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Created January 7, 2023 21:46
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List DEX pools from on-chain logs
from itertools import chain
from base64 import b64decode
from algosdk.v2client.indexer import IndexerClient
from algosdk.encoding import checksum
# List of DEX pools from on-chain logs.
# Translated to Python from
# Pool ABI docs:
indexer = IndexerClient("", "")
# The Reach declaration for pool registration Event type is:
# Register: [ Contract, MToken, Token ]
# Event signature prefix, see ARC 28
sig = 'Register(uint64,(byte,byte[8]),uint64)'.encode()
prefix_hex = checksum(sig).hex()[0:8]
manager_app_id = 771884869
# We are ignoring next-token for simplicity in this example
logs_nested = indexer.application_logs(manager_app_id)
# make flat list of all logs
logs = chain.from_iterable(x['logs'] for x in logs_nested['log-data'])
# Filter down to only the Register logs by looking for the matching prefix
register_logs = [l for l in logs if b64decode(l)[0:4].hex() == prefix_hex]
for rlog in register_logs:
data = b64decode(rlog)
# interpret the next 8 bytes after the 4-byte prefix as the registered Contract (app_id: uint64)
pool_app_id = int(data[4:12].hex(), base=16)
pool_type = int(data[12:13].hex(), base=16)
assetA = int(data[13:21].hex(), base=16)
assetB = int(data[21:29].hex(), base=16)
if pool_type == 0:
if assetA != 0:
raise ValueError("Non-zero assetA for ALGO-OTHER pool type.")
print(f"{pool_app_id:12} {assetA:12} {assetB:12}")
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