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Created June 13, 2018 04:37
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Racket code to load GPX files
#lang racket
(require xml
(only-in srfi/19 string->date)
(provide gpx-load
;; Read the GPX XML document from the input port IN. While reading the XML
;; contents, white space is collapsed and comments are skipped.
(define (read-gpx in)
(parameterize ((collapse-whitespace #t)
(read-comments #f))
(read-xml/document in)))
;; Convenience function to check if E is an XML document by NAME
(define (e-name? e name)
(and (element? e) (eq? (element-name e) name)))
(define (get-track gpx)
(for/first ([e (element-content gpx)] #:when (e-name? e 'trk))
(define (get-first-track-seg track)
(for/first ([e (element-content track)] #:when (e-name? e 'trkseg))
(define (count-track-points track)
(for/sum ([e (element-content track)] #:when (e-name? e 'trkpt))
(define (parse-track-point trkpt)
(let ((lat #f)
(lon #f)
(timestamp #f)
(elevation #f))
(for ([a (element-attributes trkpt)])
(case (attribute-name a)
((lat) (set! lat (string->number (attribute-value a))))
((lon) (set! lon (string->number (attribute-value a))))))
(for ([e (element-content trkpt)] #:when (element? e))
(let ((data (pcdata-string
(for/first ([e (element-content e)] #:when (pcdata? e)) e))))
(case (element-name e)
((time) (set! timestamp (date->seconds (string->date data "~Y-~m-~dT~H:~M:~SZ"))))
((ele) (set! elevation (string->number data))))))
(list timestamp lat lon elevation)))
;; Read track points from the GPX document specified as an input port.
;; Returns a vector of track points, each track point is a (vector lat lon
;; distance elevation timestamp)
;; * only the first track segment is read from the GPX file
;; * way-points are not read
;; HINT: to read the GPX from a file name use:
;; (call-with-input-file FILE-NAME gpx-read-trackpoints)
(define (gpx-read-trackpoints in)
(define gpx
(let* ((xml (read-gpx in))
(e (document-element xml)))
(if (eq? (element-name e) 'gpx)
(error "not a gpx file"))))
(define track (get-track gpx))
(unless track (error "could not find track"))
(define track-segment (get-first-track-seg track))
(unless track-segment (error "could not find track segment"))
(define track-points (make-vector (count-track-points track-segment)))
(define dst 0)
(define last-lat #f)
(define last-lon #f)
(define index 0)
(for ([e (element-content track-segment)] #:when (e-name? e 'trkpt))
(match-define (list pt-timestamp pt-lat pt-lon pt-ele) (parse-track-point e))
(when (and last-lat last-lon pt-lat pt-lon)
(set! dst (+ dst (map-distance/degrees last-lat last-lon pt-lat pt-lon))))
(vector-set! track-points index (vector pt-lat pt-lon dst pt-ele pt-timestamp))
(set! last-lat pt-lat)
(set! last-lon pt-lon)
(set! index (add1 index)))
(define (gpx-load input)
(cond ((path-string? input)
(call-with-input-file input gpx-read-trackpoints))
((port? input)
(error "gpx-load: unknown input type"))))
(define (binary-search vec val
#:cmp (cmp-fn <=)
#:key (key-fn #f)
#:start (start 0)
#:end (end (vector-length vec)))
(define (do-search start end)
(if (= start end)
;; Other
(let* ((mid (exact-truncate (/ (+ start end) 2)))
(mid-item (vector-ref vec mid))
(mid-val (if key-fn (key-fn mid-item) mid-item)))
(if (cmp-fn val mid-val)
(do-search start mid)
(if (cmp-fn mid-val val)
(do-search (+ mid 1) end)
(do-search start end))
(define (gpx-lookup-position track-points dst)
(define index (binary-search
track-points dst
#:key (lambda (p) (vector-ref p 2))))
(cond ((<= index 0)
(match-define (vector lat lon dst ele ts) (vector-ref track-points 0))
(vector lat lon))
((>= index (vector-length track-points))
(match-define (vector lat lon dst ele ts)
(vector-ref track-points (sub1 (vector-length track-points))))
(vector lat lon))
(match-define (vector lat1 lon1 dst1 ele1 ts1)
(vector-ref track-points (sub1 index)))
(match-define (vector lat2 lon2 dst2 ele2 ts2)
(vector-ref track-points index))
(define f (/ (- dst dst1) (- dst2 dst1)))
(+ (* f lat1) (* (- 1 f) lat2))
(+ (* f lon1) (* (- 1 f) lon2))))))
(define (gpx-lookup-elevation track-points dst)
(define index (binary-search
track-points dst
#:key (lambda (p) (vector-ref p 2))))
(cond ((<= index 0)
(match-define (vector lat lon dst ele ts) (vector-ref track-points 0))
((>= index (vector-length track-points))
(match-define (vector lat lon dst ele ts)
(vector-ref track-points (sub1 (vector-length track-points))))
(match-define (vector lat1 lon1 dst1 ele1 ts1)
(vector-ref track-points (sub1 index)))
(match-define (vector lat2 lon2 dst2 ele2 ts2)
(vector-ref track-points index))
(define f (/ (- dst dst1) (- dst2 dst1)))
(+ (* f ele1) (* (- 1 f) ele2)))))
(define (gpx-total-distance track-points)
(let ((p (vector-ref track-points (sub1 (vector-length track-points)))))
(vector-ref p 2)))
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