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Best Regular Expression for Detect Iranian Mobile Phone Numbers

Best Regular Expression for Detect Iranian Mobile Phone Numbers

I'm sure its best regular expression for detect iranian mobile number.

(0|\+98)?([ ]|,|-|[()]){0,2}9[1|2|3|4]([ ]|,|-|[()]){0,2}(?:[0-9]([ ]|,|-|[()]){0,2}){8}

use in javascript

mobileReg = /(0|\+98)?([ ]|-|[()]){0,2}9[1|2|3|4]([ ]|-|[()]){0,2}(?:[0-9]([ ]|-|[()]){0,2}){8}/ig,
junkReg = /[^\d]/ig,
persinNum = [/۰/gi,/۱/gi,/۲/gi,/۳/gi,/۴/gi,/۵/gi,/۶/gi,/۷/gi,/۸/gi,/۹/gi],
num2en = function (str){
  for(var i=0;i<10;i++){
  return str;
getMobiles = function(str){
  var mobiles = num2en(str+'').match(mobileReg) || [];
    arr[index][0]==='0' || (arr[index]='0'+arr[index]);
  return mobiles;

// test
console.log(getMobiles("jafang 0 91 2 (123) 45-67 jafang or +۹۸ (۹۱۵) ۸۰ ۸۰ ۸۸۸"));

support all option like these
912 123 4567
912 1234 567
912 (123) 4567
9 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
9 -1 (2 12))3 45-6 7
and all with +98 or 0
or even persian numbers +۹۸ (۹۱۵) ۸۰ ۸۰ ۸۸۸

and only detect true iranian operator numbers 091x 092x 093x 094x

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do u have any idea about static phone numbers of Iran?

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very Good! Damet garm dada

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mahdieftekhaari commented Jul 24, 2017

thanks, very good... and now days "true iranian operator numbers" supports 090*

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Hamidnch commented Aug 26, 2017

Thanks.Last update for support the some of Irancell number.(for example: 0903 ------)
"^(0|+98)?([ ]|,|-|[()]){0,2}9[0|1|2|3|4]([ ]|,|-|[()]){0,3}(?:[0-9]([ ]|,|-|[()]){0,2}){8}$"
[Best Regards]

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that's greate but doesn't filter the 0923 , 0924, 0925 ....
and we don't have 094...

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Thanks, Sir

But your regex has ReDOS bug! please rewrite again your written regex.

Best regards.

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i test this by farsi digit but not match
this demo

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baznak commented Jul 10, 2019

لطفا تغیرش بدید به این
(\+98|0|98|0098)?([ ]|-|[()]){0,2}9[0-9]([ ]|-|[()]){0,2}(?:[0-9]([ ]|-|[()]){0,2}){8}/
چون شماره های زیر پوشش نمیدی
و موارد زیاد دیگه
اینی که دادم همه نوع رو پوشش میده

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the best regex pattern


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Thanks for your effort, but this regex does not detect all Iranian mobile numbers, as you can see in this Link, MCI operator and Irancell operator added new formats that your regex does not support, I changed your regex for supporting this new numbers:

(0|+98)?([ ]|,|-|[()]){0,2}9[0|1|2|3|4|9]([ ]|,|-|[()]){0,2}(?:[0-9]([ ]|,|-|[()]){0,2}){8}

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it,s very good
.if number persian or arabic when not working.
you should use this code

function fixNumbers(str) {
     var persianNumbers = [/۰/g, /۱/g, /۲/g, /۳/g, /۴/g, /۵/g, /۶/g, /۷/g, /۸/g, /۹/g];
     var arabicNumbers = [/٠/g, /١/g, /٢/g, /٣/g, /٤/g, /٥/g, /٦/g, /٧/g, /٨/g, /٩/g];

if (typeof str === 'string') {
    for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        str = str.replace(persianNumbers[i], i).replace(arabicNumbers[i], i);
 return str; }; 

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bahramxi commented Nov 17, 2022

that great

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Aghaie commented Dec 25, 2022

Latest update:
support new prenumbers, support arabic keyboards:

var mobileReg = /(\+98|0|98|0098)?([ ]|-|[()]){0,2}9[0-9]([ ]|-|[()]){0,2}(?:[0-9]([ ]|-|[()]){0,2}){8}/ig,
junkReg = /[^\d]/ig,
persianNum = [/۰/gi,/۱/gi,/۲/gi,/۳/gi,/۴/gi,/۵/gi,/۶/gi,/۷/gi,/۸/gi,/۹/gi],
arabicNum = [/٠/g, /١/g, /٢/g, /٣/g, /٤/g, /٥/g, /٦/g, /٧/g, /٨/g, /٩/g];

num2en = function (str){
  for(var i=0;i<10;i++){
    str=str.replace(persianNum[i],i).replace(arabicNum[i], i);
  return str;
getMobiles = function(str){
  var mobiles = num2en(str+'').match(mobileReg) || [];
    arr[index][0]==='0' || (arr[index]='0'+arr[index]);
  return mobiles;

// test
console.log(getMobiles("jafang 0 91 2 (123) 45-67 jafang or +۹۸ (۹۱٤) ۸۰ ۸۰ ۸۸۸"));

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