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Last active December 12, 2015 06:58
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A description of my setup for SSH keys and GNU Screen

SSH Key-Based Authentication

First, on the local machine:

$ ssh-keygen -t rsa

This creates an ssh key. You should only do this once, and you only need to do it if you want to set your own password to use with your SSH key. Here are some good reasons to set a password with your SSH key:

  • If someone steals your key files, they can't use them.
  • Your password will be stored in the Mac OS X Keychain (like so many others), so you usually won't even have to enter it.
  • Passwords make life a little bit safer.

Once you've made your keys, you can take a look in your ssh directory to see them:

$ ls ~/.ssh/

In this directory, the two files we care about are id_rsa and id_rsa is your private key. You should leave it where it is, and never share it with anyone. is your public key. This is the key you'll add to other computers, and they will match their copy of your file to your id_rsa key. authorized_keys is a list of keys from other computers' files. To do this in one command:

$ cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh user@remotehost 'cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys'

You'll have to log in using your normal ssh password in order to do this command, but once you do that, you should be good to go. Please remember to use >> so that you append your key to the list of authorized keys, and not >, as that will overwrite all of the keys on the remote machine.

SSH Configurations

In your .ssh directory, there is a file config, which sets up your SSH preferences. This file allows you to store default URLs and command line options for connecting to certain hosts. Here's an example:

Host ucolick
    User myusername
    ForwardX11 yes
    Port 22

Directives like ForwardX11 are useful, as they will automatically set ssh -X options whenever you connect to that host. For this configuration, I can connect with the command

$ ssh ucolick

And if I've set up my ssh keys correctly, I won't even need a password.

GNU Screen

If you log on to a host a lot, you might want to try the program screen. It will allow you to save your state on the remote machine, so that when you log in, you'll see the same terminal commands and state that you had open before. It also allows you to disconnect from your remote host, and the remote host will continue running the programs you started. To launch screen, you can just type screen on the command line, however, there are some conventions that might be helpful.

First, I set up the following command to log onto a remote ssh host, and reconnect to a screen there.

#!/usr/bin/env bash
ssh -t $dest screen -dRR $@

To use this command, make sure it is on your path, then simply do

$ rscreen ucolick

from your local machine in order to connect to a screen on your remote computer.

On my remote machines, I also have the following in a ~/.screenrc file to make my screen a little nicer:

hardstatus on  
hardstatus alwayslastline  
startup_message off
hardstatus string "%{= kG}%-w%{.rW}%n %t%{-}%+w %=%{..G} %H %{..Y} %m/%d %C%a "
shell -$SHELL
deflogin on
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