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Created April 21, 2010 08:02
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(ns extended.sql
"Extensions to clojure.contrib.sql that handle autogenerated ids."
(:use clojure.contrib.sql)
;; TODO: change to clojure.contrib.string for 1.2
(:use [ :only [as-str]]))
;;==== Internal functions ======================================================
(defn- join
"Joins the items in the given collection into a single string separated
with the string separator."
[separator col]
(apply str (interpose separator col)))
(defn- sql-for-insert
"Converts a table identifier (keyword or string) and a hash identifying
a record into an sql insert statement compatible with prepareStatement
Returns [sql values-to-insert]"
[table record]
(let [table-name (as-str table)
columns (map as-str (keys record))
values (vals record)
n (count columns)
template (join "," (replicate n "?"))
column-names (join "," columns)
sql (format "insert into %s (%s) values (%s)"
table-name column-names template)]
[sql values]))
;;==== Functions/macros for use by macros ======================================
(defn run-chained
"Runs the given database insert functions on the given
database spec within a transaction. Each function is passed a hash
identifying the keys of the previous inserts."
[db insert-fns]
(with-connection db
(loop [id {}
todo insert-fns]
(if (empty? todo)
(let [[table insert-fn] (first todo)
inserted-id (insert-fn id)]
(recur (assoc id table inserted-id)
(rest todo))))))))
(defmacro build-insert-fns
"Converts a vector of [:table { record }] into a vector of database
insert functions."
(for [[table record] (partition 2 table-records)]
`[~table (fn [~'id]
(insert-record ~table ~record))])))
;;==== Functions/macros for external use =======================================
(defn insert-record
"Equivalent of clojure.contrib.sql/insert-records that only inserts a single
record but returns the autogenerated id of that record if available."
[table record]
(let [[sql values] (sql-for-insert table record)]
(with-open [statement (.prepareStatement (connection) sql)]
(doseq [[index value] (map vector (iterate inc 1) values)]
(.setObject statement index value))
(.execute statement)
(if-let [rs (.getGeneratedKeys statement)]
(if (.next rs)
(if-let [id (.getObject rs 1)]
(defmacro insert-with-id
"Insert records within a single transaction into the database described by
the given db spec. The record format is :table { record-hash }.
The record hashes can optionally access a hashmap 'id' which holds the
autogenerated ids of previous inserts keyed by the table name. e.g.
(insert-with-id db-spec
:department {:name \"xfiles\"
:location \"secret\"}
:employee {:department (id :department)
:name \"Mr X\"})"
[db & table-records]
`(let [insert-fns# (build-insert-fns ~table-records)]
(run-chained ~db insert-fns#)))
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