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Created July 19, 2020 19:24
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Why does input need a static lifetime even though I'm passing an Arc to the thread?
use std::collections::HashMap;
//use std::sync::Mutex;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::thread;
pub fn frequency(input: &[&str], worker_count: usize) -> HashMap<char, usize> {
let input_len = input.len();
let lines_per_thread = ((input_len as f64) / (worker_count as f64)).ceil() as usize;
let mut thread_handles = vec![];
OLD - now we'll fold across thread results
// Create hashmap for letters counts, held by mutex
let m: Mutex<HashMap<char, usize>> = Mutex::new(HashMap::new());
for i in 0..worker_count {
//Create worker_count threads and divide input between them.
let nlines;
if (i * lines_per_thread) + lines_per_thread > input_len {
nlines = lines_per_thread - 1;
} else {
nlines = lines_per_thread;
let input_arc = Arc::new(input);
let start_index = Arc::new(i * lines_per_thread);
let end_index = Arc::new((i * lines_per_thread) + nlines);
let handle = thread::spawn(move || {
let mut dict: HashMap<char, usize> = HashMap::new();
let thread_input = &(*input_arc.clone())[*(start_index.clone())..*(end_index.clone())];
// loop through input counting chars
for line in thread_input.iter() {
for c in line.chars() {
if dict.contains_key(&c) {
let old_val = dict.get(&c).unwrap().to_owned();
dict.insert(c, old_val + 1);
} else {
let val: usize = 1;
dict.insert(c, val);
let result: Result<Vec<_>, _> = thread_handles.into_iter().map(|t| t.join()).collect();
let result = result.unwrap();
let ret_val: HashMap<char, usize> = result.into_iter().fold(HashMap::new(), |mut acc, x| {
for (k, v) in x.iter() {
if acc.contains_key(k) {
let old_val = acc.get(k).unwrap().to_owned();
acc.insert(*k, old_val + v);
} else {
acc.insert(*k, *v);
/* unimplemented!(
"Count the frequency of letters in the given input '{:?}'. Ensure that you are using {} to process the input.",
match worker_count {
1 => format!("1 worker"),
_ => format!("{} workers", worker_count),
); */
return ret_val;
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