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Title | URI | |
Flurry by Yahoo | https://dev.flurry.com/secure/signup.do | |
Google NikCollection | https://dl.google.com/edgedl/photos/nikcollection-full-1.2.11.dmg | |
Bitbucket | http://bitbucket.org/ | |
SoftLayer | http://softlayer.com/ | |
VirtualBox | http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/5.0.16/VirtualBox-5.0.16-105871-OSX.dmg | |
Docker Hub | https://hub.docker.com/ | |
Oracle | http://oracle.com/ | |
Java | http://java.com | |
Sun | http://sun.com | |
Mysql | http://dev.mysql.com/get/Downloads/MySQL-5.7/mysql-5.7.12-osx10.11-x86_64.dmg | |
MongoDb Download | https://fastdl.mongodb.org/osx/mongodb-osx-x86_64-3.2.5.tgz | |
MongoDb University | https://university.mongodb.com/ | |
Adobe | http://www.adobe.com/ | |
Bintray | http://bintray.com/ | |
Adobe FlashPlayer | https://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/ | |
Adobe Reader | https://get.adobe.com/reader/ | |
PaymentWall | http://paymentwall.com/ | |
Stripe | https://dashboard.stripe.com/login | |
Paypal | http://paypal.com/ | |
Google AdMob | https://apps.admob.com/admob/signup | |
Google Adword | https://adwords.google.com/um/signin | |
ServerPilot | http://serverpilot.io/ | |
Google Adsense | https://www.google.com/adsense | |
Realm | http://realm.io/ | |
MaxCDN | http://cp.maxcdn.com | |
CoinBase | https://www.coinbase.com/account_notice | |
Themeforest | http://themeforest.net/ | |
CodeCanyon | http://codecanyon.net/ | |
VideoHive | http://videohive.net/ | |
AudioJungle | http://audiojungle.net/ | |
GraphicRiver | http://graphicriver.net/ | |
PhotoDune | http://photodune.net | |
3dOcean | http://3docean.net | |
Wix | https://users.wix.com/signin | |
BlueHost | http://bluehost.com | |
Visa | http://visa.com | |
Visa Developer | https://developer.visa.com/ | |
Nirsoft | http://nirsoft.net | |
Nvidia | http://www.nvidia.com/ | |
Nvidia Developer | https://developer.nvidia.com/ | |
Amd | http://www.amd.com/ | |
Geforce | http://www.geforce.com/ | |
DriverEasy | https://www.drivereasy.com/ | |
DriverGuide | http://driverguide.com | |
Jira by Atlassian | https://jira.atlassian.com/ | |
Atlassian Developers | https://developer.atlassian.com/ | |
ArcGIS | https://arcgis.com/ | |
ArcGIS Developer | https://developers.arcgis.com/ | |
GoPro | https://gopro.com/ | |
IBM Developer | https://developer.ibm.com | |
ARMmbed | https://www.mbed.com/ | |
Autodesk | http://autodesk.com | |
Autodesk PLM 360 | http://www.autodeskplm360.com/ | |
McAfee | https://home.mcafee.com/secure/cart | |
Norton by Symantec | http://norton.com/ | |
Netbeans | https://netbeans.org/ | |
Vmware | http://www.vmware.com/ | |
Nanobox | https://nanobox.io/ | |
BestBuy | http://www.bestbuy.com/ | |
Splunk | https://www.splunk.com/ | |
Splunk > Mint | https://mint.splunk.com/ | |
Docker Cloud | https://cloud.docker.com/ | |
DNA Stack | https://dnastack.com | |
SimilarWeb | https://similarweb.com | |
Target | http://target.com/ | |
Capital One Credit Cards | http://capitalone.com/ | |
Google Wallet | https://wallet.google.com/ | |
Game Stop | http://www.gamestop.com/ | |
Cisco WebEx | http://www.webex.com/ | |
Garmin | http://www.garmin.com/ | |
Dreamstime | http://dreamstime.com/ | |
TD Bank | http://www.tdbank.com/ | |
K Mart | http://www.kmart.com/ | |
Funds Express | http://fundsxpress.com/ | |
First Data | https://www.firstdata.com/ | |
AAA | http://www.aaa.com/ | |
Level3 | http://www.level3.com/ | |
Merrill Lynch | https://www.ml.com | |
PayChex | http://www.paychex.com/ | |
Spotify | https://www.spotify.com/int/why-not-available/ | |
Pandora | https://www.pandora.com/restricted | |
Just Cloud | http://www.justcloud.com/ | |
PagodaBox | https://pagodabox.io | |
Twilio | https://www.twilio.com/ | |
UnrealEngine | https://www.unrealengine.com/login | |
Unity 3d | https://unity3d.com | |
Element14 | https://www.element14.com/community/themes/e14/pages/denied-IR.html | |
Texas Instruments | http://www.ti.com/ | |
SolarWinds | http://www.solarwinds.com/ | |
Vue | http://vue.com | |
PluralSight | http://app.pluralsight.com/embargo | |
Matrix ITA Software | https://itasoftware.com/ | |
Unity Certification | https://certification.unity.com | |
Sony Drivers | http://dlv.update.sony.net/ | |
Intel Drivers | https://downloadcenter.intel.com/info/exportcompliance | |
Android Source | http://android.googlesource.com/ | |
Sign in to IBM | https://idaas.iam.ibm.com | |
Strong Loop | https://strongloop.com/ | |
AT&T | https://www.att.com/ | |
Dominos | http://www.dominos.co.uk/ | |
Google Domains | https://domains.google.com/registrar | |
Oracle Cloud | https://cloud.oracle.com | |
Google Apies Storage (Images,Go binaries,Dart binaries,...) | https://*.googleapis.com/ | |
Android Studio | https://dl.google.com/dl/android/studio/install/ | |
Android Repositories (i.e. Android SDK) | http://dl.google.com/android/* | |
Android Repositories (SSL) | https://dl-ssl.google.com/android/* | |
Google Analytics | https://analytics.google.com/analytics/web/ | |
Android Developer | http://developer.android.com/ | |
Google Developers | https://developers.google.com/* | |
Google API Console | https://console.developers.google.com/ | |
Google Doodles | https://www.google.com/doodles/finder/ | |
Google Primer | https://www.yourprimer.com | |
DNS Google | http://dns.google.com/ | |
Google App Engine | http://appengine.google.com/ | |
Google Cloud | https://cloud.google.com/* | |
Google Cloud Console | https://console.cloud.google.com/ | |
Chrome Experiments | https://www.chromeexperiments.com | |
Chrome Experiments Projects | https://*.chromeexperiments.com | |
Google Fiber | https://fiber.google.com | |
DartLang | https://www.dartlang.org/ | |
GoLang | https://golang.org/ | |
Google Polymer | https://www.polymer-project.org/ | |
Html5Rocks | http://www.html5rocks.com/ | |
Google - Cube Game | http://www.playmapscube.com/ | |
Google - with google | https://*.withgoogle.com/ | |
Google Material Design Lite (MDL) | http://www.getmdl.io/ | |
Google Chrome Racer | https://www.chrome.com/racer | |
Google Digital Attack Map | http://www.digitalattackmap.com/ | |
VirusTotal | http://www.virustotal.com/ | |
Blossom | https://www.blossom.io/ | |
Google Chrome Developer | https://developer.chrome.com/ | |
Switch.co | http://switch.co/ | |
Draw | https://draw.io/ | |
Gramfeed | http://www.gramfeed.com/ | |
SnapChat | https://www.snapchat.com/ | |
Google Appspot | http://*.appspot.com/ | |
PayDesk | http://www.paydesk.co/ | |
Affini Tech | http://www.affini-tech.com/ | |
FreeNom | http://www.freenom.com/ | |
Humble Bundle | https://www.humblebundle.com/ | |
Defold | http://www.defold.com/ | |
Google Science Fair | https://www.googlesciencefair.com/ | |
DoubleClick | https://www.doubleclickbygoogle.com/ | |
Made With Code | https://www.madewithcode.com/ | |
Think With Google | https://www.thinkwithgoogle.com/ | |
Google Creative Lab | https://www.creativelab5.com/ | |
Google Apps Certification | http://certification.googleapps.com/ | |
Optimizely | https://app.optimizely.com/signin | |
Rich Media Gallery | https://www.richmediagallery.com/ | |
How Google Works | http://www.howgoogleworks.net/ | |
Android Experiments | https://www.androidexperiments.com/ | |
Urban Galaxy | https://www.urbangalaxyonline.com/ | |
Ingress | https://www.ingress.com/ | |
Synergyse | https://www.synergyse.com/ | |
Cube Slam | https://www.cubeslam.com/ | |
Project Re:Brief | http://www.projectrebrief.com/ | |
Google Apps Sign-up | https://www.google.com/a/signup/?hl=en-IN&source=gafb-alpha_homepage_6800649-globalnav-&ga_region=japac&ga_country=in&ga_lang=en | |
PushBullet API | https://api.pushbullet.com/* | |
Made With Unity | https://madewith.unity.com/ | |
Wix Media | http://media.wix.com/* | |
Cloud Serve Point (CPMStars) | http://cloudservepoint.com/ | |
Aff Clicker (CPMStars) | http://www.affclicker.com/ | |
Serving Clicks (CPMStars) | http://servingclks.com/ | |
CloudZone (CPMStars) | http://cloudzonetrk.com/ | |
VonVon | http://vonvon.me/ | |
VonVon (English) | http://en.vonvon.me/ | |
Українська правда | http://pravda.com.ua/ | |
United Services Automobile Association (USSA) | https://www.usaa.com | |
Shop Bloomingdale's | http://www.bloomingdales.com/ | |
EpochTimes (大纪元) | http://epochtimes.com/ | |
Sears | http://www.sears.com/ | |
PNC Bank | https://www.pnc.com | |
Kohl's | http://www.kohls.com/ | |
Apartments | http://www.apartments.com/ | |
Google Firebase | https://firebase.google.com/ | |
Firebase Auth | https://auth.firebase.com/ | |
Firebase Console | https://console.firebase.google.com | |
Scoompa | http://www.scoompa.com/ | |
SeatGeek | https://seatgeek.com/ | |
App in the air | https://www.appintheair.mobi/ | |
Google's Women Techmakers program | https://www.womentechmakers.com/ | |
Google Cast | https://www.google.com/cast/ | |
Google GWT | http://www.gwtproject.org/ | |
US Bank | https://www.usbank.com/ | |
US Bank Focus | https://www.usbankfocus.com/ | |
US Bank Connect | https://www.usbankconnect.com/ | |
US Bank Convenient Cash | https://www.usbconvenientcash.com/ | |
US Bank Go Mobile | https://www.usbankgomobile.com/ | |
FlexPerks | http://www.flexperks.com/ | |
US Bank Visa Buxx | https://usbank.visabuxx.com/ | |
Visa USA | https://usa.visa.com/ | |
Elan Financial Services | https://www.elanfinancialservices.com/ | |
Credit Card Account Access | https://www.myaccountaccess.com | |
With Youtube | https://*.withyoutube.com | |
Tables Generator | http://www.tablesgenerator.com/ | |
GPS Essentials | http://www.gpsessentials.com/ | |
Java TrueLicense | truelicense.java.net | |
Alexa Registration | https://www.alexa.com/secure/plans/login | |
ZXing | http://zxing.org/ | |
Playster | https://signup.playster.com/global | |
Laravel Blogify | http://www.blogify.io/ | |
Mockable.io | https://www.mockable.io/ | |
Intel Software | https://software.intel.com/sites/common/403_compliance.htm | |
Intel | https://intel.com/ | |
Gantt Project | https://www.ganttproject.biz/ | |
MongoDB | https://www.mongodb.com/ | |
Google Code Projects | https://code.google.com/p/* | |
Schema | https://schema.org/ | |
Timer Tab | http://www.timer-tab.com/ | |
Sentry | https://getsentry.com | |
Rollbar | https://rollbar.com | |
RetailMeNot Coupons | https://www.retailmenot.com/ | |
Udemy | https://www.udemy.com/ | |
Ebay | http://www.ebay.com/ | |
Seagate | http://www.seagate.com/ | |
SendGrid | https://sendgrid.com/ | |
BombSquadGame | http://bombsquadgame.com/ | |
Wowza | http://www.wowza.com/ | |
Html5Up | https://html5up.net/ | |
FirebaseIO Subdomains (eg: hacker-news) | https://*.firebaseio.com/ | |
ActiveTcl Dwonload (ActiveState) | http://www.activestate.com/no-export?country_id=IR | |
Sentry | https://sentry.io | |
Sentry Documentation | https://docs.sentry.io | |
Material IO | http://material.io/ | |
Relative Wave | http://relativewave.com/ | |
Google Cloud Platform Podcast | https://www.gcppodcast.com/ | |
TeamViewer | https://www.teamviewer.com/unavailable/ | |
Google/Trimble SketchUp | http://dl.trimble.com/sketchup/SketchUpMake-en-x64.exe | |
Toggl Support (hosted on Google Cloud) | https://support.toggl.com | |
flag-icon-css | http://flag-icon-css.lip.is/ | |
Toggl (hosted on Google Cloud) | https://toggl.com/ | |
Toggl Jobs | https://jobs.toggl.com | |
Toggl SuperDay | https://superday.toggl.com/ | |
Toggl Blog | https://blog.toggl.com/ | |
Tableau | http://www.tableau.com/ | |
Atlassian marketplace | https://marketplace.atlassian.com/ | |
Prey Control Panel | https://panel.preyproject.com | |
Prey Api | https://solid.preyproject.com | |
MalwareBytes | https://www.malwarebytes.com/ | |
MalwareBytes CDN | http://data-cdn.mbamupdates.com/ | |
Hortonworks | http://hortonworks.com/ | |
Airbnb | https://www.airbnb.com | |
Kaleidoscope App | http://www.kaleidoscopeapp.com/ | |
Google AI | http://google.ai/ | |
Elasticsearch Downloads | https://artifacts.elastic.co/* | |
Upwork | https://www.upwork.com | |
Nic.io - My Account | https://my.nic.io/ | |
Codefresh Console | https://g.codefresh.io/ | |
Google Data Studio | https://datastudio.google.com/ | |
Plotly | https://plot.ly/ | |
Kinsta | https://kinsta.com/ | |
DELL EMC | https://www.dellemc.com/ | |
Flynn | https://flynn.io/ | |
Creative Market | https://creativemarket.com/ | |
Hugo | https://gohugo.io/ | |
CancerIQ Engineering | http://engineering.canceriq.com/ | |
CancerIQ Specialist | https://specialist.canceriq.com/ | |
CancerIQ Login | https://login.canceriq.com/ | |
CancerIQ Navigator | https://navigator.canceriq.com/ | |
PHP.net | http://php.net/ | |
Secure PHP.net | https://secure.php.net/ | |
CA | http://www.ca.com/ | |
AVG CDN | https://install.avcdn.net/avg/iavs9x/avg_antivirus_free_setup.exe | |
CCleaner Downloads | https://download.ccleaner.com/ | |
FileHippo | https://filehippo.com/ | |
Avast | https://www.avast.com/ | |
Sandisk | https://www.sandisk.com/ | |
Toptal | https://www.toptal.com | |
ePayments | https://www.epayments.com/ | |
Onesignal | https://onesignal.com/ | |
Gitlab | https://gitlab.com/ | |
GCP Ping | http://www.gcping.com/ | |
FortiClient | https://forticlient.com/ | |
MariaDB | https://mariadb.com/ | |
Ambassador | https://getambassador.io/ | |
Kong | https://konghq.com/ | |
Istio | https://istio.io/ | |
Samsung Developer | https://developer.samsung.com | |
Fresh Works | https://www.freshworks.com/ | |
Message Bird | http://messagebird.com/ | |
Redhat Registry | https://registry.access.redhat.com/ | |
Zoom.us | https://zoom.us/ | |
Lenovo | http://www.lenovo.com/ | |
SecurityTrails | https://securitytrails.com/ | |
PandaSecurity | https://www.pandasecurity.com/ | |
Sophos | http://www.sophos.com/ | |
League | https://league.com/ | |
SightMachine | sightmachine.com | |
Shujinko | https://www.shujinko.io/ | |
Sysdig | https://sysdig.com/ | |
IBM | https://www.ibm.com/ | |
Fluentd | https://www.fluentd.org/ | |
Netdata | https://www.netdata.cloud/ | |
Uber | https://uber.com/ | |
Uber Mobile | https://m.uber.com/ | |
UberEats | https://www.ubereats.com/ | |
Uber Auth | https://auth.uber.com/ | |
Redhat Registry | http://registry.redhat.io/ | |
StackShare.io | https://stackshare.io/ |
github.com private repository they are blocking me out of my repository and not letting me even delete my code
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github.com private repository they are blocking me out of my repository and not letting me even delete my code
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No, they send me an email and just blocked no warning nothing !!!!
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why?! I am from Iran. why you do this?!?!
everybody here is from Iran body, we gathering evidence of the other countries blocking the internet on us. so when we reach a website that shows us Access denied with Iran IP, we take screenshots and put it here.
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github.com private repository they are blocking me out of my repository and not letting me even delete my code