This file contains instructions for optimizing a static web site on Google Cloud Platform with Chrome Developer Tools. The final solution is contained in index.html. Intermediate solutions have are given in files index1.html, etc.
Static content can be easily hosted on GCP using the GCS features for Hosting a Static Website. You will need a domain and point that to Cloud Storage by using a CNAME record.
Check that the right project is set
PROJECT=[Your project]
gcloud config set project $PROJECT
To create a bucket matching the domain you need to perform Domain-Named Bucket Verification. After doing that, create the bucket with the command
BUCKET=[Your domain]
gsutil mb gs://${BUCKET}
Copy the web site files
gsutil cp *.html gs://${BUCKET}
gsutil cp *.js gs://${BUCKET}
Enable the bucket as a web site
gsutil web set -m index.html -e notfound.html gs://${BUCKET}
Make the pages public
gsutil iam ch allUsers:objectViewer gs://${BUCKET}
gsutil acl ch -u AllUsers:R gs://${BUCKET}
Test the initial solution:
curl http://${BUCKET}/index1.html
Navigate to the page http://${BUCKET}/index1.html in Chrome and ppen up Lighthouse in Chrome Developer Tools by clicking on the Audit tab. Run the analysis by clicking the 'Run Audits' button.
When I ran this in October 2019 the top item on the list was 'Does not respond with a 200 when offline.' You can enable a static website to be accessed offline by using a Service Worker to cache. The files main.js and sw.js implement that. However, service workers require HTTPS. This also the third item on the Lighthouse audit list: 'Does not use HTTPS.' So we will start by enabling HTTPS.
Here are the instructions to add HTTPS to a static web site in Google Cloud Storage by adding a HTTPS load balancer with the storage bucket as a backend.
Create a global static IP address:
gcloud compute addresses create $IP_NAME \
--ip-version=IPV4 \
Now add a Cloud Storage Bucket backend to the load balancer using the gcloud compute backend-buckets create command:
gcloud compute backend-buckets create $BACKEND_BUCKET_NAME \
--gcs-bucket-name $BUCKET
Create a URL Map for content based load balancing using the gcloud compute url-maps create command:
gcloud compute url-maps create $URL_MAP_NAME \
Add a path matcher using the gcloud compute url-maps add-path-matcher command:
gcloud compute url-maps add-path-matcher $URL_MAP_NAME \
--default-backend-bucket=$BACKEND_BUCKET_NAME \
--path-matcher-name $PATH_MATCHER_NAME \
Create a Google managed TLS certificate with the gcloud beta compute ssl-certificates create command:
DOMAIN=[Your domain]
gcloud beta compute ssl-certificates create $CERT_NAME \
--domains $DOMAIN
Create a target proxy with the gcloud compute target-https-proxies create command
gcloud compute target-https-proxies create $PROXY_NAME \
--url-map $URL_MAP_NAME --ssl-certificates $CERT_NAME
Enable QUIC for the proxy
gcloud compute target-https-proxies update $PROXY_NAME \
Create a forwarding rule with the gcloud compute forwarding-rules create command:
gcloud compute forwarding-rules create $FWD_NAME \
--address $IP_NAME \
--global \
--target-https-proxy $PROXY_NAME \
--ports 443
Now that you are using a load balancer for the site, change the DNS record to an A record that refers to the static IP address used by the load balancer. You might need to wait for a while for this to take effect, depending on your DNS TTL.
Send traffic to the load balancer
curl https://$DOMAIN/index2.html
Run the analysis again in Chrome Dev Tools for the page index2.html, which has the service worker included. You should find that the No. 1 (no 200 offline) and No. 3 (no HTTPS) problems are now obsent from the list of Progressive Web App problems. The top problem is now 'User will not be prompted to Install the Web App.'