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April 18, 2024 09:13
Save algb12/74535fccfb528fae1d7a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. - App Nap disabler / enabler
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#!/usr/bin/perl | |
use 5.010; | |
use vars qw($VERSION); | |
use strict; | |
use warnings; | |
use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions); | |
Getopt::Long::Configure qw(gnu_getopt); | |
use Cwd 'abs_path'; | |
use File::Basename; | |
#################### | |
# No warranty, whether explicit or implied, comes with the use of this app. | |
# algb12 (herefrom referred to as "the author") takes no responsibility for any damage caused by this software or its component. | |
# The software is unlicensed, meaning that it is part of the public domain. | |
# It may be sold, modified, shipped as part of a package, or used in any way, as long as this disclaimer, in its unaltered form, is present. | |
#################### | |
# This script toggles App Nap, which makes background apps use less resources if not used for a period of time. | |
# Sometimes, though, apps have to do work in the background without getting throttled. | |
# For this purpose, this script eases the toggling of App Nap functionality for single apps, a list of apps or even a directory of apps. | |
# App Nap state can be reset to automatic (pre state as well. Can handle binary .plist containing apps. | |
#################### | |
# TODO: | |
# - ? Fix / disable case sensitivity for Info.plist CFBundleidentifier, so it works with all Info.plist files, no matter the case (or are all plists case-sensitiv anyways???) | |
# - Create a multi-app mode, so that many apps can have App Nap toggled at once (NOTE: it may be possible to just check the number of args provided, and treat multiple args as multiple apps instead) | |
# - DONE: Migrated to array-based file-handling, which allows for multiple args | |
# - Create a directory mode, so that all apps in a praticular directory can have App Nap toggled simultaneously | |
# - DONE: Said array-based file-handling coupled with grep takes list of directories ending with .app and turns them into an array. | |
# - Add ability of reading CFBundleIdentifier from binary .plist files | |
# - DONE: plutil temporarily converts plist to XML-based plist, then back into binary form (possible improvement: rather than convert the .plist file itself, create a copy of binary plist in XML format for reading, then delete the copy when unneeded) | |
# - Test on other OS X versions (e.g. Mavericks, El Capitan etc.). This version of was tested on OS X Yosemite (10.10.4). | |
# - NOTE: Volunteers ready to test it on other versions os OS X are welcome. If tested on other versions, please tell me whether the defaults write property is correct, or whether it has to be changed for 10.9 and 10.11... | |
#################### | |
# Define initial global vars | |
my $dir; | |
my $reset; | |
my @apps; | |
# Check whether directory mode is enabled | |
GetOptions('dir|d=s' => \$dir, 'r' => \$reset) or die "Usage: $0 --dir [-r] /path/to/dir-with-apps. The -r flag resets AppNap state to use.\n"; | |
# Quit unless app(s) are supplied or directory with apps | |
print "######## ########\n"; | |
# If no directory flag with directory set, use user-supplied apps | |
if (!$dir) { | |
# Check for at least 1 argument (app) | |
my $num_args = $#ARGV + 1; | |
if ($num_args < 1) { | |
die "Error: No app specified. Usage: /path/to/app or [--dir|-d][-r] /path/with/apps. The -r flag resets AppNap state to use.\n"; | |
} | |
# Put apps into @app array | |
@apps = @ARGV; | |
} elsif (-d $dir) { | |
# If directory mode used, get all apps in directory | |
opendir(DIR, $dir); | |
@apps = grep { /\.app$/mxs } map { "$dir/$_" } readdir(DIR); | |
closedir(DIR); | |
} | |
foreach my $app_path (@apps) { | |
# Got an argument, assume it is app path | |
$app_path = $1 if ($app_path =~ /(.*)\/$/mxs); | |
$app_path = abs_path($app_path); | |
# Check whether the app path provided exists (apps are directories) | |
if (-d "$app_path") { | |
# Check whether the app contains an Info.plist file | |
my $plist_file = $app_path . "/Contents/Info.plist"; | |
if (-e $plist_file) { | |
print "Info.plist found: $plist_file\n"; | |
# Create variable $plist for content of Info.plist to be stored | |
my $plist; | |
# If .plist is binary, convert it to XML for reading | |
my $isConverted; | |
if (-f -B $plist_file) { | |
$isConverted = 1; | |
print "$plist_file has been identified as an older .plist of binary format. Converting into XML-based .plist to allow R/W access.\n"; | |
system("plutil -convert xml1 $plist_file"); | |
} | |
print "Opening $plist_file for storing.\n"; | |
# Associate Info.plist file with a file handle | |
open(my $plist_fh, "<", $plist_file) or do {print "Cannot open file $plist_file"; next;}; | |
{ | |
# Restore initial value of $/ | |
local $/ = undef; | |
# Store content of plist file-handle in plist var | |
print "Storing data in variable.\n"; | |
$plist = <$plist_fh>; | |
} | |
# Close plist file-handle. From this point onwards, the original Info.plist cannot be overwritten accidentally by a bug. | |
print "Closing $plist_file\n"; | |
close($plist_fh) or die "unable to close: $!"; | |
# Convert plist back to binary, if it was converted to XML for reading | |
if ($isConverted) { | |
print "Converting $plist_file back into binary form.\n"; | |
system("plutil -convert binary1 $plist_file"); | |
} | |
# Get CFBundleIdentifier tag from Info.plist | |
print "Reading CFBundleIdentifier...\n"; | |
my ($cfbundleidentifier) = $plist =~ /<key>CFBundleIdentifier<\/key>.*?<string>(.*?)<\/string>/gmxs; | |
print "Got CFBundleIdentifier: $cfbundleidentifier\n"; | |
# Is AppNap disabled? | |
my $appnap_disabled = `defaults read $cfbundleidentifier NSAppSleepDisabled 2>/dev/null`; | |
# Message engine | |
my $appnap_disabled_literal; | |
my $appnap_future_state; | |
my $action; | |
if ($reset) { | |
if ($appnap_disabled eq q{}) { | |
$appnap_disabled_literal = "undefined"; | |
$action = "Resetting"; | |
$appnap_future_state = "resetted"; | |
} elsif ($appnap_disabled == 0) { | |
$appnap_disabled_literal = "enabled"; | |
$action = "Resetting"; | |
$appnap_future_state = "resetted"; | |
} elsif ($appnap_disabled == 1) { | |
$appnap_disabled_literal = "disabled"; | |
$action = "Resetting"; | |
$appnap_future_state = "resetted"; | |
} | |
} elsif ($appnap_disabled eq q{}) { | |
$appnap_disabled_literal = "undefined"; | |
$action = "Enabling"; | |
$appnap_future_state = "enabled"; | |
} elsif ($appnap_disabled == 0) { | |
$appnap_disabled_literal = "enabled"; | |
$action = "Disabling"; | |
$appnap_future_state = "disabled"; | |
} elsif ($appnap_disabled == 1) { | |
$appnap_disabled_literal = "disabled"; | |
$action = "Enabling"; | |
$appnap_future_state = "enabled"; | |
} | |
if ($? == 0) { | |
# Option for resetting the state set by previous usages when -r flag is passed | |
print "Current state: App Nap is $appnap_disabled_literal. $action App Nap.\n"; | |
if ($reset) { | |
system("defaults delete $cfbundleidentifier NSAppSleepDisabled >/dev/null"); | |
} elsif ($appnap_disabled == 0) { | |
system("defaults write $cfbundleidentifier NSAppSleepDisabled -bool YES >/dev/null"); | |
} elsif ($appnap_disabled == 1) { | |
system("defaults write $cfbundleidentifier NSAppSleepDisabled -bool NO >/dev/null"); | |
} | |
print "New state: App Nap $appnap_future_state. Restart app to apply changes.\n"; | |
} elsif ($reset) { | |
print "Nothing to be resetted. Exiting / skipping to next app.\n"; | |
next; | |
} else { | |
print "State not set. Disabling App Nap, assuming it is enabled by default.\n"; | |
system("defaults write $cfbundleidentifier NSAppSleepDisabled -bool YES >/dev/null"); | |
print "New state: App Nap disabled. Restart app to apply changes.\n"; | |
} | |
} else { | |
print "No Info.plist file found. Exiting / skipping to next app.\n"; | |
next; | |
} | |
} else { | |
print "App path is invalid. Exiting.\n"; | |
next; | |
} | |
} |
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