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Last active February 12, 2020 23:55
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#lang racket
;; See
;; You will need to clone and fix the
;; require below to point to the al-interactive.rkt file. You will also need
;; to update the session ids as they reference activities in my own database.
(require plot)
(require "../../ActivityLog2/etc/al-interactive.rkt")
(require math/statistics)
(require racket/draw)
(define img-width 800)
(define img-height 400)
;;........................................................... utilities ....
(define (efficiency-factor/run hr speed)
(* 100 (/ speed hr)))
(define (humidex temperature dew-point)
(let* ((dewpk (+ dew-point 273.16))
(e (* 6.11 (exp (* 5417.7530 (- (/ 1 273.16) (/ 1 dewpk))))))
(h (* 0.5555 (- e 10.0))))
(exact-round (+ temperature h))))
;;............................................... construct the data set ....
;; The 'df' data-frame% contains an entry for each running session. The
;; following data series are present:
;; "start_time" -- Unix timestamp for the start of the session
;; "sid" -- the database session id
;; "speed" -- average speed for the session in meters/second
;; "ga-speed" -- grade adjusted average speed in meters/second
;; "hr" -- average heart rate for the session
;; "hr-stddev" -- STDDEV for the heart rate (higher values indicate interval
;; workouts)
;; "body_weight" -- body weight at the time of the session, in kilograms
;; "hill-pct" -- percentage of the route with a grade greater than 2% or less
;; than -2%, this is an indicator of how hilly the course is
;; "temperature" -- temperature for the session, in degrees Celsius
;; "humidity" -- relative humidity as a percentage
;; "dew_point" -- dew point, in degrees Celsius, see
;; "humidex" -- Humidex for the session (this is a "feels like" temperature),
;; in degrees Celsius, see
;; "ef" -- efficiency factor calculated as 100 * speed / hr
;; "ga-ef" -- grade adjusted efficiency factor, same as 'ef' but calculated
;; using the grade adjusted speed
(define df
(file->string "session-data.sql")))
(define ga-speed-cache (make-hash))
(define hill-pct-cache (make-hash))
(define hr-stddev-cache (make-hash))
;; Calculate derived data for SESSION-ID (Grade-Adjusted Speed, Hill Percent
;; and Heart Rate StdDev) and store it in GA-SPEED-CACHE, HILL-PCT-CACHE and
;; HR-STDDEV-CACHE with SESSION-ID as the key. This is done here to avoid
;; loading session data frames multiple time, as the DF cache is smaller than
;; the number of sessions we have to process.
(define (update-parameters-for session-id)
(let* ((sdf (sid->df session-id))
(gaspd-stats (df-statistics sdf "gaspd"))
(hr-stats (df-statistics sdf "hr"))
(grade-histogram (df-histogram sdf "grade" #:as-percentage? #t)))
(hash-set! ga-speed-cache session-id (statistics-mean gaspd-stats))
(hash-set! hr-stddev-cache session-id (statistics-stddev hr-stats))
(when grade-histogram
(hash-set! hill-pct-cache
;; NOTE: histogram percentages are from 1 .. 100, we convert
;; them to 0 .. 1 range
(/ (for/sum ((item grade-histogram)
#:when (> (abs (vector-ref item 0)) 2))
(vector-ref item 1))
;; Update derived data for all sessions in our data set, this is a slow
;; operation, so we print out a progress bar.
(printf "Fetching data for ~a sessions ~%" (send df get-row-count))
(let ((count 0))
(send df for-each '("sid")
(lambda (sid)
(set! count (add1 count))
(printf ".")
(when (zero? (remainder count 50))
(printf " ~a sessions done~%" count))
(define session-id (vector-ref sid 0))
(update-parameters-for session-id)
(printf "~%Fetching data for ~a sessions ... done.~%" (send df get-row-count))
(printf "Adding extra series ...")(flush-output)
(df-generate-series df "humidex" '("temperature" "dew_point") humidex)
(df-generate-series df "ga-speed" '("sid") (lambda (sid) (hash-ref ga-speed-cache sid #f)))
(df-generate-series df "hill-pct" '("sid") (lambda (sid) (hash-ref hill-pct-cache sid #f)))
(df-generate-series df "hr-stddev" '("sid") (lambda (sid) (hash-ref hr-stddev-cache sid #f)))
(df-generate-series df "ef" '("hr" "speed") efficiency-factor/run)
(df-generate-series df "ga-ef" '("hr" "ga-speed") efficiency-factor/run)
(printf " done.~%")(flush-output)
;;......................................... temperature vs ef data set ....
;; The 'tdf' data frame contains an entry for each recorded temperature in
;; `df' along with average efficiency factor data at that temperature. It
;; contains the following series:
;; "temperature" -- temperature in degrees Celsius
;; "num-samples" -- number of runs at this temperature
;; "avg-ef" -- the average efficiency factors of the runs at this temperature
;; "stddev-ef" -- the standard deviation of the efficiency factors for the
;; runs at this temperature
;; "avg-ga-ef" -- the average grade adjusted efficiency factors for the runs
;; at this temperature.
;; "stddev-ga-ef" -- the standard deviation of the grade adjusted efficiency
;; factors for the runs at this temperature
(printf "Preparing temperature data frame ...")(flush-output)
(define tdf (new data-frame%))
(let ((data-1 (make-hash))
(data-2 (make-hash)))
(for ((item (send df select* "temperature" "ef" "ga-ef" #:filter valid-only)))
(match-define (vector temperature ef ga-ef) item)
(hash-update! data-1 (exact-round temperature)
(lambda (v) (cons ef v))
(lambda () '()))
(hash-update! data-2 (exact-round temperature)
(lambda (v) (cons ga-ef v))
(lambda () '())))
(let ((t-list '())
(nsamples-list '())
(avg-ef-list '())
(stddev-ef-list '())
(avg-ga-ef-list '())
(stddev-ga-ef-list '()))
(for ((key (in-list (sort (hash-keys data-1) >))))
(define stats-1 (update-statistics* empty-statistics (hash-ref data-1 key)))
(define stats-2 (update-statistics* empty-statistics (hash-ref data-2 key)))
(set! t-list (cons key t-list))
(set! nsamples-list (cons (length (hash-ref data-1 key)) nsamples-list))
(set! avg-ef-list (cons (statistics-mean stats-1) avg-ef-list))
(set! stddev-ef-list (cons (statistics-stddev stats-1) stddev-ef-list))
(set! avg-ga-ef-list (cons (statistics-mean stats-2) avg-ga-ef-list))
(set! stddev-ga-ef-list (cons (statistics-stddev stats-2) stddev-ga-ef-list)))
(df-add-series tdf "temperature" t-list)
(df-add-series tdf "num-samples" nsamples-list)
(df-add-series tdf "avg-ef" avg-ef-list)
(df-add-series tdf "stddev-ef" stddev-ef-list)
(df-add-series tdf "avg-ga-ef" avg-ga-ef-list)
(df-add-series tdf "stddev-ga-ef" stddev-ga-ef-list)))
(printf " done.~%")(flush-output)
;;............................................ humidex vs ef data set ....
;; The 'hxdf' data frame contains an entry for each recorded humidex value in
;; `df' along with average efficiency factors data at that temperature. It
;; contains the following series:
;; "humidex" -- Humidex value in degrees Celsius
;; "num-samples" -- number of runs at this temperature
;; "avg-ef" -- the average efficiency factor of the runs at this temperature
;; "stddev-ef" -- the standard deviation of the efficiency factor for the runs
;; at this temperature
;; "avg-ga-ef" -- the average grade adjusted efficiency factor for the runs at
;; this temperature.
;; "stddev-ga-ef" -- the standard deviation of the grade adjusted efficiency
;; factor for the runs at this temperature
(printf "Preparing humidex data frame ...")(flush-output)
(define hxdf (new data-frame%))
(let ((data-1 (make-hash))
(data-2 (make-hash)))
(for ((item (send df select* "humidex" "ef" "ga-ef" #:filter valid-only)))
(match-define (vector temperature ef ga-ef) item)
(hash-update! data-1 temperature
(lambda (v) (cons ef v))
(lambda () '()))
(hash-update! data-2 temperature
(lambda (v) (cons ga-ef v))
(lambda () '())))
(let ((t-list '())
(nsamples-list '())
(avg-ef-list '())
(stddev-ef-list '())
(avg-ga-ef-list '())
(stddev-ga-ef-list '())
(count-ga-ef-list '()))
(for ((key (in-list (sort (hash-keys data-1) >))))
(define stats-1 (update-statistics* empty-statistics (hash-ref data-1 key)))
(define stats-2 (update-statistics* empty-statistics (hash-ref data-2 key)))
(set! t-list (cons key t-list))
(set! nsamples-list (cons (length (hash-ref data-1 key)) nsamples-list))
(set! avg-ef-list (cons (statistics-mean stats-1) avg-ef-list))
(set! stddev-ef-list (cons (statistics-stddev stats-1) stddev-ef-list))
(set! avg-ga-ef-list (cons (statistics-mean stats-2) avg-ga-ef-list))
(set! stddev-ga-ef-list (cons (statistics-stddev stats-2) stddev-ga-ef-list)))
(define (add-series df name data)
(send df add-series (new data-series% [name name] [data (list->vector data)])))
(add-series hxdf "humidex" t-list)
(add-series hxdf "num-samples" nsamples-list)
(add-series hxdf "avg-ef" avg-ef-list)
(add-series hxdf "stddev-ef" stddev-ef-list)
(add-series hxdf "avg-ga-ef" avg-ga-ef-list)
(add-series hxdf "stddev-ga-ef" stddev-ga-ef-list)))
(printf " done.~%")(flush-output)
;;....................................................... exporting data ....
;; Export our data frames to CVS files to be loaded into other tools like
;; Excel or R for further analysis. Three files are created:
;; * 'session-data.csv' -- contains an entry for each running session with the
;; average speed, heart rate, temperature data, plus other things (data is
;; from the 'df' data-frame%)
;; * 'temperature-ef-data.csv' -- contains an entry for each recorded
;; temperature with the number of samples (running session) at that
;; temperature and the average efficiency factor, and average grade adjusted
;; efficiency factor. (data is from the 'tdf' data-frame%)
;; * 'humidex-ef-data.csv' -- same as 'temperature-ef-data.csv' but for
;; the 'HUMIDEX' value instead of the temperature (data is from the 'hxdf'
;; data-frame%)
(define (export-data)
(lambda (out)
(df-write/csv out df
"start_time" "sid" "speed" "ga-speed" "hr" "hr-stddev"
"body_weight" "hill-pct"
"temperature" "humidity" "dew_point" "humidex"
"ef" "ga-ef"))
#:exists 'replace)
(lambda (out)
(df-write/csv out tdf
"temperature" "num-samples"
"avg-ef" "stddev-ef"
"avg-ga-ef" "stddev-ga-ef"))
#:exists 'replace)
(lambda (out)
(df-write/csv out hxdf
"humidex" "num-samples"
"avg-ef" "stddev-ef"
"avg-ga-ef" "stddev-ga-ef"))
#:exists 'replace))
;;..................................................... generating plots ....
(define (fitted-ga-ef humidex)
(+ 1.8347990118 (* 0.0114733678 humidex) (* -0.0002975829 humidex humidex)))
(define (generate-humidex-ga-ef-plot)
(define scatter-data (send df select* "humidex" "ga-ef" #:filter valid-only))
(define avg-scatter-data (send hxdf select* "humidex" "avg-ga-ef" #:filter valid-only))
(define c0 (make-object color% 165 165 165))
(define c1 (make-object color% 237 125 49))
(define c2 (make-object color% 68 114 196))
(parameterize ((plot-legend-anchor 'top-right)
(plot-title #f)
(plot-x-label "Temperature (℃)")
(plot-y-label "Efficiency Factor"))
(make-scatter-renderer scatter-data #:color c0 #:size 1.5 #:label "Efficiency Factor" #:alpha 0.5)
(make-scatter-renderer avg-scatter-data #:color c1 #:size 3 #:label "Average" #:alpha 0.8)
(function fitted-ga-ef #:color c2 #:width 4 #:style 'long-dash #:label "Trendline"))
#:x-min 0 #:x-max 45
#:y-min 1.5 #:y-max 2.5
#:width img-width
#:height img-height)))
(define (generate-temperature-histogram-plot df temperature-series temperature-label out-file-name)
(define hx-hist (df-histogram df temperature-series))
;;(define c (make-object color% 102 188 255))
(define c (make-object color% 68 114 196))
(parameterize ((plot-legend-anchor 'top-right)
(plot-title #f)
(plot-x-label temperature-label)
(plot-y-label "Number of Running Sessions"))
(make-histogram-renderer hx-hist #:color c)
#:width img-width
#:height img-height)))
## Fit a second degree polynomial in the format a * X ^ 2 + b * X + c on the
## efficiency factor versus temperature data. The input data was generated
## from running sessions in an ActivityLog2 database by the
## 'ef-temperature.rkt' Racket script and it is imported from CSV files.
## We fit four combinations:
## * efficiency factor as a function of temperature (t.ef)
## * grade adjusted efficiency factor as a function of temperature
## (
## * efficiency factor as a function of humidex, a "feels like" temperature
## estimate (hx.ef)
## * grade adjusted efficiency factor as a function of humidex (
## get the current directory of the script, so we can load CSV files relative
## to the location of this script.
this.dir <- dirname(sys.frame(1)$ofile); <- file.path(this.dir, "temperature-ef-data.csv"); <- file.path(this.dir, "humidex-ef-data.csv"); <- read.csv(; <- read.csv(;
hx.ef <- lm(formula = avg.ef ~ poly(humidex, 2, raw=TRUE),;
names(hx.ef$coefficients) <- c('c', 'b', 'a'); <- lm(formula = ~ poly(humidex, 2, raw=TRUE),;
names($coefficients) <- c('c', 'b', 'a');
t.ef <- lm(formula = avg.ef ~ poly(temperature, 2, raw=TRUE),;
names(t.ef$coefficients) <- c('c', 'b', 'a'); <- lm(formula = ~ poly(temperature, 2, raw=TRUE),;
names($coefficients) <- c('c', 'b', 'a');
message("Coefficients for fitting temperature vs efficiency factor:");
message("Coefficients for fitting temperature vs grade adjusted efficiency factor:");
message("Coefficients for fitting humidex vs efficiency factor:");
message("Coefficients for fitting humidex vs grade adjusted efficiency factor:");
> source('~/Projects/AlAnalysis/ef-vs-temperature/fit-ef-temperature.r')
Coefficients for fitting temperature vs efficiency factor:
c b a
1.8489762675 0.0086945355 -0.0002560993
lm(formula = avg.ef ~ poly(temperature, 2, raw = TRUE), data =
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-0.07979 -0.02032 0.00451 0.01693 0.08988
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
c 1.849e+00 3.573e-02 51.750 < 2e-16 ***
b 8.695e-03 3.416e-03 2.545 0.01629 *
a -2.561e-04 7.291e-05 -3.513 0.00143 **
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
Residual standard error: 0.03748 on 30 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.526, Adjusted R-squared: 0.4944
F-statistic: 16.65 on 2 and 30 DF, p-value: 1.369e-05
Coefficients for fitting temperature vs grade adjusted efficiency factor:
c b a
1.8583853928 0.0088294731 -0.0002656736
lm(formula = ~ poly(temperature, 2, raw = TRUE), data =
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-0.081085 -0.016782 0.004513 0.018862 0.086066
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
c 1.858e+00 3.401e-02 54.635 < 2e-16 ***
b 8.829e-03 3.252e-03 2.715 0.010877 *
a -2.657e-04 6.941e-05 -3.828 0.000612 ***
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
Residual standard error: 0.03568 on 30 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.5867, Adjusted R-squared: 0.5592
F-statistic: 21.3 on 2 and 30 DF, p-value: 1.752e-06
Coefficients for fitting humidex vs efficiency factor:
c b a
1.8173862364 0.0121595112 -0.0003088752
lm(formula = avg.ef ~ poly(humidex, 2, raw = TRUE), data =
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-0.059137 -0.019832 -0.002467 0.013722 0.079316
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
c 1.817e+00 2.716e-02 66.924 < 2e-16 ***
b 1.216e-02 2.594e-03 4.687 4.62e-05 ***
a -3.089e-04 5.459e-05 -5.659 2.64e-06 ***
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
Residual standard error: 0.03313 on 33 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.601, Adjusted R-squared: 0.5768
F-statistic: 24.85 on 2 and 33 DF, p-value: 2.609e-07
Coefficients for fitting humidex vs grade adjusted efficiency factor:
c b a
1.8347990118 0.0114733678 -0.0002975829
lm(formula = ~ poly(humidex, 2, raw = TRUE), data =
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-0.051693 -0.024896 -0.000276 0.011807 0.082331
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
c 1.835e+00 2.730e-02 67.200 < 2e-16 ***
b 1.147e-02 2.608e-03 4.399 0.000107 ***
a -2.976e-04 5.488e-05 -5.422 5.31e-06 ***
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
Residual standard error: 0.03331 on 33 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.6001, Adjusted R-squared: 0.5759
F-statistic: 24.76 on 2 and 33 DF, p-value: 2.704e-07
select VAL.session_id as sid,
VAL.start_time as start_time, as hr,
VAL.speed as speed,
VAL.body_weight as body_weight,
VAL.temperature as temperature,
VAL.humidity as humidity,
VAL.dew_point as dew_point
where = 1
and is not null
and VAL.speed is not null
and VAL.temperature is not null
and VAL.session_id not in (
select SL.session_id
where SL.label_id =
and = 'equipment-failure')
order by VAL.start_time
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