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Last active May 8, 2021 16:42
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EventStoreDB: storing proto messages in events
package domain // domain layer
import ""
// Event represents a domain event that has been retreived from the event store.
type Event interface {
ID() string
Revision() uint64
Data() proto.Message
// EventStore represents a simple event store that can read all events from a
// stream and append back to a stream at a specified revision.
type EventStore interface {
ReadStream(ctx context.Context, stream string) ([]Event, error)
Append(ctx context.Context, stream string, revision uint64, data proto.Message) error
package esdb // infrastructure layer
import (
// esdbEvent wraps an eventstoredb RecordedEvent and implements the domain.Event
// interface
type esdbEvent struct {
rec *messages.RecordedEvent
// toEvent converts an eventstoredb RecordedEvent to an esdbEvent that
// implements the domain.Event interface.
func toEvent(rec *messages.RecordedEvent) domain.Event {
return &esdbEvent{rec: rec}
// ID returns the recorded events uuid as a string.
func (e *esdbEvent) ID() string {
return e.rec.EventID.String()
// Revision returns the events stream revision number.
func (e *esdbEvent) Revision() uint64 {
return e.rec.EventNumber
// Data unpacks and unmarshals the event's data into the correct proto.Message
// type.
func (e *esdbEvent) Data() proto.Message {
data := &anypb.Any{}
err := proto.Unmarshal(e.rec.Data, data)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("stream %s event %d: unmarshaling data wrapper: %s", e.rec.StreamID, e.rec.EventNumber, err))
msg, err := anypb.UnmarshalNew(data, proto.UnmarshalOptions{})
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("stream %s event %d: unmarshaling event: %s", e.rec.StreamID, e.rec.EventNumber, err))
return msg
// toProposedEvent packages a proto.Message type into a proposed event so that
// it can be appended to a stream.
func toProposedEvent(msg proto.Message) (messages.ProposedEvent, error) {
data, err := anypb.New(msg)
if err != nil {
return messages.ProposedEvent{}, fmt.Errorf("wrapping data: %w", err)
b, err := proto.Marshal(data)
if err != nil {
return messages.ProposedEvent{}, fmt.Errorf("marshalling data: %w", err)
return messages.ProposedEvent{
EventID: uuid.Must(uuid.NewV4()),
EventType: string(msg.ProtoReflect().Descriptor().FullName()),
ContentType: "proto3",
Data: b,
}, nil
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