() | |
autocmd Filetype synopsys call CComment() | |
autocmd Filetype tex call TexComment() | |
autocmd Filetype cpp call CPlusPlusComment() | |
autocmd Filetype java call CPlusPlusComment() | |
autocmd Filetype verilog call CPlusPlusComment() | |
autocmd Filetype xdefaults call XDefaultsComment() | |
autocmd Filetype config call ConfigComment() | |
autocmd Filetype vim call VimComment() | |
autocmd Filetype lisp call LispComment() | |
autocmd Filetype skill call LispComment() | |
autocmd Filetype dosini call LispComment() | |
autocmd Filetype spice call SpiceComment() | |
autocmd Filetype perl call PoundComment() | |
autocmd Filetype apache call PoundComment() | |
autocmd Filetype csh call PoundComment() | |
autocmd Filetype sh call PoundComment() | |
autocmd Filetype cdslib call PoundComment() | |
autocmd Filetype tcl call PoundComment() | |
autocmd Filetype xs call PoundComment() | |
autocmd Filetype make call PoundComment() | |
autocmd Filetype conf call PoundComment() | |
autocmd Filetype fvwm call PoundComment() | |
autocmd Filetype samba call PoundComment() | |
autocmd Filetype php call PoundComment() | |
autocmd Filetype postscr call PostscriptComment() | |
autocmd Filetype text call FT_text() | |
autocmd Filetype zsh call PoundComment() | |
function FirstInPost (...) range | |
let cur = a:firstline | |
while cur <= a:lastline | |
let str = getline(cur) | |
if str == 'Subject: ' | |
execute cur | |
:start! | |
break | |
endif | |
if str == 'To: ' | |
execute cur | |
:start! | |
break | |
endif | |
" We have reached the end of the headers. | |
if str == '' | |
:start | |
normal gg/\n\n | |
jyypO | |
break | |
endif | |
let cur = cur + 1 | |
endwhile | |
endfunction | |
" Command to be called. | |
com Fip :set nosmartindent<Bar>:set tw=0<Bar>:%call FirstInPost() | |
function VeryBeautyQuote (...) range | |
" The regular expression used to match quoted lines. | |
" NOTE: modify this regexp if you have special needs. | |
let re_quote = '^>\(\a\{-,3}[>|]\|[> \t|]\)\{,5}' | |
set report=30000 " do not report the number of changed lines. | |
let cur = a:firstline | |
while cur <= a:lastline | |
let str = getline(cur) | |
" Match the quote. | |
let comm = matchstr(str, re_quote) | |
let newcomm = comm | |
let commlen = strlen(comm) | |
let filelen = line('$') | |
if commlen > 0 | |
let startl = cur | |
while newcomm == comm | |
" Strip the quote from this group of quoted lines. | |
let txt = substitute(str, re_quote, '', '') | |
call setline(cur, txt) | |
let cur = cur + 1 | |
let str = getline(cur) | |
let newcomm = matchstr(str, re_quote) | |
endwhile | |
let cur = cur - 1 | |
" Execute fmt for format the (un-)quoted lines. | |
" NOTE: you can call any other formatter that act like a command line | |
" filter. | |
" NOTE: 72 is the maximum length of a single line, including | |
" the length of the quote. | |
execute startl . ',' . cur . '!fmt -' . (72 - commlen) | |
" If the length of the file was changed, move the cursor accordingly. | |
let lendiff = filelen - line('$') | |
if lendiff != 0 | |
let cur = cur - lendiff | |
endif | |
" Restore the stripped quote. | |
execute startl . ',' . cur . 's/^/' . comm . '/g' | |
endif | |
let cur = cur + 1 | |
endwhile | |
endfunction | |
" Execute this command to beautifully rearrange the quoted lines. | |
com Vbq :let strl = line('.')<Bar>:%call VeryBeautyQuote()<Bar>:exec strl | |
"let fileType = &ft | |
"if fileType == 'php' | |
" iab _S $_SERVER[']hi | |
" iab _P $_POST[']hi | |
" iab _G $_GET[']hi | |
"endif | |
" vim: ts=30 sw=4 |
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