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Created August 22, 2019 04:20
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A small R script to see whether you should go beyond 50th Street in West Philly.
# Data:
philly <- fread("incidents.csv",
select = c("location_block","text_general_code","dispatch_time","dispatch_date", "lat","lng"))
# Subset incidents in West Philly / University City
uc <- philly[philly$lat < 39.966 & philly$lat > 39.942 & philly$lng > -75.25 & philly$lng < -75.19,]
# Create variable with year
uc$year <- year(uc$dispatch_date)
# Subset year 2018
uc <- uc[uc$year == 2018,]
# Table 1
t1 <-$text_general_code),decreasing = T),10))
stargazer(t1, out = "tab_1.tex",summary = F)
# Table 2
t2 <-$location_block),decreasing = T),10))
stargazer(t2, out = "tab_2.tex",summary = F)
# Plot 1
qmplot(lng, lat, data = uc, geom = "blank",
zoom = 15, maptype = "toner", darken = 0.1) %>%
ggsave(filename = "plot_1.png")
# Plot 2
uc %>%
# Subsetting
filter(text_general_code %in% c("Other Assaults",
"Aggravated Assault No Firearm",
"Robbery Firearm")) %>%
# Plotting
qmplot(lng, lat, data = ., geom = "blank",
zoom = 15, maptype = "toner", darken = 0.1, legend = "topright") +
stat_density_2d(aes(fill = ..level..), geom = "polygon", alpha = .3, color = NA) +
scale_fill_gradient2("Assault and Robbery\nIncidents in 2018:", low = "green", mid = "yellow", high = "red", midpoint = 700)
ggsave(filename = "plot_2.png")
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