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Last active December 20, 2021 00:06
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Transliterator from Russian to English
# A function for transliteration inspired by but way too faster
translit2 <- function(text){
transliterations <- data.frame(
lat = c("A","B","V","G","D","E","YO","ZH","Z","I","J","K","L","M","N",
rus = c("А","Б","В","Г","Д","Е","Ё","Ж","З","И","Й","К","Л","М","Н","О","П",
strsplit(text, "|") %>%
unlist() %>% %>% setNames("rus") %>%
left_join(transliterations, by = "rus") %>%
mutate(lat = ifelse(, rus, lat)) %>%
select(lat) %>% unlist() %>% paste(collapse = "")
# examples:
# text <- c("огого","бубубу","ляля")
# (1) supply a string vector via map_chr()
# text %>% map_chr(~translit2(.x))
# (2) with mutate also via map_chr()
# text %>% enframe() %>% mutate(value2 = map_chr(value, translit2))
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