Almost bulletproof style for nice underline.
- Work with em and px
- Selection color
- Mixin
- Almost every direction text-shadow for bulletproof foot cuting
- No Compass but Autoprefixer is recommended
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Parse Start and Due Dates script | |
By Ryan Oldford | |
Based on work by andyferra ( | |
change_case taken from | |
This script is used with TaskPaper to provide better start and due date support, as well as support for repeating tasks. | |
The script searches for @due and @start tags, converts their values to standard date code values, | |
then adds the appropriate "diff" tag whose value indicates how far away the due or start date is (negative = past, 0 = today). | |
Any tasks with a @repeat tag that are done are edited to remove the done tag and have their due tags updated. |