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Created October 14, 2019 20:38
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Example payload for Slack Block Kit Builder
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"text": "Hello, all! It's time for me to make an attempt at wowing you so much you want to put some money in my pockets. I'm an experienced web developer working with *Drupal/PHP/JS* for most of my career but more recently also *React/React Native/Vue/Laravel* work. I'd love to join your team of talented engineers and help you ship robust and well-tested code."
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"text": "*Review My Resume*\n I've been a web developer for six years working on projects ranging from running *Drupal PaaS of 1000+ sites* for the University of Colorado to building and maintaining a CI pipeline for better deployments. I can handle whatever task is thrown my way and will be a great addition to your team!"
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"text": "*Read My Thoughts*\n While I work, I like to jot down notes and turn those into blog posts. I've fixed many unnoticed bugs and solidified my understanding of topics due to my blogging habit, and I even have an article or two *featured on Medium's JavaScript section* to boot. I can add great technical content to your company blog that will help to attract all the cool devs :ok_hand:"
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"text": "*Grok My GitHub*\n I love open source and hope you do too. I have *over 500+ contributions* to open source repositories across GitHub over the last year. Recently, I've been working on a React Native open source exercise app that I put up on the Play Store going from knowing nothing about Android/React Native to an app in alpha testing in a few weeks time. Learning on the job? No problemo :muscle:"
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