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Last active August 29, 2015 14:25
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numbers test - first attempt
; start a repl (lein repl) then paste in the following:
(defn calculate-all [input]
(defn calculate-item [idx item]
(let [split (split-at idx input)
actual-before (set (first split))
needed-before (set (range 1 item))]
(clojure.set/superset? actual-before needed-before)))
(map-indexed calculate-item input))
(calculate-all '(2 1 3 5 4))
(calculate-all '(2 1 3 5 4 8 7 6))
(calculate-all (shuffle (range 1 50)))
(calculate-all (shuffle (range 1 500)))
; this gets slows with a big range (1000 +)
(ns codility-clj.core-test
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
[codility-clj.core :refer :all]
[clojure.pprint :refer [pprint]]))
; approach one - basic approach using sets and creating new sets with all items
(defn calculate-all [input]
(defn calculate-item [idx item]
(let [split (split-at idx input)
actual-before (set (first split))
needed-before (set (range 1 item))]
(clojure.set/superset? actual-before needed-before)))
(map-indexed calculate-item input))
(deftest approach-one
(testing "test case one"
(let [input '(2 1 3 5 4)
output (calculate-all input)]
(is (= '(false true true false true) output))))
(testing "test case two"
(let [input '(2 1 3 5 4 8 7 6)
output (calculate-all input)]
(is (= '(false true true false true false false true) output)))))
;approach two - uses similar algorithm to quick-find
; updates all connected nodes (to right) when adding a node - this is slower than attempt one
(def nodes (atom {}))
(defn values-not-nil? [x y]
(and (not (nil? x)) (not (nil? y))))
(defn connected? [x y]
(let [n @nodes
xv (get n x)
yv (get n y)]
(and (values-not-nil? xv yv) (= xv yv))))
(defn connect! [x y]
(let [n @nodes
xv (get n x)
yv (get n y)]
(when (values-not-nil? xv yv)
(swap! nodes assoc x yv))))
(defn connect-to-previous! [x]
(connect! x (- x 1)))
(defn connect-to-nodes-on-right! [x]
(let [n @nodes
value-of-next-node (get n (+ x 1))
new-val-of-x (get n x)
entries-to-update (select-keys n (for [[k v] n :when (= v value-of-next-node)] k))]
(doseq [k (keys entries-to-update)]
(swap! nodes assoc k new-val-of-x))))
(defn add-node-to-map! [x]
(swap! nodes assoc x x))
(defn add-node! [x]
(add-node-to-map! x)
(connect-to-previous! x)
(connect-to-nodes-on-right! x)
(connected? 1 x))
(deftest approach-two
(testing "add a node"
(reset! nodes {})
(add-node! 2)
(is (= @nodes {2 2})))
(testing "connect nodes"
(reset! nodes {1 1, 2 2})
(connect! 1 2)
(is (= @nodes {1 2, 2 2})))
(testing "only connect to nodes that exist"
(reset! nodes {1 1, 2 2})
(connect! 2 1)
(connect! 2 3)
(is (= @nodes {1 1, 2 1})))
(testing "connected? returns false when not connection exists"
(reset! nodes {1 1 2 2})
(is (= false (connected? 1 2))))
(testing "connected? returns true when nodes connected"
(reset! nodes {1 2, 2 2})
(is (= true (connected? 1 2))))
(testing "node connects to previous node when added"
(reset! nodes {})
(add-node! 1)
(add-node! 2)
(is (= @nodes {1 1, 2 1})))
(testing "node connects to both previous and next node when added"
(reset! nodes {})
(add-node! 1)
(add-node! 3)
(is (= @nodes {1 1, 3 3}))
(add-node! 2)
(is (= @nodes {2 1, 1 1, 3 1})))
(testing "nodes to the right are all changed to match"
(reset! nodes {})
(add-node! 1)
(add-node! 3)
(add-node! 4)
(is (= @nodes {1 1, 3 3, 4 3}))
(add-node! 2)
(is (= @nodes {2 1, 1 1, 3 1, 4 1})))
(testing "add returns connected state"
(reset! nodes {})
(is (= false (add-node! 2)))
(is (= true (add-node! 1)))
(is (= true (add-node! 3)))
(is (= false (add-node! 5)))
(is (= true (add-node! 4)))))
; approach three - using quick union algorithm
; this one connects the roots of the nodes so has far less to update, results in more steps
; when finding but far less writes than approach two
(defn find-root [i]
(let [v (get @nodes i)]
(loop [i v]
(if (= i v)
(recur v)))))
(defn connect-roots! [x y]
(let [root-x (find-root x)
root-y (find-root y)]
(connect! root-x root-y)))
(defn roots-connected? [x y]
(let [root-x (find-root x)
root-y (find-root y)]
(connected? root-x root-y)))
(defn add-node3! [x]
(add-node-to-map! x)
(connect-to-previous! x)
(connect-roots! x (- x 1))
(connect-roots! x (+ x 1))
(roots-connected? 1 x))
; (defn pprint-nodes []
; (pprint (sort-by key < @nodes)))
(defn tidy-output [x]
(let [output (clojure.string/replace x "\"Elapsed time: " "")
output (clojure.string/replace output " msecs\"\n" "")]
(Double/parseDouble output)))
(deftest approach-three
(testing "add a node"
(reset! nodes { 0 0, 1 1, 2 2, 3 3, 4 4, 5 5, 6 6, 7 7, 8 8, 9 9 })
(connect-roots! 4 3)
(is (= @nodes { 0 0, 1 1, 2 2, 3 3, 4 3, 5 5, 6 6, 7 7, 8 8, 9 9 }))
(connect-roots! 3 8)
(is (= @nodes { 0 0, 1 1, 2 2, 3 8, 4 3, 5 5, 6 6, 7 7, 8 8, 9 9 }))
(connect-roots! 6 5)
(is (= @nodes { 0 0, 1 1, 2 2, 3 8, 4 3, 5 5, 6 5, 7 7, 8 8, 9 9 }))
(is (= false (roots-connected? 9 4)))
(connect-roots! 9 4)
(is (= @nodes { 0 0, 1 1, 2 2, 3 8, 4 3, 5 5, 6 5, 7 7, 8 8, 9 8 }))
(is (= true (roots-connected? 9 4))))
(testing "connect on add"
(reset! nodes {})
(is (= false (add-node3! 2)))
(is (= true (add-node3! 1)))
(is (= true (add-node3! 3)))
(is (= false (add-node3! 5)))
(is (= true (add-node3! 4))))
(defn time-for-entries [num-entries]
(tidy-output (with-out-str (time (doall (for [x (shuffle (range 1 num-entries))] (add-node3! x)))))))
(testing "with 500 entries"
(let [time-taken (time-for-entries 500)]
(println "time for 400 in milliseconds = " time-taken)
(is (< time-taken 1000))))
(testing "with 5000 entries"
(let [time-taken (time-for-entries 5000)]
(println "time for 5000 in milliseconds = " time-taken)
(is (< time-taken 1000))))
(testing "with 50000 entries"
(let [time-taken (time-for-entries 50000)]
(println "time for 50000 in milliseconds = " time-taken)
(is (< time-taken 1000))))
(testing "with 500,000 entries"
(let [time-taken (time-for-entries 500000)]
(println "time for 500,000 in milliseconds = " time-taken)
(is (< time-taken 2000))))
; took 20 seconds
; (testing "with 5,000,000 entries"
; (let [time-taken (time-for-entries 5000000)]
; (println "time for 5,000,000 in milliseconds = " time-taken)
; (is (< time-taken 5000))))
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