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Last active December 11, 2020 08:45
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Rocket.Chat - Jira webhook
Alexandre Zia
This script adds functionality to the original code
Original code from: Jonathan Gotti (malko) :
/*jshint esnext:true*/
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Create a webhook in Jira: "System" -> "WebHooks" -> "+ Create a WebHook"
- Copy RocketChat webhook URL into your new Jira webhook
- Create a filter in "Events" or leave blank for all Issues ex. Project = My-Project
- Select issue type you want to receive notifications from Jira:
- Issue
- created: Jira will notify about New issues
- updated: Jira will notify about changes in existing issues
- deleted: Jira will notify about deleted issues
- Worklog
updated: Jira will notify about work events
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Configuration section, change the options bellow according to your needs
// notify on "updated" events only if an issue has become "Blocker"
// Usefull if you don't want to overflow your RocketChat channel with every issue
// change, but keep an eye when an issue escalates
// (In Jira webhook configuration, select to receive Issue 'updated' events)
// false => notify for all changes
// true => notify only if issue has become blocker
// this setting depends of NOTIFY_UPDATES_BLOCKER_ONLY == false, otherwise it has no effect
// true => Show issue description on all messages
// false => show issue description only when it changes
const SHOW_DESCRIPTION = true;
// show the received webhook request content in RocketChat channel
const DEBUG_ON_CHANNEL = false;
// show the received webhook request content in RocketChat Log ("Administration" -> "View Log")
const DEBUG_ON_LOG = false;
// number of chars that message will be truncated to
const DESC_MAX_LENGTH = 140;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DO NOT Change things below this line,(unless you know what you're doing)
function stripDesc(str)
return str.length > DESC_MAX_LENGTH ? str.slice(0, DESC_MAX_LENGTH - 3) + '...' : str;
String.prototype.capitalizeFirstLetter = function()
return this.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + this.slice(1);
class Script
const data = request.content;
if (!data.issue)
let issue = data.issue;
let baseJiraUrl = issue.self.replace(/\/rest\/.*$/, '');
let user = data.user;
let user_name = user.displayName;
let avatar_url = user.avatarUrls["48x48"];
let user_login =;
let ref_url = issue.self;
let url_parts = /^(\w+\:\/\/)?([^\/]+)(.*)$/.exec(ref_url);
let url_origin = url_parts[1] + url_parts[2];
let issue_icon = issue.fields.issuetype.iconUrl;
let issue_type =;
let issue_number = issue.key;
let issue_title = issue.fields.summary;
let issue_url = url_origin + '/browse/' + issue_number;
let issue_link = '[' + issue_number + '](' + issue_url + ')';
let priority =^\s*\d*\.\s*/, '');
let text = user_name;
let text_base = issue_type + ' ' + issue_link;
let became_blocker = false;
let message = {
icon_url: avatar_url
, alias: user_login
, attachments: []
const attachment = {
author_icon: issue_icon,
author_name: issue_title,
author_link: issue_url,
fields: []
let insert_existing_priority = true;
let insert_existing_description = true;
let insert_existing_reporter = true;
let insert_existing_assignee = true;
if (data.changelog && data.changelog.items)
data.changelog.items.forEach((change) => {
if (change.field === 'reporter')
insert_existing_reporter = false;
if (change.field === 'assignee')
insert_existing_assignee = false;
if (change.field === 'priority')
insert_existing_priority = false;
if (change.field === 'description')
insert_existing_description = false;
if(insert_existing_reporter === true)
if (issue.fields.reporter)
title: 'Reporter',
value: issue.fields.reporter.displayName,
short: true
if(insert_existing_assignee === true)
if (issue.fields.assignee)
title: 'Assignee',
value: issue.fields.assignee.displayName,
short: true
if (issue.fields.priority)
if( === 'Blocker')
attachment.color = '#FF0000';
if(insert_existing_priority === true)
title: 'Priority',
value: priority,
short: true
if (data.webhookEvent === 'jira:issue_created')
emoji = ':new: ';
text += ' created ' + text_base;
message.text = emoji + text;
else if (data.webhookEvent === 'jira:issue_deleted')
emoji = ':heavy_multiplication_x: ';
text += ' deleted ' + text_base;
message.text = emoji + text;
else if (data.webhookEvent === 'jira:issue_updated')
// changed items
if (data.changelog && data.changelog.items)
emoji = '';
text += ' changed ' + text_base;
const actions = {
'jira:resolution': function(item, items)
emoji = === null ? ':triangular_flag_on_post: ' : ':white_check_mark: ';
item = items['jira:status'];
return ' from "' + item.fromString + '" to "' + item.toString + '"';
let items = data.changelog.items;
let actions_items = {};
for (let i = 0; i < items.length; ++i)
let item = items[i];
let action = item.fieldtype + ':' + item.field;
actions_items[action] = item;
let result;
for (let action in actions_items)
let item = actions_items[action];
if (actions[action])
result = actions[action](item, actions_items);
text += result;
let logs = [];
data.changelog.items.forEach((change) => {
emoji = emoji === '' ? ':arrows_counterclockwise: ' : ':white_check_mark: ';
// changed field: description
if (change.field === 'description' && NOTIFY_UPDATES_BLOCKER_ONLY === false)
title: 'Changed: description',
value: stripDesc(change.toString),
short: true
// changed other fields
if ( !== null)
if(NOTIFY_UPDATES_BLOCKER_ONLY === true && change.field === 'priority' && change.toString === 'Blocker')
became_blocker = true;
title: `Changed: ${change.field.capitalizeFirstLetter()}`,
value: change.toString,
short: true
message.text = emoji + text;
if(SHOW_DESCRIPTION === true && insert_existing_description === true)
if (issue.fields.description)
title: 'Description',
value: stripDesc(issue.fields.description),
short: true
// added comment
if (data.comment)
let comment = data.comment;
let action = comment.created !== comment.updated ? 'Updated comment' : 'Commented';
emoji = ':speech_balloon: ';
text += ' ' + action + ' ' + issue_type + ' ' + issue_link;
message.text = emoji + text;
title: action,
value: stripDesc(comment.body),
short: true
if( DEBUG_ON_CHANNEL === true)
title: 'Request',
value: JSON.stringify(request.content),
short: false
if( DEBUG_ON_LOG === true)
message.attachments = [attachment]
if (message.text || message.attachments.length)
(data.webhookEvent === 'jira:issue_created' || data.webhookEvent === 'jira:issue_deleted')
|| (data.webhookEvent === 'jira:issue_updated' && NOTIFY_UPDATES_BLOCKER_ONLY === false)
|| (data.webhookEvent === 'jira:issue_updated' && NOTIFY_UPDATES_BLOCKER_ONLY === true && became_blocker === true)
return {content: message};
console.log('jiraevent error', e);
return {
error: {
success: false,
message: `${e.message || e} ${JSON.stringify(data)}`
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