##OverDrive Media Console OverDrive is a very common provider for eBooks and Audiobooks for the many public libraries. The ODMC is the application used to download resources.
OD now supports MP3 for all its audio-books and epub for their ebooks. This allows you to use it on Linux.
##Install and Setup ###Step 1. Dependencies To use ODMC on Linux, you need to install wine and winetricks. On a debian-based system, you can do:
sudo aptitude install wine winetricks
###Step 2. Download ODMC Follow this link to download the Windows version:
###Step 3. Install using Wine This is a two step process. First, we need to install Windows Media Player 10:
winetricks wmp10
Then, we install the file we downloaded in Step 2
wine msiexec /i ODMediaConsoleSetup.msi
Latest Overdrive link:
Also, had to install wmp10 using WINEARCH=win32