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Last active December 22, 2015 07:58
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Matrix computations on the C++11 templates.
#include "matrix.h"
template class Matrix<4, 1>;
template class Matrix<4, 4>;
#ifndef CAD_MATRIX_H_
#define CAD_MATRIX_H_
// Empty type to identify return type of functions.
struct None {};
// templates prototypes to work with linked types.
template <class T> class MatrixDelegate;
template <unsigned int N,
unsigned int M,
class value_t = double,
template <class> class Delegate = MatrixDelegate,
class this_t = None> class Matrix;
// All work with entire matrix data are made by MatrixDelegate classes.
// You cannot construct an object of this class but you can redefine some
// methods to make it faster. Than you can use Matrix template argument.
template <class T>
class MatrixDelegate {
// Entire matrix value type.
typedef typename T::value_type value_t;
// Matrix size.
static const unsigned int N = T::HEIGHT;
static const unsigned int M = T::WIDTH;
// Addition.
template <class other_value_t, template <class> class OtherDelegate>
static void add(T& dest,
const Matrix<N, M, other_value_t, OtherDelegate>& arg) {
other_value_t *from =;
for (value_t *it =, *end = it + N * M; it != end; ++it, ++from)
*it += *from;
static void add(T& dest, const value_t& arg) {
for (value_t *it =, *end = it + N * M; it != end; ++it)
*it += arg;
// Subtraction.
template <class other_value_t, template <class> class OtherDelegate>
static void sub(T& dest,
const Matrix<N, M, other_value_t, OtherDelegate>& arg) {
other_value_t *from =;
for (value_t *it =, *end = it + N * M; it != end; ++it, ++from)
*it -= *from;
static void sub(T& dest, const value_t& arg) {
for (value_t *it =, *end = it + N * M; it != end; ++it)
*it -= arg;
// Multiplication
template <unsigned int P,
class other_value_t,
template <class> class OtherDelegate>
static Matrix<N, P, value_t, MatrixDelegate> mul(const T& left,
const Matrix<M, P, other_value_t, OtherDelegate>& right) {
Matrix<N, P, value_t, MatrixDelegate> res;
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < P; ++j) {
value_t v = 0.0f;
for (int k = 0; k < M; ++k)
v += left.get(i, k) * right.get(k, j);
res.set(i, j, v);
return res;
static void mul(T& dest, const value_t& arg) {
for (value_t *it =, *end = it + N * M; it != end; ++it)
*it *= arg;
// Division by number.
static void div(T& dest, const value_t& arg) {
for (value_t *it =, *end = it + N * M; it != end; ++it)
*it /= arg;
// Dot product.
template <class other_value_t, template <class> class OtherDelegate>
static value_t dot(const T& left,
const Matrix<N, M, other_value_t, OtherDelegate>& right) {
value_t res(0.0f);
other_value_t *rit =;
for (value_t *it =, *end = it + N * M; it != end; ++it, ++rit)
res += *it * *rit;
// Constructor is private to prevent object creation.
// MatrixType structure used to detect the return value type of operations.
template <unsigned int N,
unsigned int M,
class value_t,
template <class> class Delegate,
class this_t>
struct MatrixType {
typedef this_t this_type;
// Specialization for None as this_t.
template <unsigned int N,
unsigned int M,
class value_t,
template <class> class Delegate>
struct MatrixType<N, M, value_t, Delegate, None> {
typedef Matrix<N, M, value_t, Delegate, None> this_type;
// Matrix class. You can inherit it in your class but must provide correct
// this_t argument to make sure that matrix operations works with your type.
template <unsigned int N,
unsigned int M,
class value_t,
template <class> class Delegate,
class this_t>
class Matrix {
// Entire value_type. Defined for the delegate class.
typedef value_t value_type;
// Return type. Matrix<N, M, value_t, Delegate, None> if this_t is None.
// Else - this_t.
typedef typename MatrixType<N, M, value_t, Delegate, this_t>::this_type
// Delegate instance.
typedef Delegate<Matrix> delegate_type;
// Size constants for delegate.
static const unsigned int HEIGHT = N;
static const unsigned int WIDTH = M;
// Default constructor.
: data_(new value_t[N * M]) {
// Copy constructor.
Matrix(const this_type& arg)
: data_(new value_t[N * M]) {
for (value_t *it = data_, *end = it + N * M, *from = arg.data_; it != end;
++it, ++from)
*it = *from;
// Convertion constructor.
template <class other_value_t, template <class> class OtherDelegate>
explicit Matrix(const Matrix<N, M, other_value_t, OtherDelegate>& arg)
: data_(new value_t[N * M]) {
other_value_t *from = arg.data_;
for (value_t *it = data_, *end = data_ + N * M; it != end; ++it, ++from)
*it = *from;
virtual ~Matrix() {};
// Addition.
template <class T>
this_type& operator+= (const T& arg) {
Delegate<this_type>::add(*this, arg);
return *this;
template <class T>
this_type operator+ (const T& arg) const {
return this_type(*this) += arg;
// Subtraction.
template <class T>
this_type& operator-= (const T& arg) {
Delegate<this_type>::sub(*this, arg);
return *this;
template <class T>
this_type operator- (const T& arg) const {
return this_type(*this) -= arg;
// Multiplication.
template <class T>
this_type& operator*= (const T& arg) {
Delegate<this_type>::mul(*this, arg);
return *this;
template <class T>
this_type operator* (const T& arg) const {
return this_type(*this) *= arg;
// Division by number.
this_type& operator/= (const value_t& arg) {
Delegate<this_type>::div(*this, arg);
return *this;
this_type operator/ (const value_t& arg) const {
return this_type(*this) /= arg;
// Dot product.
template <class T>
this_type& operator%= (const T& arg) {
Delegate<this_type>::dot(*this, arg);
return *this;
template <class T>
this_type operator% (const T& arg) const {
return this_type(*this) %= arg;
// Assignment operator.
template <class... Args>
this_type& operator= (const Matrix<N, M, Args...>& arg) {
return *this;
// Swap entire contents of matrixes.
void Swap(this_type& other) {
value_t *ptr = data_;
data_ = other.data_;
other.data_ = ptr;
// Returns value of cell [i+1, j+1]
value_t get(unsigned int i, unsigned int j) const {
if (i < N && j < M)
return data_[i * M + j];
return 0.0f;
// Sets value of cell [i+1, j+1]
void set(unsigned int i, unsigned int j, value_t v) {
if (i < N && j < M)
data_[i * M + j] = v;
// Sets contents of matrix to 0.0f.
void clear() {
for (value_t *it = data_, *end = data_ + N * M; it != end; ++it)
*it = 0.0f;
// Returns pointer to the entire data.
value_t * data() { return data_; }
const value_t * data() const { return data_; }
// Entire data array. It made as pointer to make possible fast swap operation.
value_t *data_;
// Make compilation faster.
// Instance this template specialisations in the
extern template class Matrix<4, 1>;
extern template class Matrix<4, 4>;
#endif // CAD_MATRIX_H_
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