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Last active August 6, 2024 02:53
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Module for calculating sunrise/sunset times for a given location
-- Module for calculating sunrise/sunset times for a given location
-- Based on algorithm by United Stated Naval Observatory, Washington
-- Link:
-- @author Alexander Yakushev
-- @license CC0
-- Module lustrous
local lustrous = {
update_interval = 600
local current_time = nil
local srs_args
local rad = math.rad
local deg = math.deg
local floor = math.floor
local frac = function(n) return n - floor(n) end
local cos = function(d) return math.cos(rad(d)) end
local acos = function(d) return deg(math.acos(d)) end
local sin = function(d) return math.sin(rad(d)) end
local asin = function(d) return deg(math.asin(d)) end
local tan = function(d) return math.tan(rad(d)) end
local atan = function(d) return deg(math.atan(d)) end
local function fit_into_range(val, min, max)
local range = max - min
local count
if val < min then
count = floor((min - val) / range) + 1
return val + count * range
elseif val >= max then
count = floor((val - max) / range) + 1
return val - count * range
return val
local function day_of_year(date)
local n1 = floor(275 * date.month / 9)
local n2 = floor((date.month + 9) / 12)
local n3 = (1 + floor((date.year - 4 * floor(date.year / 4) + 2) / 3))
return n1 - (n2 * n3) + - 30
local function sunturn_time(date, rising, latitude, longitude, zenith, local_offset)
local n = day_of_year(date)
-- Convert the longitude to hour value and calculate an approximate time
local lng_hour = longitude / 15
local t
if rising then -- Rising time is desired
t = n + ((6 - lng_hour) / 24)
else -- Setting time is desired
t = n + ((18 - lng_hour) / 24)
-- Calculate the Sun's mean anomaly
local M = (0.9856 * t) - 3.289
-- Calculate the Sun's true longitude
local L = fit_into_range(M + (1.916 * sin(M)) + (0.020 * sin(2 * M)) + 282.634, 0, 360)
-- Calculate the Sun's right ascension
local RA = fit_into_range(atan(0.91764 * tan(L)), 0, 360)
-- Right ascension value needs to be in the same quadrant as L
local Lquadrant = floor(L / 90) * 90
local RAquadrant = floor(RA / 90) * 90
RA = RA + Lquadrant - RAquadrant
-- Right ascension value needs to be converted into hours
RA = RA / 15
-- Calculate the Sun's declination
local sinDec = 0.39782 * sin(L)
local cosDec = cos(asin(sinDec))
-- Calculate the Sun's local hour angle
local cosH = (cos(zenith) - (sinDec * sin(latitude))) / (cosDec * cos(latitude))
if rising and cosH > 1 then
return "N/R" -- The sun never rises on this location on the specified date
elseif cosH < -1 then
return "N/S" -- The sun never sets on this location on the specified date
-- Finish calculating H and convert into hours
local H
if rising then
H = 360 - acos(cosH)
H = acos(cosH)
H = H / 15
-- Calculate local mean time of rising/setting
local T = H + RA - (0.06571 * t) - 6.622
-- Adjust back to UTC
local UT = fit_into_range(T - lng_hour, 0, 24)
-- Convert UT value to local time zone of latitude/longitude
local LT = UT + local_offset
return os.time({ day =, month = date.month, year = date.year,
hour = floor(LT), min = floor(frac(LT) * 60)})
local function get(args)
args = args or {}
local date = or"*t")
local lat = or 0
local lon = args.lon or 0
local offset = args.offset or 0
local zenith = args.zenith or 90.83
local rise_time = sunturn_time(date, true, lat, lon, zenith, offset)
local set_time = sunturn_time(date, false, lat, lon, zenith, offset)
local length = (set_time - rise_time) / 3600
return rise_time, set_time, floor(length), frac(length) * 60
function lustrous.get_time(args)
local now = os.time()
local rise, set = get(args or srs_args)
local new_time
if now > rise and now < set then -- After sunrise, before sunset
return "day", rise, set
return "night", rise, set
function lustrous.update_time(args)
local new_time = lustrous.get_time(args)
if current_time and current_time ~= new_time then
current_time = new_time
function lustrous.init(args)
srs_args = args
if scheduler then
return current_time
return lustrous
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Line 107 should be something like this:

return os.time({ day =, month = date.month, year = date.year,
hour = floor(LT), min = floor(frac(LT) * 60)})

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Thank you!

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gagbo commented May 23, 2024


I’ve been using this script a bit and it’s been helpful (in if you’re interested), and now I’d like to use this library in a "cleaner" way in my wezterm config. I have 2 questions that I still don’t know how to answer:

  • where is the emit_signal defined? I would like to control how the signal is emitted actually
  • What kind of scheduler are you expecting with the register_recurring interface? I wasn’t able to find it online

Thanks again for the lua version of the algorithm!

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alexander-yakushev commented May 27, 2024

Hello @gagbo! Glad you find it useful. I used this file within Awesome Window Manager, and emit_signal is a function from there. scheduler is another custom module that I used within that environment. I suggest you just drop the references to those functions from this file and provide your custom callback-based implementations if you need something similar.

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gagbo commented May 27, 2024

Okay, that make sense, I thought that the emit_signal was from awesome, and I didn’t find the scheduler in the docs so I was curious. In the end I added my own callbacks as you suggested. Thanks for the answer!

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