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Created December 4, 2012 13:30
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lazy translation getter
def lazy_translation_getter(self, name, default=None):
Lazy translation getter that fetches translations from DB in case the instance is currently untranslated and
saves the translation instance in the translation cache
stuff = self.safe_translation_getter(name, NoTranslation)
if stuff is not NoTranslation:
return stuff
# get all translations
translations = self._meta.translations_model.objects.filter(
# make them a nice dict
translation_dict = {}
for translation in translations:
translation_dict[translation.language_code] = translation
# see if we have the right language
correct_language = translation_dict.get(get_language())
if correct_language:
setattr(self, self._meta.translations_cache, correct_language)
return getattr(correct_language, name, default)
# otherwise just get any language (really?)
any_language = translation_dict.values()[0]
except IndexError:
return default
# cache it (really?)
setattr(self, self._meta.translations_cache, any_language)
return getattr(any_language, name, default)
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