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Last active September 8, 2021 07:09
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  • Save alex-gable/d18eef6081b0896ffadbc5450ded0345 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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update function that works with pak
update_pak <- function() {
`%>%` <- magrittr::`%>%`
pl <- pak::lib_status() %>%
dplyr::mutate(package_full =
dplyr::coalesce(repository, remotetype) == "CRAN" ~ package,
dplyr::coalesce(repository, remotetype) == "github" ~
paste0(remoteusername, "/", remoterepo),
TRUE ~ NA_character_)) %>%
ap <- tibble::as_tibble(utils::available.packages())
cran_plu <- pl %>%
dplyr::filter(repository == "CRAN") %>%
dplyr::inner_join(ap, by = c(package = "Package")) %>%
dplyr::filter(version < Version) %>%
gh_plu <- pl %>%
dplyr::filter(dplyr::coalesce(repository, remotetype) == "github") %>%
pak::pkg_install(cran_plu, upgrade = TRUE)
pak::pkg_install(gh_plu, upgrade = TRUE)
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fails if a build fails, doesn't exit properly if nothing to update.

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