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Last active June 10, 2022 18:24
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GTMetrics comparison snippet
function returnRefinedURL(url) {
return url.replace(new RegExp("=\\w+"),"").replace("?&","?").replace("&&","&");
testsAndRequests = [];
document.querySelector('.report-waterfall').contentWindow.document.querySelectorAll('.vsc-initialized table .netTable').forEach((table, index) => {
table.querySelectorAll('.netFullHrefLabel.netHrefLabel.netLabel ').forEach((row, rowIndex) => {
if (rowIndex === 0) { testsAndRequests.push([]); }
firstTestRequests = testsAndRequests[0].map(returnRefinedURL);
secondTestRequests = testsAndRequests[1].map(returnRefinedURL);
console.log('In A not in B: ', firstTestRequests.filter(x => !secondTestRequests.includes(x)));
console.log('In B not in A: ', secondTestRequests.filter(x => !firstTestRequests.includes(x)));
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