Create a component pkg from a DMG
pkgbuild --component /Volumes/ApplicationName/* .app --install-location \
/Applications ApplicationName-Version.pkg
Install pkg from command line
installer -pkg pkgName.pkg -target / -verbose
Flatten A Component Package Within A Bundle
pkgutil --flatten component.pkg
Remove Receipt of Installations
pkgutil --forget
Export Choice Changes Plist from a Package
installer -showChoiceChangesXML -pkg /path/to/pkg > choiceChangesOutput.plist
Apply Choice Changes During Package Install
installer -applyChoiceChangesXML /path/to/plist -pkg /path/to/pkg -target " /"
Generate a Distribution XML File
productbuild --synthesize --package first.pkg --package second.pkg
Full path to the installation package
Full path to the installation destination
Mountpoint of the destination volume
Root directory for the current System folder
Environment Variable se by the installer process
Env Variable
Same as the $1 argument
The name of the script file
Set when installing with installer
List Installed Packages from Filter
pkgutil --pkgs=com.googlecode*
List Specific Package Information
pkgutil --info com.googlecode.munki.core
List Files A Package Installed
pkgutil --files com.googlecode.munki.core
List Files A Package Installed Based on *.app
pkgutil --file-info /Applications/
pkgutil --expand pkgName.pkg /to/path/for/inspection
Payload Files Are Typically XAR archives
Read the contents of a Bom (Bill of Material) file
List Valid Identities on the Current System
security find-identity -p basic -v
Sign An Already Built Package
productsign --sign " Identity" unsigned.pkg signed.pkg