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Last active October 3, 2018 06:15
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Fable REPL gist test
<!doctype html>
<title>Fable + Recharts</title>
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<script crossorigin src="[email protected]/umd/Recharts.min.js"></script>
<h1>Fable + Recharts</h1>
<div id="container1"></div>
<div id="container2"></div>
<div id="container3"></div>
<div id="container4"></div>
<div id="container5"></div>
<div id="container6"></div>
<script src="bundle.js"></script>
module App
open Fable.Core
open Fable.Repl.Lib.Recharts
open Fable.Repl.Lib.Recharts.Props
module R = Fable.Repl.Lib.React
module P = R.Props
module Data =
type Data =
{ name: string; uv: int; pv: int; amt: int }
type Data01 =
{ day: string; weather: string }
type RangeData =
{ day: string; temperature: int * int }
let data =
[| { name = "Page A"; uv = 4000; pv = 2400; amt = 2400 }
{ name = "Page B"; uv = 3000; pv = 1398; amt = 2210 }
{ name = "Page C"; uv = 2000; pv = 9800; amt = 2290 }
{ name = "Page D"; uv = 2780; pv = 3908; amt = 2000 }
{ name = "Page E"; uv = 1890; pv = 4800; amt = 2181 }
{ name = "Page F"; uv = 2390; pv = 3800; amt = 2500 }
{ name = "Page G"; uv = 3490; pv = 4300; amt = 2100 }
let data01 =
[| { day = "05-01"; weather = "sunny" }
{ day = "05-02"; weather = "sunny" }
{ day = "05-03"; weather = "cloudy" }
{ day = "05-04"; weather = "rain" }
{ day = "05-05"; weather = "rain" }
{ day = "05-06"; weather = "cloudy" }
{ day = "05-07"; weather = "cloudy" }
{ day = "05-08"; weather = "sunny" }
{ day = "05-09"; weather = "sunny" }
let data02 =
[| { name = "Page A"; uv = 4000; pv = 2400; amt = 2400 }
{ name = "Page B"; uv = 3000; pv = 1398; amt = 2210 }
{ name = "Page C"; uv = 2000; pv = 9800; amt = 2290 }
{ name = "Page D"; uv = 2780; pv = 3908; amt = 2000 }
{ name = "Page E"; uv = 1890; pv = 4800; amt = 2181 }
let rangeData =
[| { day = "05-01"; temperature = (-1, 10) }
{ day = "05-02"; temperature = (2, 15) }
{ day = "05-03"; temperature = (3, 12) }
{ day = "05-04"; temperature = (4, 12) }
{ day = "05-05"; temperature = (12, 16) }
{ day = "05-06"; temperature = (5, 16) }
{ day = "05-07"; temperature = (3, 12) }
{ day = "05-08"; temperature = (0, 8) }
{ day = "05-09"; temperature = (-3, 5) }
open Data
let margin t r b l =
Chart.Margin { top = t; bottom = b; right = r; left = l }
let lineChartSample() =
[ margin 5. 20. 5. 0.
Chart.Width 600.
Chart.Height 300.
Chart.Data data ]
[ line
[ Cartesian.Type Monotone
Cartesian.DataKey "uv"
P.Stroke "#8884d8"
P.StrokeWidth 2. ]
[ P.Stroke "#ccc"
P.StrokeDasharray "5 5" ]
xaxis [Cartesian.DataKey "name"] []
yaxis [] []
tooltip [] []
let barChartSample() =
[ margin 5. 20. 5. 0.
Chart.Width 600.
Chart.Height 300.
Chart.Data data ]
[ xaxis [Cartesian.DataKey "name"] []
yaxis [] []
tooltip [] []
legend [] []
cartesianGrid [P.StrokeDasharray "3 3"] []
bar [Cartesian.DataKey "pv"; Cartesian.StackId "a"; P.Fill "#8884d8"] []
bar [Cartesian.DataKey "uv"; Cartesian.StackId "a"; P.Fill "#82ca9d"] []
let areaChartSample() =
[ margin 10. 30. 0. 0.
Chart.Width 730.
Chart.Height 250.
Chart.Data data ]
R.defs []
[ R.linearGradient
[ P.Id "colorUv"; P.X1 0.; P.Y1 0.; P.X2 0.; P.Y2 1.]
[ R.stop [ P.Offset "5%"; P.StopColor "#8884d8"; P.StopOpacity 0.8 ] []
R.stop [ P.Offset "95%"; P.StopColor "#8884d8"; P.StopOpacity 0 ] [] ]
[ P.Id "colorPv"; P.X1 0.; P.Y1 0.; P.X2 0.; P.Y2 1.]
[ R.stop [ P.Offset "5%"; P.StopColor "#82ca9d"; P.StopOpacity 0.8 ] []
R.stop [ P.Offset "95%"; P.StopColor "#82ca9d"; P.StopOpacity 0 ] [] ] ]
xaxis [ Cartesian.DataKey "name" ] []
yaxis [] []
cartesianGrid [P.StrokeDasharray "3 3"] []
tooltip [] []
[ Cartesian.Type Monotone
Cartesian.DataKey "uv"
Cartesian.Stroke "#8884d8"
P.Fill "url(#colorUv)"
P.FillOpacity 1 ] []
[ Cartesian.Type Monotone
Cartesian.DataKey "pv"
Cartesian.Stroke "#82ca9d"
P.Fill "url(#colorPv)"
P.FillOpacity 1 ] []
let renderApp() =
R.mountById "container1" <| lineChartSample()
R.mountById "container2" <| barChartSample()
R.mountById "container3" <| areaChartSample()
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