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Forked from AndrewBelt/
Created January 13, 2018 01:45
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for exporting SVG panels to VCV plugin source files
# for exporting SVG panels to VCV plugin source files
# Version: 1
# Support contact email: /dev/null
# License: CC0
import sys
import os
import re
import xml.etree.ElementTree
help = """usage: python SVGFILE > source.cpp
This hacky script converts an .svg panel file to a C++ source file to create VCV module.
The panel must be set up in a very specific way using Inkscape.
1. Create a layer called "widgets". You may make it invisible when saving. This script will still read them.
2. In that layer, create a rectangle for every widget. Set the fill color accordingly. Alpha is ignored.
- params: red #ff0000
- inputs: green #00ff00
- outputs: blue #0000ff
3. The top-left position of the rectangle is what matters. Size doesn't, however you may want to match it to the size of the widget for alignment purposes.
4. Set the ID of the element with the enum the widget will refer to, excluding _PARAM, etc.
5. Run the script, and an entire C++ file will be generated on stdout which is a better starting point than nothing at all.
def eprint(*args, **kwargs):
print(*args, file=sys.stderr, **kwargs)
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
def slugize(name):
if name[0].isdigit():
return "_" + name
return name
dpi = 75
scale = 1
# scale = dpi / 25.4
filename = sys.argv[1]
basename = os.path.basename(filename)
slug = slugize(os.path.splitext(basename)[0])
eprint("slug: %s" % slug)
tree = xml.etree.ElementTree.parse(filename)
root = tree.getroot()
width = root.get('width')
height = root.get('height')
# width = float(re.findall('[\d.]+', width)[0])
# height = float(re.findall('[\d.]+', height)[0])
# width *= dpi
# height *= dpi
# hp = round(width / 15)
eprint("width: %s" % width)
eprint("height: %s" % height)
# eprint("hp: %d" % hp)
# Find widgets in tree
params = []
inputs = []
outputs = []
lights = []
groups = root.findall(".//{}g")
eprint("Found %d groups" % len(groups))
for group in groups:
label = group.get("{}label")
if label == 'widgets':
rects = group.findall(".//{}rect")
eprint("Found %d rects in layer called widgets" % len(rects))
for rect in rects:
label = rect.get('{}label')
if label is None:
label = rect.get('id')
eprint("Warning: %s has no label, using id" % label)
id = slugize(label).upper()
style = rect.get('style')
color_match ='fill:\S*#(.{6});', style)
color =
x = float(rect.get('x')) * scale
y = float(rect.get('y')) * scale
x = round(x, 3)
y = round(y, 3)
widget = {'id': id, 'x': x, 'y': y, 'color': color}
if color == 'ff0000': # Red
if color == '00ff00': # Green
if color == '0000ff': # Blue
if color == 'ff00ff': # Magenta
params = sorted(params, key=lambda widget: widget['y'])
inputs = sorted(inputs, key=lambda widget: widget['y'])
outputs = sorted(outputs, key=lambda widget: widget['y'])
lights = sorted(lights, key=lambda widget: widget['y'])
# Print output
#include "Tutorial.hpp"
struct %s : Module {\
""" % slug)
# Params
print(" enum ParamIds {")
for w in params:
print(" %s_PARAM," % w['id'])
print(" NUM_PARAMS")
print(" };")
# Inputs
print(" enum InputIds {")
for w in inputs:
print(" %s_INPUT," % w['id'])
print(" NUM_INPUTS")
print(" };")
# Outputs
print(" enum OutputIds {")
for w in outputs:
print(" %s_OUTPUT," % w['id'])
print(" NUM_OUTPUTS")
print(" };")
# Lights
print(" enum LightIds {")
for w in lights:
print(" %s_LIGHT," % w['id'])
print(" NUM_LIGHTS")
print(" };")
void step() override;
void %s::step() {
%sWidget::%sWidget() {
%s *module = new %s();
setPanel(SVG::load(assetPlugin(plugin, "res/%s")));
addChild(createScrew<ScrewSilver>(Vec(15, 0)));
addChild(createScrew<ScrewSilver>(Vec(box.size.x - 30, 0)));
addChild(createScrew<ScrewSilver>(Vec(15, 365)));
addChild(createScrew<ScrewSilver>(Vec(box.size.x - 30, 365)));\
""" % (slug, slug, slug, slug, slug, slug, basename))
# Params
if len(params) > 0:
for w in params:
print(" addParam(createParam<Davies1900hBlackKnob>(mm2px(Vec(%g, %g)), module, %s::%s_PARAM, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0));" % (w['x'], w['y'], slug, w['id']))
# Inputs
if len(inputs) > 0:
for w in inputs:
print(" addInput(createInput<PJ301MPort>(mm2px(Vec(%g, %g)), module, %s::%s_INPUT));" % (w['x'], w['y'], slug, w['id']))
# Outputs
if len(outputs) > 0:
for w in outputs:
print(" addOutput(createOutput<PJ301MPort>(mm2px(Vec(%g, %g)), module, %s::%s_OUTPUT));" % (w['x'], w['y'], slug, w['id']))
# Lights
if len(lights) > 0:
for w in lights:
print(" addChild(createLight<RedLight>(mm2px(Vec(%g, %g)), module, %s::%s_LIGHT));" % (w['x'], w['y'], slug, w['id']))
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