Quotes & links about testing software
From xUnit Test Patterns: Refactoring Test Code
- "Test Smells"
- "Use the Front Door First"
When all choices are equally effective we should use round trip tests to test our system under test (SUT). To do this, we test an object through it's public interface and use State Verification (page X) to determine whether it behaved correctly. If this is not sufficient to accurately describe the expected behavior we can make our tests layer-crossing tests and use Behavior Verification to verify the calls the SUT makes to depended-on components (DOCs). If we must replace a slow or unavailable DOC with a faster Test Double (page X), using a Fake Object (page X) is preferable because it encodes fewer assumptions into the test (the only assumption being that the component that the Fake Object replaces is actually needed.)
- "Overspecified Software"
A test says too much about how the software should be structured or behave. This is a form of Behavior Sensitivity (see Fragile Test on page X) associated with a style of testing I call Behavior Verification (page X). It is characterized by the extensive use of Mock Objects (page X) to build layer-crossing tests. The main issues is that the tests describe how the software should do something, not what it should achieve. That is, the tests will only pass if the software is implemented a particular way. It can be avoided by applying the principle Use the Front Door First (see Principles of Test Automation) whenever possible to avoid encoding too much knowledge about the implementation of the SUT into the tests.
From Randy Coulman's blog about testing:
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