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Last active January 11, 2025 14:32
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Baritone Dev Releaes Installation Instructions

How to install Baritone Development Releases

Feel free to follow these instructions 1 step at a time. Reading the entire thing before you start is not necessary. I would, however, recommend that you read each instruction thoroughly before actually doing the instruction.

Grayed out text is for memes, you don't need to read it.

Guide exists because I'm tired of texting the same stuff over and over again


  1. If it's not in the release page, it's a dev build. This means it's probably buggy
  2. I've tested 1.21.1 and there are a lot of bugs
  3. Did I mention that it's buggy?
  4. I take no responsibility for the bugs, I'm just writing the instructions
  5. Oh yeah. It's buggy. If you don't want to deal with bugs, wait for a proper release.

Downloading the Mod files

  1. Go to
  2. Press this button (picrel):
  3. Search for your version (I'm using 1.21.1)
  4. Press the button that says your version (there should only be one):
  5. The page will reload
  6. Next, press the GREEN CHECKMARK:
  7. This will bring up another UI. Press this link (next to the text that says "Java CI with Gradle / build (push)"):
  8. This will bring you to yet another UI. Press the "Summary" button:
  9. Now, press the "Artifacts" button to download the mod:

Installing the mod in Minecraft (on Windows, obviously)

If you're on Linux, you know what you're doing. If you're on Mac, maybe God can help you.

This has only been tested in Fabric 1.21.1. If this doesn't work, it's not my fault.

  1. Find the zip file that just got downloaded (it's probably in your downloads folder)
  2. Extract the zip (right click -> extract all -> extract)
  3. Enter the decompressed folder
  4. Find the file named something like baritone-standalone-fabric-x.xx.x-x-xxxxxxxxxx.jar image7
  5. Drag and drop (or copy and paste) the file into your mods folder
  6. Start Minecraft (if you want)
  7. Enjoy bugs
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