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Last active April 13, 2017 18:11
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// AUTHOR: algb12
// An implementation of the Pascal's triangle in PHP
// It is relatively fast, even with values in the 100s and 1000s
function pascalRow($n)
// Every Pascal's triangle starts with a 1
$row = [1];
// If row number ($n) is 0, just return an array with 1 in it
if ($n === 0) {
return $row;
// No answer for a number less than 1
if ($n < 1) {
// While current iteration ($i) is less than $n, process row
for ($i = 0; $i < $n; ++$i) {
// Adjust last index based on count to zero-based array by subtracting 1
$lastIdx = count($row) - 1;
// New row is initially an empty array
$newRow = [];
// First element in Pascal's triangle is always 1
$newRow[0] = 1;
// For each element in the row, do action below
foreach ($row as $k => $v) {
// If current element is last element
if ($k === $lastIdx) {
// Append a 1 to new row (rows always end in a 1)
$newRow[$k + 1] = 1;
// Set current row to new row
$row = $newRow;
// Exit this loop as end of row is reached
// If current element is not last element
if ($k !== $lastIdx) {
// Append sum of current element and next one to new row
$newRow[$k + 1] = $row[$k] + $row[$k + 1];
return $row;
// Test with small integer
// Test with another small integer
// Test with a larger integer
// Test with a very large integer
// This is like nCr for n = 33 and r = 7
echo pascalRow(33)[7];
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