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Forked from IzzySoft/autoreviewcomments.user.js
Created February 25, 2014 10:54
Show Gist options
  • Save alerque/9206811 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save alerque/9206811 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// ==UserScript==
// @name AutoReviewComments
// @namespace benjol
// @version 1.3.0izzy2
// @description Add pro-forma comments dialog for reviewing (pre-flag)
// @grant none
// @include http://**
// @include http://**
// @include http://**
// @include http://**
// @include http://**
// @include http://**
// @include http://**
// @include http://**
// @include http://**
// @include http://**
// @include http://**
// @include http://**
// @include http://**
// @include http://**
// @include http://**
// @include http://**
// @include http://**
// @include http://**
// @include http://**
// @include http://**
// @include http://**
// @include http://**
// @include http://**
// @include http://**
// @include http://**
// @include http://**
// @include http://**
// @include http://**
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// ==/UserScript==
function with_jquery(f) {
var script = document.createElement("script");
script.type = "text/javascript";
script.textContent = "(" + f.toString() + ")(jQuery)";
with_jquery(function ($) {
StackExchange.ready(function () {
//**selfupdatingscript starts here (see
var VERSION = '1.3.0izzy2'; //<<<<<<<<<<<<*********************** DON'T FORGET TO UPDATE THIS!!!! *************************
var URL = "";
if(window["selfUpdaterCallback:" + URL]) {
window["selfUpdaterCallback:" + URL](VERSION);
function updateCheck(notifier) {
window["selfUpdaterCallback:" + URL] = function (newver) {
if(newver > VERSION) notifier(newver, VERSION, URL);
$("<script />").attr("src", URL).appendTo("head");
//**selfupdatingscript ends here (except for call to updateCheck further down in code)
//autoreviewcomments script starts here
var siteurl = window.location.hostname;
var arr = document.title.split(' - ');
var sitename = arr[arr.length - 1];
var username = 'user';
var myuserid = getLoggedInUserId();
var OP = 'OP';
var prefix = "AutoReviewComments-"; //prefix to avoid clashes in localstorage
sitename.replace(/ Stack Exchange/,'');
var greeting = 'Welcome to ' + sitename.replace(/ Stack Exchange/,'') + '! ';
var showGreeting = false;
var markupTemplate = ' \
<div id="popup" class="popup" style="width:690px; position: absolute; display: block"> \
<div id="close" class="popup-close"><a title="close this popup (or hit Esc)">&#215;</a></div> \
<h2 class="handle">Which review comment to insert?</h2> \
<div style="overflow:hidden" id="main"> \
<div class="popup-active-pane"> \
<div id="userinfo" style="padding:5px;background:#EAEFEF"> \
<img src=""/> \
</div> \
<ul class="action-list" style="height:440;overflow-y:auto" > \
</ul> \
</div> \
<div style="display:none" class="share-tip" id="remote-popup"> \
enter url for remote source of comments (use import/export to create jsonp) \
<input id="remoteurl" type="text" style="display: block; width: 400px;"\> \
<img id="throbber1" style="display:none" src=""/> \
<span id="remoteerror1" style="color:red"/> \
<div style="float:left"> \
<input type="checkbox" id="remoteauto"\> \
<label title="get from remote on every page refresh" for="remoteauto">auto-get</label> \
</div> \
<div style="float:right"> \
<a class="remote-get">get now</a> \
<span class="lsep"> | </span> \
<a class="remote-save">save</a> \
<span class="lsep"> | </span> \
<a class="remote-cancel">cancel</a> \
</div> \
</div> \ \
<div style="display:none" class="share-tip" id="welcome-popup"> \
configure "welcome" message (empty=none): \
<div> \
<input id="customwelcome" type="text" style="width: 300px;"\> \
</div> \
<div style="float:right"> \
<a class="welcome-force">force</a> \
<span class="lsep"> | </span> \
<a class="welcome-save">save</a> \
<span class="lsep"> | </span> \
<a class="welcome-cancel">cancel</a> \
</div> \
</div> \
<div class="popup-actions"> \
<div style="float: left; margin-top: 18px;"> \
<a title="close this popup (or hit Esc)" class="popup-actions-cancel">cancel</a> \
<span class="lsep"> | </span> \
<a title="see info about this popup" class="popup-actions-help" href="" target="_blank">info</a> \
<span class="lsep"> | </span> \
<a class="popup-actions-see">see-through</a> \
<span class="lsep"> | </span> \
<a title="reset any custom comments" class="popup-actions-reset">reset</a> \
<span class="lsep"> | </span> \
<a title="use this to import/export all comments" class="popup-actions-impexp">import/export</a> \
<span class="lsep"> | </span> \
<a title="use this to hide/show all comments" class="popup-actions-toggledesc">show/hide desc</a> \
<span class="lsep"> | </span> \
<a title="setup remote source" class="popup-actions-remote">remote</a> \
<img id="throbber2" style="display:none" src=""/> \
<span id="remoteerror2" style="color:red"/> \
<span class="lsep"> | </span> \
<a title="configure welcome" class="popup-actions-welcome">welcome</a> \
</div> \
<div style="float:right"> \
<input class="popup-submit" type="button" disabled="disabled" style="float:none; margin-left: 5px" value="Insert"> \
</div> \
</div> \
</div> \
var messageTemplate = ' \
<div id="announcement" style="background:orange;padding:7px;margin-bottom:10px;font-size:15px"> \
<span class="notify-close" style="border:2px solid black;cursor:pointer;display:block;float:right;margin:0 4px;padding:0 4px;line-height:17px"> \
<a title="dismiss this notification" style="color:black;text-decoration:none;font-weight:bold;font-size:16px">x</a> \
</span> \
<strong>$TITLE$</strong> $BODY$ \
var optionTemplate = ' \
<li> \
<input id="comment-$ID$" type="radio" name="commentreview"/> \
<label for="comment-$ID$"> \
<span id="name-$ID$" class="action-name">$NAME$</span> \
<span id="desc-$ID$" class="action-desc">$DESCRIPTION$</span> \
</label> \
//default comments
var defaultcomments = [
{ Name: "[Q]App recommendation", Description: "Please note that recommendations like *Is there an app for X* are off-topic here (see [What topics can I ask about here?](http://$SITEURL$/help/on-topic) for details). For where your question might fit better, you might want to look into [Where can I ask questions that aren't Android Enthusiast questions?]($MYUSERID$)", Site: "" },
{ Name: "[Q]Low question quality", Description: "We will need much more information to give good recommendations here. Please take a look at [What is required for a question to contain \"enough information\"?]($MYUSERID$) Then please [edit] your question and see if you can incorporate some of these improvements.", Site: "" },
{ Name: "[Q]Development question", Description: "This site is for *users* of Android, which means that questions about development/programming are off-topic here (see the [What topics can I ask about here?]( Development questions are on-topic on our sister site [Stack Overflow]( You might also wish to consult [Where can I ask questions that aren\'t Android Enthusiast questions?]($MYUSERID$) for a fitting place to your question.", Site: "" },
{ Name: "[Q]XY-problem", Description: "This seems to be an [XY problem]( Instead of trying to get your supposed solution working: Mind telling us about the issue behind it?" },
{ Name: "[Q]More than one question asked", Description: "The question-and-answer format of this site works best if you put each question in a separate question post. Please [edit] your post down to one question, and create new posts to ask any further questions. You\'ll get better answers that way."},
{ Name: "[Q]OP providing facts in a comment", Description: "The best way to add additional information to your question is by editing it, with the [edit] link. It is better visible that way, and comments are mainly for secondary, temporary purposes. Comments are removed under a variety of circumstances. Anything important to your question should be in the question itself."},
{ Name: "[Q]Frequent Question (use Search)", Description: "This happens to be a question frequently asked on our site. Have you tried our on-site search? See [How do I search?](http://$SITEURL$/help/searching) for help using it."},
{ Name: "[A]OP adding a new question as an answer", Description: "Remember this is a Q&A site, so keep on [edit]ing your question with new information – this section is for actual answers. If you have another question, please ask it by clicking the [Ask Question](http://$SITEURL$/questions/ask) button."},
{ Name: "[A]OP using an answer for further information", Description: "This is a question-and-answer site, not a forum. Please use the *Post answer* button only if you have a solution to the problem, so that other users can see your question is not yet answered. You can click *edit* on the question to add more information to it."},
{ Name: "[A]Answers just to say Thanks!", Description: "This is a question-and-answer site, not a forum – so please don\'t add \"thanks\" as answers. Invest some time in the site and you will gain sufficient [privileges](http://$SITEURL$/privileges) to upvote answers you like, which is the $SITENAME$ way of saying thank you." },
{ Name: "[A]Nothing but a URL (and isn\'t spam)", Description: "Whilst this may theoretically answer the question, [it would be preferable]( to include the essential parts of the answer here, and provide the link for reference. Otherwise, your answer becomes useless in case the link dies." },
{ Name: "[A]Comments as an answer (new users)", Description: "This is a question-and-answer site, not a forum: please don\'t add comments as answers. Invest some time in the site and you will gain sufficient [privileges](http://$SITEURL$/privileges) to upvote answers you like, or to add actual comments when seeking clarification of any issues."},
{ Name: "[A]Comments as an answer (experienced users)", Description: "This is a question-and-answer site, not a forum: please don\'t add comments as answers. Use actual comments when seeking clarification of any issues."},
{ Name: "[A]Answer that is a question", Description: "This is a question-and-answer site, not a forum. Please use the *Post answer* button only if you have a solution to the problem. If you have another question, please ask it by clicking the [Ask Question](http://$SITEURL$/questions/ask) button. Include a link to this question if it helps provide context."},
{ Name: "[A]Requests to OP for further information", Description: "This is really a comment, not an answer. With a bit more rep, [you will be able to post comments](http://$SITEURL$/privileges/comment). For the moment I\'ve added the comment for you, and I\'m flagging this post for deletion." },
{ Name: "[A]Another user adding a \'Me too!\'", Description: "This is a question-and-answer site, not a forum. Please use the *Post answer* button only if you have a solution to the problem. If you have a NEW question, please ask it by clicking the [Ask Question](http://$SITEURL$/questions/ask) button. If you have sufficient reputation, [you may upvote](http://$SITEURL$/privileges/vote-up) the question. Alternatively, \"star\" it as a favorite and you will be notified of any new answers." },
{ Name: "[A]Low quality answer", Description: "This post does not contain enough information to be considered a high quality answer. Please [read our discussion on what makes an answer high quality]($MYUSERID$) to see if you can incorporate some of these improvements into your answer, otherwise it will be removed.", Site: "" }
var weekday_name = ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"];
var minute = 60, hour = 3600, day = 86400, sixdays = 518400, week = 604800, month = 2592000, year = 31536000;
//Wrap local storage access so that we avoid collisions with other scripts
// function GetStorage(key) { return localStorage[prefix + key]; }
function GetStorage(key) { var st = localStorage[prefix + key]; if (st==undefined) return ''; return st; }
function SetStorage(key, val) { localStorage[prefix + key] = val; }
function RemoveStorage(key) { localStorage.removeItem(prefix + key); }
function ClearStorage(startsWith) {
for(var i = localStorage.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var key = localStorage.key(i);
if(key.indexOf(prefix + startsWith) == 0) localStorage.removeItem(key);
//Calculate and format datespan for "Member since/for"
function datespan(date) {
var now = new Date() / 1000;
var then = new Date(date * 1000);
var today = new Date().setHours(0, 0, 0) / 1000;
var nowseconds = now - today;
var elapsedSeconds = now - date;
var strout = "";
if(elapsedSeconds < nowseconds) strout = "since today";
else if(elapsedSeconds < day + nowseconds) strout = "since yesterday";
else if(elapsedSeconds < sixdays) strout = "since " + weekday_name[then.getDay()];
else if(elapsedSeconds > year) {
strout = "for " + Math.round((elapsedSeconds) / year) + " years";
if(((elapsedSeconds) % year) > month) strout += ", " + Math.round(((elapsedSeconds) % year) / month) + " months";
else if(elapsedSeconds > month) {
strout = "for " + Math.round((elapsedSeconds) / month) + " months";
if(((elapsedSeconds) % month) > week) strout += ", " + Math.round(((elapsedSeconds) % month) / week) + " weeks";
else {
strout = "for " + Math.round((elapsedSeconds) / week) + " weeks";
return strout;
//Calculate and format datespan for "Last seen"
function lastseen(date) {
var now = new Date() / 1000;
var today = new Date().setHours(0, 0, 0) / 1000;
var nowseconds = now - today;
var elapsedSeconds = now - date;
if(elapsedSeconds < minute) return (Math.round(elapsedSeconds) + " seconds ago");
if(elapsedSeconds < hour) return (Math.round((elapsedSeconds) / minute) + " minutes ago");
if(elapsedSeconds < nowseconds) return (Math.round((elapsedSeconds) / hour) + " hours ago");
if(elapsedSeconds < day + nowseconds) return ("yesterday");
var then = new Date(date * 1000);
if(elapsedSeconds < sixdays) return ("on " + weekday_name[then.getDay()]);
return then.toDateString();
//Format reputation string
function repNumber(r) {
if(r < 1E4) return r;
else if(r < 1E5) {
var d = Math.floor(Math.round(r / 100) / 10);
r = Math.round((r - d * 1E3) / 100);
return d + (r > 0 ? "." + r : "") + "k"
else return Math.round(r / 1E3) + "k"
// Get the Id of the logged-in user
function getLoggedInUserId() {
if ( document.getElementsByClassName('profile-me')[0].href.match(/\/users\/(\d+)\/.*/i) ) {
return RegExp.$1;
} else {
return '';
//Get userId for post
function getUserId(el) {
// a bit complicated, but we have to avoid edits (:last), not trip on CW questions (:not([id])), and not bubble
// out of post scope for deleted users (first()).
var userlink = el.parents('div').find('.post-signature:last').first().find('.user-details > a:not([id])');
if(userlink.length) return userlink.attr('href').split('/')[2];
return "[NULL]";
function isNewUser(date) {
return (new Date() / 1000) - date < week
function getOP() {
var userlink = $('#question').find('.owner').find('.user-details > a:not([id])');
if(userlink.length) return userlink.text();
var user = $('#question').find('.owner').find('.user-details'); //for deleted users
if(user.length) return user.text();
return "[NULL]";
//Ajax to Stack Exchange api to get basic user info, and paste into userinfo element
function getUserInfo(userid, container) {
var userinfo = container.find('#userinfo');
if(isNaN(userid)) {
type: "GET",
url: '' + userid + '?site=' + siteurl + '&jsonp=?',
dataType: "jsonp",
timeout: 2000,
success: function (data) {
if(data['items'].length > 0) {
var user = data['items'][0];
if(isNewUser(user['creation_date'])) {
showGreeting = true;
username = user['display_name'];
var usertype = user['user_type'].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + user['user_type'].slice(1);
var html = usertype + ' user <strong><a href="/users/' + userid + '" target="_blank">' + username + '</a></strong>, \
member <strong>' + datespan(user['creation_date']) + '</strong>, \
last seen <strong>' + lastseen(user['last_access_date']) + '</strong>, \
reputation <strong>' + repNumber(user['reputation']) + '</strong>';
userinfo.html(html.replace(/ +/g, ' '));
else userinfo.fadeOutAndRemove();
error: function () { userinfo.fadeOutAndRemove(); }
//Show textarea in front of popup to import/export all comments (for other sites or for posting somewhere)
function ImportExport(popup) {
var tohide = popup.find('#main');
var div = $('<div><textarea/><a class="jsonp">jsonp</a><span class="lsep"> | </span><a class="save">save</a><span class="lsep"> | </span><a class="cancel">cancel</a></div>');
//Painful, but shortest way I've found to position div over the tohide element
div.css({ position: 'absolute', left: tohide.position().left, top: tohide.position().top,
width: tohide.css('width'), height: tohide.css('height'), background: 'white'
var txt = '';
for(var i = 0; i < GetStorage("commentcount"); i++) {
var name = GetStorage('name-' + i);
var desc = GetStorage('desc-' + i);
var site = GetStorage('site-' + i);
if (site==undefined) site = '';
txt += '###' + name + '\n' + '§§§' + site + '\n' + htmlToMarkDown(desc) + '\n\n'; //the leading ### makes prettier if pasting to markdown, and differentiates names from descriptions
div.find('.jsonp').click(function () {
var txt = 'callback(\n[\n';
for(var i = 0; i < GetStorage("commentcount"); i++) {
txt += '{ "name": "' + GetStorage('name-' + i) + '", "description": "' + GetStorage('desc-' + i).replace(/"/g, '\\"') + '"},\n\n';
div.find('textarea').val(txt + ']\n)');
div.find('a:lt(2)').remove(); div.find('.lsep:lt(2)').remove();
div.find('.cancel').click(function () { div.fadeOutAndRemove(); });
div.find('.save').click(function () { DoImport(div.find('textarea').val()); WriteComments(popup); div.fadeOutAndRemove(); });
//Import complete text into comments
function DoImport(text) {
//clear out any existing stuff
ClearStorage("name-"); ClearStorage("desc-"); ClearStorage("site-");
var arr = text.split('\n');
var nameIndex = 0, descIndex = 0, siteIndex = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
var line = $.trim(arr[i]);
if(line.indexOf('#') == 0) {
SetStorage('name-' + nameIndex, line.substr(3));
else if(line.indexOf('§') == 0) {
SetStorage('site-' + siteIndex, line.substr(3));
else if(line.length > 0) {
var desc = markDownToHtml(line);
SetStorage('desc-' + descIndex, Tag(desc));
//This is de-normalised, but I don't care.
SetStorage("commentcount", Math.min(nameIndex, descIndex));
function htmlToMarkDown(html) {
markdown = html.replace(/<a href="(.+?)">(.+?)<\/a>/g, '[$2]($1)').replace(/&amp;/g, '&');
return markdown.replace(/<em>(.+?)<\/em>/g, '*$1*').replace(/<strong>(.+?)<\/strong>/g, '**$1**');
function markDownToHtml(markdown) {
html = markdown.replace(/\[([^\]]+)\]\((.+?)\)/g, '<a href="$2">$1</a>');
return html.replace(/\*\*(.+?)\*\*/g, '<strong>$1</strong>').replace(/\*([^`]+?)\*/g, '<em>$1</em>');
function UnTag(text) {
return text.replace(/\$SITENAME\$/g, sitename).replace(/\$SITEURL\$/g, siteurl).replace(/\$MYUSERID\$/g, myuserid);
function Tag(html) {
//put tags back in
var regname = new RegExp(sitename, "g"), regurl = new RegExp('http://' + siteurl, "g"), reguid = new RegExp('/' + myuserid + '[)]', "g");
return html.replace(regname, '$SITENAME$').replace(regurl, 'http://$SITEURL$').replace(reguid, '/$MYUSERID$)'); // myuserid/$MYUSERID$ ???
//Replace contents of element with a textarea (containing markdown of contents), and save/cancel buttons
function ToEditable(el) {
var backup = el.html();
var html = Tag(el.html().replace(greeting, '')); //remove greeting before editing..
if(html.indexOf('<textarea') > -1) return; //don't want to create a new textarea inside this one!
var txt = $('<textarea />').css('height', 2 * el.height())
.css('width', el.css('width'))
BorkFor(el); //this is a hack
//save/cancel links to add to textarea
var commands = $('<a>save</a>').click(function () { SaveEditable($(this).parent()); UnborkFor(el); })
.add('<span class="lsep"> | </span>')
.add($('<a>cancel</a>').click(function () { CancelEditable($(this).parent(), backup); UnborkFor(el); }));
//set contents of element to textarea with links
//This is to stop the input pinching focus when I click inside textarea
//Could have done something clever with contentEditable, but this is evil, and it annoys Yi :P
function BorkFor(el) {
var label = el.parent('label');
label.attr('for', 'borken');
function UnborkFor(el) {
var label = el.parent('label');
label.attr('for', label.prev().attr('id'));
//Save textarea contents, replace element html with new edited content
function SaveEditable(el) {
var html = markDownToHtml(el.find('textarea').val());
SetStorage(el.attr('id'), Tag(html));
el.html((showGreeting ? greeting : "") + UnTag(html));
function CancelEditable(el, backup) {
//Empty all custom comments from storage and rewrite to ui
function ResetComments() {
ClearStorage("name-"); ClearStorage("desc-"); ClearStorage("site-");
$.each(defaultcomments, function (index, value) {
SetStorage('name-' + index, value["Name"]);
SetStorage('desc-' + index, value["Description"]);
if ( value["Site"] == undefined ) SetStorage('site-' + index, '');
else SetStorage('site-' + index, value["Site"]);
SetStorage("commentcount", defaultcomments.length);
//rewrite all comments to ui (typically after import or reset)
function WriteComments(popup) {
if(!GetStorage("commentcount")) ResetComments();
var ul = popup.find('.action-list');
for(var i = 0; i < GetStorage("commentcount"); i++) {
var commenttype = GetCommentType(GetStorage('name-' + i));
if(commenttype == "any" || (commenttype == popup.posttype)) {
var tsite = GetStorage('site-' + i);
if ( !(tsite == undefined || tsite == '' || tsite == siteurl) ) continue;
var desc = GetStorage('desc-' + i).replace(/\$SITENAME\$/g, sitename).replace(/\$SITEURL\$/g, siteurl).replace(/\$MYUSERID\$/g, myuserid).replace(/\$/g, "$$$");
var opt = optionTemplate.replace(/\$ID\$/g, i)
.replace("$NAME$", GetStorage('name-' + i).replace(/\$/g, "$$$"))
.replace("$DESCRIPTION$", (showGreeting ? greeting : "") + desc);
function GetCommentType(comment) {
if(comment.indexOf('[Q]') > -1) return "question";
if(comment.indexOf('[A]') > -1) return "answer";
return "any";
function AddOptionEventHandlers(popup) {
popup.find('label > span').dblclick(function () { ToEditable($(this)); });
//add click handler to radio buttons
popup.find('input:radio').click(function () {
popup.find('.popup-submit').removeAttr("disabled"); //enable submit button
//unset/set selected class, hide others if necessary
if(GetStorage('hide-desc') == "hide") {
popup.find('input:radio').keyup(function (event) {
if(event.which == 13) {
//Adjust the descriptions so they show or hide based on the user's preference.
function ShowHideDescriptions(popup) {
//get list of all descriptions except the currently selected one
var descriptions = popup.find("ul.action-list li:not(.action-selected) span[id*='desc-']");
if(GetStorage('hide-desc') == "hide") {
else {;
//Show a message (like inside popup
function ShowMessage(popup, title, body, callback) {
var html = body.replace(/\n/g, '<BR/>');
var message = $(messageTemplate.replace("$TITLE$", title)
.replace('$BODY$', html));
message.find('.notify-close').click(function () {
//We only show announcement once for each version
function CheckForAnnouncement(popup) {
var previous = GetStorage("LastMessage");
GetRemote('', function (announcement) {
if(previous != {
ShowMessage(popup, "Service announcement", announcement.message, function () { SetStorage("LastMessage",; });
//Get remote content via ajax, target url must contain valid json wrapped in callback() function
function GetRemote(url, callback, onerror) {
$.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url + '?jsonp=?', dataType: "jsonp", jsonpCallback: "callback", timeout: 2000, success: callback, error: onerror, async: false });
//Check to see if a new version has become available since last check
// only checks once a day
function CheckForNewVersion(popup) {
var today = (new Date().setHours(0, 0, 0, 0));
var lastCheck = GetStorage("LastUpdateCheckDay");
if(lastCheck == null) { //first time visitor
ShowMessage(popup, "Please read this!", 'Thanks for installing this script. \
Please note that you can EDIT the texts inline by double-clicking them. \
For other options, please read the full text <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>.',
function () { });
if(lastCheck != null && lastCheck != today) {
var lastVersion = GetStorage("LastVersionAcknowledged");
updateCheck(function (newver, oldver, url) {
if(newver != lastVersion) {
ShowMessage(popup, "New Version!", 'A new version (' + newver + ') of the <a href="">AutoReviewComments</a> userscript is now available (this notification will only appear once per new version, and per site).',
function () { SetStorage("LastVersionAcknowledged", newver); });
SetStorage("LastUpdateCheckDay", today);
//customise welcome
//reverse compatible!
function LoadFromRemote(url, done, error) {
GetRemote(url, function (data) {
SetStorage("commentcount", data.length);
ClearStorage("name-"); ClearStorage("desc-");
$.each(data, function (index, value) {
SetStorage('name-' + index,;
SetStorage('desc-' + index, markDownToHtml(value.description));
if ( value.Site == undefined ) SetStorage('site-' + index, '');
else SetStorage('site-' + index, value.Site);
}, error);
//Factored out from main popu creation, just because it's too long
function SetupRemoteBox(popup) {
var remote = popup.find('#remote-popup');
var remoteerror = remote.find('#remoteerror1');
var urlfield = remote.find('#remoteurl');
var autofield = remote.find('#remoteauto');
var throbber = remote.find("#throbber1");
popup.find('.popup-actions-remote').click(function () {
autofield.prop('checked', GetStorage("AutoRemote") == 'true');;
popup.find('.remote-cancel').click(function () {
popup.find('.remote-save').click(function () {
SetStorage("RemoteUrl", urlfield.val());
SetStorage("AutoRemote", autofield.prop('checked'));
popup.find('.remote-get').click(function () {;
LoadFromRemote(urlfield.val(), function () {
}, function (d, msg) {
function SetupWelcomeBox(popup) {
var welcome = popup.find('#welcome-popup');
var custom = welcome.find('#customwelcome');
popup.find('.popup-actions-welcome').click(function () {
popup.find('.welcome-cancel').click(function () {
popup.find('.welcome-force').click(function () {
showGreeting = true;
popup.find('.welcome-save').click(function () {
var msg = custom.val() == "" ? "NONE" : custom.val();
SetStorage("WelcomeMessage", msg);
greeting = custom.val();
//This is where the real work starts - add the 'auto' link next to each comment 'help' link
//use most local root-nodes possible (have to exist on page load) - #questions is for review pages
$("#content").delegate(".comments-link", "click", function () {
var divid = $(this).attr('id').replace('-link', '');
var posttype = $(this).parents(".question, .answer").attr("class").split(' ')[0]; //slightly fragile
if($('#' + divid).find('.comment-auto-link').length > 0) return; //don't create auto link if already there
var newspan = $('<span class="lsep"> | </span>').add($('<a class="comment-auto-link">auto</a>').click(function () {
//Create popup and wire-up the functionality
var popup = $(markupTemplate);
popup.find('.popup-close').click(function () { popup.fadeOutAndRemove(); });
popup.posttype = posttype;
//Reset this, otherwise we get the greeting twice...
showGreeting = false;
//create/add options
//Add handlers for command links
popup.find('.popup-actions-cancel').click(function () { popup.fadeOutAndRemove(); });
popup.find('.popup-actions-reset').click(function () { ResetComments(); WriteComments(popup); });
popup.find('.popup-actions-see').hover(function () {
popup.fadeTo('fast', '0.4').children().not('#close').fadeTo('fast', '0.0')
}, function () {
popup.fadeTo('fast', '1.0').children().not('#close').fadeTo('fast', '1.0')
popup.find('.popup-actions-impexp').click(function () { ImportExport(popup); });
popup.find('.popup-actions-toggledesc').click(function () {
var hideDesc = GetStorage('hide-desc') || "show";
SetStorage('hide-desc', hideDesc == "show" ? "hide" : "show");
//Handle remote url & welcome
//on submit, convert html to markdown and copy to comment textarea
popup.find('.popup-submit').click(function () {
var selected = popup.find('input:radio:checked');
var markdown = htmlToMarkDown(selected.parent().find('.action-desc').html()).replace(/\[username\]/g, username).replace(/\[OP\]/g, OP);
$('#' + divid).find('textarea').val(markdown).focus(); //focus provokes character count test
var caret = markdown.indexOf('[type here]')
if(caret >= 0) $('#' + divid).find('textarea')[0].setSelectionRange(caret, caret + '[type here]'.length);
//Auto-load from remote if required
if(!window.VersionChecked && GetStorage("AutoRemote") == 'true') {
var throbber = popup.find("#throbber2");
var remoteerror = popup.find('#remoteerror2');;
function () { WriteComments(popup); throbber.hide(); },
function (d, msg) { remoteerror.text(msg); });
//check if we need to show announcement
//Timing issues here: if we put this before remote code, data from announcement and remote get mixed up
//if(!window.VersionChecked) CheckForAnnouncement(popup); //commented out, this has to be dismissed on every site - not a good idea!
//add popup and center on screen
$('#' + divid).append(popup);;
//Get user info and inject
var userid = getUserId($(this));
getUserInfo(userid, popup);
OP = getOP();
//We only actually perform the updates check when someone clicks, this should make it less costly, and more timely
//also wrap it so that it only gets called the *FIRST* time we open this dialog on any given page (not much of an optimisation).
if(!window.VersionChecked) { CheckForNewVersion(popup); window.VersionChecked = true; }
//$('#' + divid).find('.comment-help-link').parent().append(newspan);
setTimeout(function() {
$('#' + divid).find('.comment-help-link').parent().append(newspan);
}, 15);
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