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Last active March 10, 2025 04:22
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Brute-force OEM code/password guesser for Android phones
# Based on
# Usage:
# python <YOUR_IMEI_CODE>
# Please enable USB debugging on your phone before using this
# tool, hope it helps you :)
import sys
import json
import math
import subprocess
def get_attempts():
Reads the list of failed passwords and returns them as a set.
In case the attempts.json file does not exist (or is invalid),
this function will return an empty set.
with open('attempts.json', 'r') as file:
attempts = json.load(file)
if type(attempts) == list:
return set(attempts)
return set([])
return set([])
def save_attempts(attempts = []):
Writes the current failed password attempts to an external file,
which is later used to continue trying even more passwords...
with open('attempts.json', 'w') as file:
json.dump(attempts, file)
def string_to_int_array(n):
Converts an array of characters to an array of integers
return [int(d) for d in str(n)]
def luhn_checksum(imei):
Obtains the checksum of the IMEI string using Luhn's algorithm
digits = string_to_int_array(imei)
odd_digits = digits[-1::-2]
even_digits = digits[-2::-2]
checksum = 0
checksum = sum(odd_digits)
for digit in even_digits:
checksum += sum(string_to_int_array(digit * 2))
return checksum % 10
def unlock_bootloader(imei, checksum, failed_attempts = set([])):
Generates new OEM codes/passwords and tries running "fastboot oem unlock"
until it succeeds.
@note The function automatically reboots the Android device every 4
failed attempts in order to avoid a lock-up.
# Initialize parameters
unlocked = False
attempt_count = 0
oem_code = 1000000000000000
# Execute loop until we get it right
while not unlocked:
# Increment attempt count
attempt_count += 1
# Generate new OEM code/password if needed
while oem_code in failed_attempts:
oem_code += int(checksum + math.sqrt(imei) * 1024)
# Print status
print(f'Shot {len(failed_attempts) + 1} with OEM code/password {oem_code}...')
# Try to unlock the bootloader
answer =
['fastboot', 'oem', 'unlock', str(oem_code)],
stdout = subprocess.DEVNULL,
stderr = subprocess.DEVNULL
# Check if bootloader unlock succeeded
if answer.returncode == 0:
unlocked = True
return oem_code
# Bootloader unlock failed, register failed attempt code
# Reboot device every 4 failed attempts
if attempt_count >= 4:
# Save current attempts to JSON file
attempt_count = 0
# Reboot device
print('Restarting device...\n')
['fastboot', 'reboot', 'bootloader'],
stdout = subprocess.DEVNULL,
stderr = subprocess.DEVNULL
# Generate new OEM password attempt
oem_code += int(checksum + math.sqrt(imei) * 1024)
if __name__ == '__main__':
Main entry point function of the application
# Get IMEI code from the user
args = sys.argv
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
imei = int(sys.argv[1])
imei = int(input('Please type your IMEI code: '))
# Get Luhn checksum of the IMEI
checksum = luhn_checksum(imei)
# Print IMEI & checksum
print(f'Using IMEI: {imei}')
print(f'IMEI checksum (Luhn): {checksum}')
# Reboot device into fastboot
print('Rebooting device...')
['adb', 'reboot', 'bootloader'],
stdout = subprocess.DEVNULL,
stderr = subprocess.DEVNULL
# Wait for user confirmation
input('Press any key when your device is in fastboot mode...\n')
# Read failed attempts & continue brute force attack
failed_attempts = get_attempts()
oem_code = unlock_bootloader(imei, checksum, failed_attempts)
# Validate unlocked status & reboot device['fastboot', 'getvar', 'unlocked'])['fastboot', 'reboot'])
# Print obtained key
print(f'Device unlocked! OEM code/password: {oem_code}')
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Tomblarom commented Jun 12, 2024

I have a Zebra TC510K, with no SIM, so there is no IMEI. Only a serial-number with 14 digits. Which value should I use for IMEI then?

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