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Last active January 7, 2023 23:01
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Python interface to HumbleSwap pool state
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
import struct
from base64 import b64decode
from algosdk.v2client.algod import AlgodClient
from tinyman.assets import Asset, AssetAmount
class HumblePool:
"""Liquidity pool in the HumbleSwap AMM DEX."""
def __init__(self, client: AlgodClient, app_id: int, N2NN: bool) -> None:
"""Constructor method for :class:`HumblePool`
:param client: a :class:`AlgodClient` object
:param app_id: pool app_id
:param N2NN: NetworkAsset<->NonNetworkAsset pool type flag, True for ALGO<->OTHER pools
self.client = client
self.app_id = app_id
self.is_algo_pool = N2NN
app_info = self.client.application_info(self.app_id)
app_state = app_info['params']['global-state']
state_data = {b64decode(x['key']).hex(): b64decode(x['value']['bytes']) for x in app_state}
self.state_data = state_data
b0 = state_data['00']
if self.is_algo_pool:
tokenB_id, = struct.unpack_from('!Q', b0, 32)
self.asset1 = Asset(id=0).fetch(self.client)
self.asset2 = Asset(id=tokenB_id).fetch(self.client)
tokenA_id, tokenB_id = struct.unpack_from('!QQ', b0, 32)
self.asset1 = Asset(id=tokenA_id).fetch(self.client)
self.asset2 = Asset(id=tokenB_id).fetch(self.client)
def refresh(self):
app_info = self.client.application_info(self.app_id)
app_state = app_info['params']['global-state']
state_data = {b64decode(x['key']).hex(): b64decode(x['value']['bytes']) for x in app_state}
b0 = state_data['00']
if self.is_algo_pool:
balA, balB = struct.unpack_from('!QQ', b0, offset=32+57)
balA, balB = struct.unpack_from('!QQ', b0, offset=32+65)
self.asset1_reserves = balA
self.asset2_reserves = balB
def fetch_fixed_input_swap_quote(self, amount_in: AssetAmount):
asset_in, asset_in_amount = amount_in.asset, amount_in.amount
if asset_in == self.asset1:
asset_out = self.asset2
input_supply = self.asset1_reserves
output_supply = self.asset2_reserves
asset_out = self.asset1
input_supply = self.asset2_reserves
output_supply = self.asset1_reserves
if not input_supply or not output_supply:
raise Exception('Pool has no liquidity!')
# k = input_supply * output_supply
# ignoring fees, k must remain constant
# (input_supply + asset_in) * (output_supply - amount_out) = k
k = input_supply * output_supply
asset_in_amount_minus_fee = (asset_in_amount * 997) / 1000
swap_fees = asset_in_amount - asset_in_amount_minus_fee
asset_out_amount = output_supply - (k / (input_supply + asset_in_amount_minus_fee))
amount_out = AssetAmount(asset_out, int(asset_out_amount))
return amount_out
def main():
trade = float(sys.argv[1]) if len(sys.argv) > 1 else 1000
client = AlgodClient("", "")
pool_id = 777628254 # ALGO-USDC pool
pool = HumblePool(client, app_id=pool_id, N2NN=True)
print(f'Pool id: {pool.app_id}')
print(f'Asset1 reserves {pool.asset1}: {pool.asset1_reserves}')
print(f'Asset2 reserves {pool.asset2}: {pool.asset2_reserves}')
print(f'Price: {pool.asset2_reserves / pool.asset1_reserves:.6f}')
print(f'InvPrice: {pool.asset1_reserves / pool.asset2_reserves:.6f}')
amount1 = pool.asset1(trade * 10**pool.asset1.decimals)
amount2 = pool.asset2(trade * 10**pool.asset2.decimals)
hs_out1 = pool.fetch_fixed_input_swap_quote(amount1)
hs_out2 = pool.fetch_fixed_input_swap_quote(amount2)
print(f'quote for {amount1}: {hs_out1}')
print(f'quote for {amount2}: {hs_out2}')
if __name__ == '__main__':
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