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Created November 27, 2018 17:38
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/* use with Custom grammar */
{ ws=implicit }
MojomFile ::= StatementList
StatementList ::= Statement*
Statement ::= ModuleStatement | ImportStatement | Definition
ModuleStatement ::= AttributeSection? "module" WS+ Identifier ";"
ImportStatement ::= "import" WS+ StringLiteral ";"
Definition ::= Struct | Union | Interface | Enum | Const
AttributeSection ::= "[" AttributeList "]"
AttributeList ::= (Attribute ("," Attribute)*)?
Attribute ::= Name ("=" (Name|Literal))?
/* STRUCT */
Struct ::= AttributeSection? "struct" Name ("{" StructBody "}")? ";"
StructBody ::= (Const | Enum | StructField)*
StructField ::= AttributeSection? TypeSpec Name Ordinal? Default? ";"
/* UNION */
Union ::= AttributeSection? "union" Name "{" UnionField* "}" ";"
UnionField ::= AttributeSection? TypeSpec Name Ordinal? ";"
Interface ::= AttributeSection? "interface" Name "{" InterfaceBody? "}" ";"
InterfaceBody ::= (Const | Enum | Method)*
Method ::= AttributeSection? Name Ordinal? "(" ParameterList? ")" Response? ";"
ParameterList ::= (Parameter ("," Parameter)*)
Parameter ::= AttributeSection? TypeSpec Name Ordinal?
Response ::= ("=>" "(" ParameterList ")")
TypeSpec ::= TypeName Nullable?
Nullable ::= "?"
Associated ::= "associated"
TypeName ::= Array | FixedArray | Map | InterfaceRequest | BasicTypeName
BasicTypeName ::= HandleType | NumericType | Associated? Identifier
NumericType ::= "bool" | "int8" | "uint8" | "int16" | "uint16" | "int32" | "uint32" | "int64" | "uint64" | "float" | "double"
HandleType ::= "handle" ("<" SpecificHandleType ">")?
SpecificHandleType ::= "message_pipe" | "shared_buffer" | "data_pipe_consumer" | "data_pipe_producer"
Array ::= "array" "<" TypeSpec ">"
FixedArray ::= "array" "<" TypeSpec "," IntConstDec ">"
Map ::= "map" "<" Identifier "," TypeSpec ">"
InterfaceRequest ::= Associated? Identifier "&"
Default ::= ("=" Constant)?
/* ENUMS */
Enum ::= AttributeSection? "enum" Name "{" NonEmptyEnumValueList ","? "}" ";"
NonEmptyEnumValueList ::= (EnumValue ("," EnumValue)*)
EnumValue ::= AttributeSection? Name ("=" (Integer|Identifier))?
Const ::= "const" TypeSpec Name "=" Constant ";"
Constant ::= Literal | Identifier
Identifier ::= (Name ("." Name)*) {ws=explicit}
Literal ::= Integer | Float | "true" | "false" | "default" | StringLiteral
Integer ::= IntConst | "+" IntConst | "-" IntConst {ws=explicit}
IntConst ::= IntConstDec | IntConstHex {ws=explicit}
Float ::= FloatConst | "+" FloatConst | "-" FloatConst {ws=explicit}
Name ::= [a-zA-Z_][0-9a-zA-Z_]* {ws=explicit}
IntConstDec ::= "0" | [1-9][0-9]* {ws=explicit}
IntConstHex ::= "0"[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+ {ws=explicit}
Ordinal ::= "@"("0"|([1-9][0-9]*)) {ws=explicit}
EOL ::= [#x0A#x0D]+ {ws=explicit}
Comment ::= '//' (![#x0A#x0D] [#x00-#xFFFF])* EOL {ws=explicit}
WS ::= Comment | [#x20#x09#x0A#x0D]+ {ws=explicit}
FloatConst ::= "-"? ("0" | [1-9] DIGIT*) ("." [0-9]+)? EXP? {ws=explicit}
DIGIT ::= [0-9] {ws=explicit}
EXP ::= ("e" | "E") ( "-" | "+" )? ("0" | [1-9] [0-9]*) {ws=explicit}
StringLiteral ::= '"' CHAR* '"' {ws=explicit}
ESCAPE ::= #x5C /* \ */ {ws=explicit}
HEXDIG ::= [a-fA-F0-9] {ws=explicit}
ESCAPABLE ::= #x22 | #x5C | #x2F | #x62 | #x66 | #x6E | #x72 | #x74 | #x75 HEXDIG HEXDIG HEXDIG HEXDIG {ws=explicit}
UNESCAPED ::= [#x20-#x21] | [#x23-#x5B] | [#x5D-#xFFFF] {ws=explicit}
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