March 29, 2018 15:02
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adobe-source-code-pro-fonts | |
akonadi-calendar-tools | |
akonadiconsole | |
akonadi-import-wizard | |
akregator | |
alsi | |
amarok | |
archlinuxcn-keyring | |
ark | |
artikulate | |
audiocd-kio | |
autoconf | |
automake | |
avogadrolibs | |
bash | |
binutils | |
bison | |
blender | |
blinken | |
bluedevil | |
bomber | |
bovo | |
breeze | |
breeze-gtk | |
bzip2 | |
calibre | |
cantor | |
cervisia | |
chemical-mime-data | |
chromium-dev | |
clion | |
clion-cmake | |
clion-gdb | |
clion-jre | |
clion-lldb | |
cmake | |
colordiff | |
coreutils | |
cppcheck | |
cryptsetup | |
cuda | |
cudnn | |
device-mapper | |
dhcpcd | |
diffutils | |
digikam | |
discover | |
dmidecode | |
dolphin | |
dolphin-plugins | |
downgrade | |
dragon | |
drkonqi | |
e2fsprogs | |
eigen | |
electronic-wechat | |
elisa | |
emacs | |
extra-cmake-modules | |
fakeroot | |
fcitx | |
fcitx-gtk2 | |
fcitx-gtk3 | |
fcitx-qt4 | |
fcitx-qt5 | |
fcitx-rime | |
ffmpegthumbs | |
file | |
filelight | |
filesystem | |
filezilla | |
findutils | |
firefox-nightly | |
firefox-nightly-i18n-zh-cn | |
flake8 | |
flatpak | |
flex | |
gawk | |
gcc | |
gcc5 | |
gcc-fortran | |
gcc-libs | |
gettext | |
gimp | |
git | |
gitter | |
glibc | |
gnome-mime-data | |
go | |
goland | |
granatier | |
grantlee-editor | |
graphviz | |
grep | |
groff | |
gwenview | |
gzip | |
htop | |
httpie | |
iftop | |
inetutils | |
inkscape | |
iproute2 | |
iputils | |
ipython | |
jdk | |
jdk7 | |
jdk7-openjdk | |
jdk8-openjdk | |
jdk9-openjdk | |
jfsutils | |
juk | |
julia | |
k3b | |
kaccounts-integration | |
kaccounts-providers | |
kactivitymanagerd | |
kaddressbook | |
kajongg | |
kalarm | |
kalgebra | |
kalzium | |
kamera | |
kamoso | |
kanagram | |
kapman | |
kapptemplate | |
kate | |
katomic | |
kblackbox | |
kblocks | |
kbounce | |
kbreakout | |
kbruch | |
kcachegrind | |
kcalc | |
kcharselect | |
kcm-fcitx | |
kcolorchooser | |
kcron | |
kdebugsettings | |
kde-cli-tools | |
kdecoration | |
kde-dev-scripts | |
kde-dev-utils | |
kdegraphics-mobipocket | |
kde-gtk-config | |
kde-l10n-zh_cn | |
kdenetwork-filesharing | |
kdenlive | |
kdepim-addons | |
kdeplasma-addons | |
kdesdk-kioslaves | |
kdesdk-thumbnailers | |
kdevelop | |
kdevelop-pg-qt | |
kdevelop-php | |
kdevelop-python | |
kdf | |
kdialog | |
kdiamond | |
keditbookmarks | |
kfind | |
kfloppy | |
kfourinline | |
kgamma5 | |
kgeography | |
kget | |
kgoldrunner | |
kgpg | |
kgraphviewer | |
khangman | |
khelpcenter | |
khotkeys | |
kig | |
kigo | |
kile | |
killbots | |
kimagemapeditor | |
kinfocenter | |
kio-extras | |
kiriki | |
kiten | |
kjumpingcube | |
kleopatra | |
klettres | |
klickety | |
klines | |
kmag | |
kmahjongg | |
kmail | |
kmail-account-wizard | |
kmenuedit | |
kmines | |
kmousetool | |
kmouth | |
kmplot | |
knavalbattle | |
knemo | |
knetattach | |
knetwalk | |
knotes | |
kolf | |
kollision | |
kolourpaint | |
kompare | |
konqueror | |
konquest | |
konsole | |
kontact | |
konversation | |
kopete | |
korganizer | |
kpatience | |
krdc | |
krecipes | |
krename | |
kreversi | |
krfb | |
krita | |
kross-interpreters | |
kruler | |
krusader | |
kscreen | |
kscreenlocker | |
kshisen | |
ksirk | |
ksnakeduel | |
kspaceduel | |
ksquares | |
ksshaskpass | |
kstars | |
ksudoku | |
ksysguard | |
ksystemlog | |
kteatime | |
ktimer | |
ktouch | |
ktuberling | |
kturtle | |
kubrick | |
kuiserver | |
kwalletmanager | |
kwallet-pam | |
kwave | |
kwayland-integration | |
kwin | |
kwordquiz | |
kwrite | |
kwrited | |
less | |
lib32-gnutls | |
lib32-libcups | |
lib32-libldap | |
lib32-libpulse | |
lib32-libxcomposite | |
lib32-libxslt | |
lib32-mpg123 | |
lib32-nvidia-utils | |
lib32-openal | |
lib32-v4l-utils | |
libkscreen | |
libksysguard | |
libreoffice-fresh | |
libreoffice-fresh-zh-CN | |
libtool | |
licenses | |
linux | |
logrotate | |
lokalize | |
lskat | |
lvm2 | |
m4 | |
make | |
man-db | |
man-pages | |
marble | |
mbox-importer | |
mdadm | |
milou | |
minuet | |
mlocate | |
mpv | |
namcap | |
nano | |
neovim | |
netctl | |
netease-cloud-music | |
networkmanager | |
networkmanager-openconnect | |
ninja | |
nodejs | |
noto-fonts-cjk | |
noto-fonts-emoji | |
npm | |
ntfs-3g | |
nvidia | |
nvidia-settings | |
nvidia-utils | |
oh-my-zsh-git | |
okteta | |
okular | |
openbabel | |
openssh | |
oxygen | |
p7zip | |
pacman | |
palapeli | |
parley | |
patch | |
pciutils | |
pcmciautils | |
perl | |
picmi | |
pigz | |
pim-data-exporter | |
pim-sieve-editor | |
pkg-config | |
pkgtools | |
plasma-desktop | |
plasma-integration | |
plasma-nm | |
plasma-pa | |
plasma-sdk | |
plasma-vault | |
plasma-workspace | |
plasma-workspace-wallpapers | |
polkit-kde-agent | |
powerdevil | |
poxml | |
print-manager | |
privoxy | |
procps-ng | |
proxychains-ng | |
psmisc | |
python-beautifulsoup4 | |
python-biopython | |
python-jedi | |
python-logbook | |
python-pandas | |
python-pip | |
python-pylint | |
python-scikit-learn | |
python-scipy | |
python-tensorflow | |
qbittorrent | |
qtcreator | |
r | |
reiserfsprogs | |
rocs | |
rstudio-desktop-git | |
rsync | |
samba | |
scala | |
scapy | |
scons | |
screenfetch | |
sddm | |
sddm-kcm | |
sed | |
shadow | |
shadowsocks | |
shadowsocks-libev | |
signon-kwallet-extension | |
simple-obfs | |
slack-desktop | |
s-nail | |
spectacle | |
sqlite-analyzer | |
sshfs | |
steam | |
step | |
strace | |
sudo | |
sweeper | |
synergy | |
sysfsutils | |
systemd | |
systemd-sysvcompat | |
systemsettings | |
tar | |
teamviewer-beta | |
telegram-desktop | |
telepathy-kde-accounts-kcm | |
telepathy-kde-approver | |
telepathy-kde-auth-handler | |
telepathy-kde-call-ui | |
telepathy-kde-common-internals | |
telepathy-kde-contact-list | |
telepathy-kde-contact-runner | |
telepathy-kde-desktop-applets | |
telepathy-kde-filetransfer-handler | |
telepathy-kde-integration-module | |
telepathy-kde-send-file | |
telepathy-kde-text-ui | |
tensorflow-opt-cuda | |
terminus-font | |
texinfo | |
texlive-bin | |
tk | |
tmux | |
traceroute | |
tree | |
typescript | |
umbrello | |
usbutils | |
user-manager | |
util-linux | |
vi | |
vim | |
virtualbox | |
visual-studio-code-bin | |
webstorm | |
wget | |
which | |
xdg-desktop-portal-kde | |
xfsprogs | |
xorg-server | |
yaourt | |
ydcv | |
youdao-dict | |
youtube-dl | |
zeal | |
zeroconf-ioslave | |
zotero | |
zsh |
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