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Created February 25, 2023 18:26
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Dynamic TablerIcons without loading all icons
import {IconAward, IconBrandAmazon, IconBrandAdobe} from "@tabler/icons-react"
export const TablerIcons = (props) => {
const { icon, color = "gray", size = 6, stroke = 2 } = props
const icons = {
"IconAward" : IconAward,
"IconBrandAmazon": IconBrandAmazon,
"IconBrandAdobe": IconBrandAdobe
const Icon = icons[icon]
if (Icon) {
return <Icon width={size} color={color} stroke={stroke} />
return <p>Not found</p>
// Usage
<TablerIcons icon={"IconAward"} color={"red"} size={100} stroke={2} />
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