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Created November 7, 2023 20:04
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alias: Ashley’s Light Fader
description: >
Fades a lamp over time. If you have any questions or comments about this
script, feel free to tweet Ashley Bischoff at @FriendlyAshley. Released under
the Apache 2.0 license. (v1.1)
name: 💡 Light
description: entity_id of the lamp.
domain: light
required: true
name: ♨️ Kelvin
description: Color temperature in Kelvin of the lamp.
min_mireds: 2720
max_mireds: 6000
example: 3000
required: true
name: The lamp’s internal brightness scale
description: >
Most lamps seem to internally use a 0 to 255 brightness scale, but some
lamps internally use a 0% to 100% brightness scale. Either of these
settings will still fade the lamp, but if you happen to match this setting
to the lamp’s internal brightness scale, the resulting fade may be
smoother. (If you’re not sure, you can just leave this as is.)
advanced: true
required: true
- label: 0% to 100%
value: zeroToOneHundred
- label: 0 to 255
value: zeroToTwoFiftyFive
default: zeroToTwoFiftyFive
name: ⏱ Fade time
description: Fade duration.
duration: null
required: true
name: Easing type
description: >-
The easing function that you’d like the fade to use. As a starting
point—you can’t go wrong with any of the “Ease-In-Out X” easings as those
will always look pretty good whenever you’re fading between two nonzero
brightness values. As well, the “Ease-Out X” easings often tend to look
good if you might be fading up very quickly from zero to another
brightness, and the “Ease-In X” easings are mostly only included for
completeness as those tend to only look good if you might be fading down
to zero very quickly. (See also for visual demos of
each of these easing types.)
mode: list
- label: Try to automatically select the easing type
value: auto
- label: Ease-In-Out Sine [a good all-rounder]
value: easeInOutSine
- label: Ease-In-Out Quad
value: easeInOutQuad
- label: Ease-In-Out Cubic
value: easeInOutCubic
- label: Ease-In-Out Quart
value: easeInOutQuart
- label: Ease-Out Sine
value: easeOutSine
- label: Ease-Out Quad
value: easeOutCubic
- label: Ease-Out Cubic
value: easeOutCubic
- label: Ease-Out Quart
value: easeOutQuart
- label: Ease-In Sine
value: easeInSine
- label: Ease-In Quad
value: easeInCubic
- label: Ease-In Cubic
value: easeInCubic
- label: Ease-In Quart
value: easeInQuart
- label: Linear [somewhat unnatural to the human eye; not recommended]
value: linear
default: auto
required: true
name: End brightness level
description: Percentage from 0 to 100 representing the final brightness level.
min: 0
max: 100
step: 1
mode: slider
unit_of_measurement: "%"
default: 50
example: "50"
required: true
name: 🚫 (optional) Brightness-change threshold that auto-cancels the fade
description: >-
You can optionally have the script automatically cancel its fade if the
lamp’s brightness were to be manually changed by a certain amount. For
example, let’s suppose that you were to set this value to 5% and then you
were to run this script. If there comes a point within the fade where this
script is expecting the lamp to be at, say, 22% brightness—but you’ve just
manually set that lamp to 30% brightness—this script will automatically
cancel its fade since that 8% difference is >= 5%. Note—if you use this,
Ashley doesn’t recommend setting this to anything less than about 3;
that’s just because it can be normal for there to be an occasional
difference of 1 or 2 since not all lamps instantly reflect newly assigned
brightness values due to processing lag and other factors. In Ashley’s
home, she personally uses a value of about 5 for this.
min: 2
max: 100
step: 1
mode: slider
unit_of_measurement: "%"
default: 10
example: "10"
required: false
name: (optional) Use an entity instead for the end-brightness value?
description: >-
You can optionally have the script ignore the end-brightness value above
and instead use the numeric value of another entity that you select here,
such as an input-number helper, an input-select helper, an input-text
helper, or a numeric sensor.
- input_number
- input_select
- input_text
- sensor
example: input_number.dining_room_entertaining_level
required: false
advanced: true
name: The end-brightness entity’s brightness scale (if used)
description: >-
If you enable the “Use an entity for the end-brightness value instead”
option, select here whether your chosen entity represents brightness with
a 0% to 100% scale or a 0 to 255 scale. (Note—in either case, this script
will expect that entity to solely have an integer value without any
nonnumeric characters such as “%”.)
advanced: true
- label: 0% to 100%
value: zeroToOneHundred
- label: 0 to 255
value: zeroToTwoFiftyFive
default: zeroToOneHundred
required: true
name: 🛑 (optional) Stop if a certain entity is turned on during the fade?
description: >-
You can optionally have the script keep an eye on an input boolean or a
binary sensor. And if that entity is then turned on during the fade, the
script will automatically stop. So for example, if you create a “Stop
Everything” input boolean, and if you set that entity here, you can stop
your fade at any time by turning on that “Stop Everything” entity.
- input_boolean
- binary_sensor
example: input_boolean.stop_everything
required: false
advanced: true
name: (optional) Reset that stop entity to “off” just before starting the fade?
description: >-
If you make use of the stop entity (above), you can also optionally have
the script automatically reset that entity to “off” at the start of the
fade. (By default, the script won’t change the value of the stop entity.)
boolean: null
advanced: true
required: true
default: false
name: Minimum delay per step
description: >-
The minimum delay between sending each brightness command. Some lamps only
accept commands every X milliseconds—so while you can probably leave this
as is, if by chance your lamp were to behave strangely, you might try
bumping up this number by another ten or twenty milliseconds.
advanced: true
required: true
min: 50
max: 1000
step: 10
mode: slider
unit_of_measurement: ms
default: 100
example: "100"
name: 🐛 Enable debugging mode?
description: >-
If this is enabled, the script will output status messages to your Home
Assistant log along the way. Unless something were to be acting weirdly,
you can leave this off.
boolean: null
advanced: true
required: true
default: false
mode: parallel
- variables:
lightFriendlyName: "{{ state_attr(light, 'friendly_name') }}"
startTimestamp: "{{ as_timestamp(now()) }}"
transitionTimeInSeconds: >
{{ ((transitionTime.hours | int) * 60 * 60) + ((transitionTime.minutes |
int) * 60) + (transitionTime.seconds | int) }}
endTimestamp: "{{ startTimestamp + transitionTimeInSeconds }}"
transitionTimeInMilliseconds: "{{ transitionTimeInSeconds * 1000 }}"
ignoreTheEndBrightnessValueAndUseAnEntityForTheEndBrightnessInstead: >
{% if (endBrightnessEntity is defined) and
(has_value(endBrightnessEntity)) %}
{{ true }}
{% else %}
{{ false }}
{% endif %}
stopEntityIsEnabled: |
{% if (stopEntity is defined) and (has_value(stopEntity)) %}
{{ true }}
{% else %}
{{ false }}
{% endif %}
stopEntityIsEditable: |
{% if stopEntityIsEnabled %}
{% set stopEntityEditableAttribute = state_attr(stopEntity, 'editable') %}
{% if stopEntityEditableAttribute %}
{{ true}}
{% else %}
{{ false }}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{{ false }}
{% endif %}
stopEntityFriendlyName: |
{% if stopEntityIsEnabled %}
{{ state_attr(stopEntity, 'friendly_name') }}
{% else %}
{{ "" }}
{% endif %}
startBrightness: "{% set rawLightLevel = state_attr(light, 'brightness') %}\n{## If a light is off, its brightness will return \"None\"? So first check if there's a valid brightness before setting the value ##} {% if rawLightLevel %}\n\t{% set currentLightLevel = rawLightLevel | int %}\n{% else %}\n\t{% set currentLightLevel = 0 %}\n{% endif %} {% if lampBrightnessScale == \"zeroToOneHundred\" %}\n {% set currentLightLevel = (currentLightLevel / 2.55) | round(0) %}\n{% endif %} {{ currentLightLevel }}\n"
endBrightness: "{% if ignoreTheEndBrightnessValueAndUseAnEntityForTheEndBrightnessInstead %}\n\n {% set entityBrightnessValue = states(endBrightnessEntity) | round (0) %}\n {% if (endBrightnessEntityScale == lampBrightnessScale) %}\n {% set endBrightness = entityBrightnessValue %}\n {% elif (lampBrightnessScale == \"zeroToTwoFiftyFive\") and (endBrightnessEntityScale == \"zeroToOneHundred\") %}\n {% set endBrightness = (entityBrightnessValue * 2.55) | round(0) %}\n {% elif (lampBrightnessScale == \"zeroToOneHundred\") and (endBrightnessEntityScale == \"zeroToTwoFiftyFive\") %}\n {% set endBrightness = (entityBrightnessValue / 2.55) | round(0) %}\n {% endif %}\n{% else %}\n {## branch for ignoreTheEndBrightnessValueAndUseAnEntityForTheEndBrightnessInstead being off ##}\n {% if lampBrightnessScale == \"zeroToOneHundred\" %}\n \t{% set endBrightness = endBrightnessPercent %}\n {% else %}\n {% set endBrightness = (endBrightnessPercent * 2.55) | round(0) %}\n {% endif %}\n{% endif %} {{ endBrightness }}\n"
brightnessSpan: "{{ endBrightness - startBrightness }}"
absoluteBrightnessSpan: "{{ brightnessSpan | abs }}"
autoCancelTheFadeIfTheLampBrightnessIsManuallyChanged: >
{% if (autoCancelThreshold is defined) and
(is_number(autoCancelThreshold)) %}
{{ true }}
{% else %}
{{ false }}
{% endif %}
normalizedAutoCancelThreshold: |
{% if not autoCancelTheFadeIfTheLampBrightnessIsManuallyChanged %}
{## exit early if autoCancelTheFadeIfTheLampBrightnessIsManuallyChanged isn’t even enabled ##}
{{ 255 }}
{% elif (lampBrightnessScale == "zeroToTwoFiftyFive") %}
{{ (autoCancelThreshold * 2.55) | round (0) }}
{% else %}
{{ autoCancelThreshold }}
{% endif %}
expectedBrightness: "{{ startBrightness }}"
- if:
- condition: template
value_template: >
{{ stopEntityIsEnabled and stopEntityIsEditable and
shouldResetTheStopEntityToOffAtStart }}
- service: input_boolean.turn_off
data: {}
entity_id: "{{ stopEntity }}"
- if:
- condition: template
value_template: |
{{ (absoluteBrightnessSpan | int) == 0 }}
- variables:
stopMessage: >
{% set stopMessage = "Stopped Ashley’s Fader because " +
(lightFriendlyName | string) + "’s starting brightness is the same
as its ending brightness." %} {{ stopMessage }}
- if:
- condition: template
value_template: |
{{ isDebugMode }}
- service: system_log.write
message: |
{{ stopMessage }}
level: warning
- stop: |
{{ stopMessage }}
- if:
- condition: template
value_template: >
{## init ##} {% set stopEntityStatus = false %} {% if
stopEntityIsEnabled %}
{% if bool(states(stopEntity), false) %}
{% set stopEntityStatus = true %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %} {{ stopEntityStatus }}
- variables:
stopMessage: >
{% set stopMessage = "Stopped Ashley’s Fader because " +
(stopEntityFriendlyName | string) + " is on." %} {{ stopMessage }}
- if:
- condition: template
value_template: |
{{ isDebugMode }}
- service: system_log.write
message: |
{{ stopMessage }}
level: warning
- stop: |
{{ stopMessage }}
- variables:
timestampBeforeServiceCall: "{{ as_timestamp(now()) }}"
- if:
- condition: template
value_template: |
{{ (lampBrightnessScale == "zeroToTwoFiftyFive") }}
- service: light.turn_on
entity_id: "{{ light }}"
kelvin: "{{ kelvin }}"
brightness: "{{ expectedBrightness }}"
- service: light.turn_on
entity_id: "{{ light }}"
kelvin: "{{ kelvin }}"
brightness_pct: "{{ expectedBrightness }}"
- variables:
processingDelayInMilliseconds: "{{ (as_timestamp(now()) - timestampBeforeServiceCall) * 1000 }}"
easingType: |
{% if "auto" in easingTypeInput %}
{% if (startBrightness == 0) and (transitionTimeInSeconds <= 20) %}
{{ "easeOutCubic" }}
{% elif (startBrightness == 0) and (transitionTimeInSeconds <= 55) %}
{{ "easeOutQuad" }}
{% elif (endBrightness == 0) and (transitionTimeInSeconds <= 20) %}
{{ "easeInCubic" }}
{% elif (endBrightness == 0) and (transitionTimeInSeconds <= 55) %}
{{ "easeInQuad" }}
{% else %}
{{ "easeInOutSine" }}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{{ easingTypeInput }}
{% endif %}
remainingTimeInMilliseconds: >
{% set nowTimestamp = as_timestamp(now()) %} {{ (endTimestamp -
nowTimestamp) * 1000 }}
delayInMilliseconds: >
{% set totalExpectedRemainingProcessingDelay =
processingDelayInMilliseconds * absoluteBrightnessSpan %} {% set
idealDelay = ((remainingTimeInMilliseconds -
totalExpectedRemainingProcessingDelay) / absoluteBrightnessSpan) |
round(0) %} {% if "auto" in easingType %}
{% if (startBrightness == 0) and (transitionTimeInSeconds < 20) %}
{% set easingType = "easeOutCubic" %}
{% elif (endBrightness == 0) and (transitionTimeInSeconds < 20) %}
{% set easingType = "easeInCubic" %}
{% else %}
{% set easingType = "easeInOutQuad" %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %} {% if "Circ" in easingType %}
{## Four as many frames for Circ-type easing ##}
{% set idealDelay = (idealDelay / 4) | round(0) %}
{% elif ("Cubic" in easingType) or ("Quart" in easingType) %}
{## Three as many frames for Cubic-type or Quart-type easing ##}
{% set idealDelay = (idealDelay / 3) | round(0) %}
{% elif "ease" in easingType %}
{## Twice as many frames for other easing types ##}
{% set idealDelay = (idealDelay / 2) | round(0) %}
{% endif %} {## Make sure that the delay isn’t below the minimum delay
##} {% if idealDelay < minimumStepDelayInMilliseconds %}
{{ minimumStepDelayInMilliseconds }}
{% else %}
{{ idealDelay }}
{% endif %}
- if:
- condition: template
value_template: |
{{ isDebugMode }}
- service: system_log.write
message: >
{{ easingType }} easing type with {{ delayInMilliseconds | int }} ms
delay. remainingTimeInMilliseconds = {{ remainingTimeInMilliseconds
| round(0) }}, and absoluteBrightnessSpan = {{
absoluteBrightnessSpan }}
level: warning
- service: system_log.write
message: >
startBrightness = {{ startBrightness }}, endBrightness = {{
endBrightness }}, and processingDelayInMilliseconds = {{
processingDelayInMilliseconds | int }}
level: warning
- repeat:
- variables:
timestampBeforeServiceCall: "{{ as_timestamp(now()) }}"
percentageOfTimeCompleted: >
{% set nowTimestamp = as_timestamp(now()) %} {% set
percentageOfTimeCompleted = ((nowTimestamp - startTimestamp) /
transitionTimeInSeconds) %} {% if (percentageOfTimeCompleted < 0)
{% set percentageOfTimeCompleted = 0 %}
{% elif (percentageOfTimeCompleted > 1) %}
{% set percentageOfTimeCompleted = 1 %}
{% endif %} {{ percentageOfTimeCompleted }}
easingAdjustedPercentageCompleted: >
{% set percentageOfTimeCompleted = percentageOfTimeCompleted |
float(0) %} {% if easingType == "easeInSine" %}
{## ##}
{{ 1 - cos((percentageOfTimeCompleted * pi) / 2) }}
{% elif easingType == "easeInQuad" %}
{## ##}
{{ percentageOfTimeCompleted * percentageOfTimeCompleted }}
{% elif easingType == "easeInCubic" %}
{## ##}
{{ percentageOfTimeCompleted * percentageOfTimeCompleted * percentageOfTimeCompleted }}
{% elif easingType == "easeInQuart" %}
{## ##}
{{ percentageOfTimeCompleted * percentageOfTimeCompleted * percentageOfTimeCompleted * percentageOfTimeCompleted }}
{% elif easingType == "easeOutSine" %}
{## ##}
{{ sin((percentageOfTimeCompleted * pi) / 2) }}
{% elif easingType == "easeOutQuad" %}
{## ##}
{{ 1 - (1 - percentageOfTimeCompleted)* (1 - percentageOfTimeCompleted) }}
{% elif easingType == "easeOutCubic" %}
{## ##}
{{ 1 - ((1 - percentageOfTimeCompleted) ** 3) }}
{% elif easingType == "easeOutQuart" %}
{## ##}
{{ 1 - ((1 - percentageOfTimeCompleted) ** 4) }}
{% elif easingType == "easeInOutSine" %}
{## ##}
{{ -1 * ((cos(pi * percentageOfTimeCompleted) - 1) / 2) }}
{% elif easingType == "easeInOutQuad" %}
{## ##}
{% if (percentageOfTimeCompleted < 0.5) %}
{{ 2 * percentageOfTimeCompleted * percentageOfTimeCompleted }}
{% else %}
{{ 1- (((-2 * percentageOfTimeCompleted + 2) ** 2) / 2) }}
{% endif %}
{% elif easingType == "easeInOutCubic" %}
{## ##}
{% if (percentageOfTimeCompleted < 0.5) %}
{{ 4 * percentageOfTimeCompleted * percentageOfTimeCompleted * percentageOfTimeCompleted }}
{% else %}
{{ 1- (((-2 * percentageOfTimeCompleted + 2) ** 3) / 2) }}
{% endif %}
{% elif easingType == "easeInOutQuart" %}
{## ##}
{% if (percentageOfTimeCompleted < 0.5) %}
{{ 8 * percentageOfTimeCompleted * percentageOfTimeCompleted * percentageOfTimeCompleted * percentageOfTimeCompleted }}
{% else %}
{{ 1 - (((-2 * percentageOfTimeCompleted + 2) ** 4) / 2) }}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{## linear ##}
{{ percentageOfTimeCompleted }}
{% endif %}
expectedBrightness: >
{% set startBrightness = startBrightness | int %} {% set
brightnessSpan = brightnessSpan | int %} {% set
easingAdjustedPercentageCompleted =
easingAdjustedPercentageCompleted | float(0) %} {% set
calculatedBrightness = (startBrightness + (brightnessSpan *
easingAdjustedPercentageCompleted)) | round(0) %} {% if
(calculatedBrightness < 0) %}
{% set calculatedBrightness = 0 %}
{% elif (calculatedBrightness > 255) %}
{% set calculatedBrightness = 255 %}
{% endif %} {% if (endBrightness >= startBrightness) and
(calculatedBrightness > endBrightness) %}
{% set calculatedBrightness = endBrightness %}
{% elif (endBrightness < startBrightness) and
(calculatedBrightness < endBrightness) %}
{% set calculatedBrightness = endBrightness %}
{% endif %} {{ calculatedBrightness }}
linearExpectedBrightness: >
{% set startBrightness = startBrightness | int %} {% set
brightnessSpan = brightnessSpan | int %} {% set
percentageOfTimeCompleted = percentageOfTimeCompleted | float(0)
%} {% set calculatedBrightness = (startBrightness +
(brightnessSpan * percentageOfTimeCompleted)) | round(0) %} {% if
(calculatedBrightness < 0) %}
{% set calculatedBrightness = 0 %}
{% elif (calculatedBrightness > 255) %}
{% set calculatedBrightness = 255 %}
{% endif %} {% if (endBrightness >= startBrightness) and
(calculatedBrightness > endBrightness) %}
{% set calculatedBrightness = endBrightness %}
{% elif (endBrightness < startBrightness) and
(calculatedBrightness < endBrightness) %}
{% set calculatedBrightness = endBrightness %}
{% endif %} {{ calculatedBrightness }}
currentBrightness: >
{% set rawLightLevel = state_attr(light, 'brightness') %} {## If a
light is off, its brightness will return 'None'. So first check if
there's a valid brightness before getting the value ##} {% if
rawLightLevel %}
{% set currentLightLevel = rawLightLevel | int %}
{% else %}
{% set currentLightLevel = 0 %}
{% endif %} {% if lampBrightnessScale == "zeroToOneHundred" %}
{% set currentLightLevel = (currentLightLevel / 2.55) | round(0) %}
{% endif %} {{ currentLightLevel }}
- if:
- condition: template
value_template: |
{{ (currentBrightness | int) != (endBrightness | int) }}
- if:
- condition: template
value_template: |
{{ (lampBrightnessScale == "zeroToTwoFiftyFive") }}
- service: light.turn_on
entity_id: "{{ light }}"
kelvin: "{{ kelvin }}"
brightness: "{{ expectedBrightness }}"
- service: light.turn_on
entity_id: "{{ light }}"
kelvin: "{{ kelvin }}"
brightness_pct: "{{ expectedBrightness }}"
- if:
- condition: template
value_template: |
{{ isDebugMode }}
- service: system_log.write
message: >
Set {{ lightFriendlyName }} to {{ expectedBrightness | int
}} brightness. (Linear brightness would have been {{
linearExpectedBrightness | int }}.) Delay is {{
delayInMilliseconds | int }} ms. Elapsed time is {{
(as_timestamp(now()) - startTimestamp) | round(2) }}
seconds. (endBrightness is {{ endBrightness}}.)
level: warning
- delay:
milliseconds: "{{ delayInMilliseconds | float(0) }}"
- variables:
currentBrightness: "{% set rawLightLevel = state_attr(light, 'brightness') %} {## If a light is off, its brightness will return \"None\"? So first check if there's a valid brightness before getting the value ##} {% if rawLightLevel %}\n\t{% set currentLightLevel = rawLightLevel | int %}\n{% else %}\n\t{% set currentLightLevel = 0 %}\n{% endif %} {% if lampBrightnessScale == \"zeroToOneHundred\" %}\n {% set currentLightLevel = (currentLightLevel / 2.55) | round(0) %}\n{% endif %} {{ currentLightLevel }}\n"
brightnessDifferenceFromExpected: >
{{ ( (currentBrightness | int) - (expectedBrightness | int) ) |
abs }}
isBrightnessDifferenceAboveAutoCancelThreshold: |
{% if autoCancelTheFadeIfTheLampBrightnessIsManuallyChanged %}
{{ (brightnessDifferenceFromExpected | int) >= (normalizedAutoCancelThreshold | int) }}
{% else %}
{{ false }}
{% endif %}
- if:
- condition: template
value_template: >
{{ autoCancelTheFadeIfTheLampBrightnessIsManuallyChanged and
isBrightnessDifferenceAboveAutoCancelThreshold }}
- variables:
stopMessage: >
{% if lampBrightnessScale == "zeroToTwoFiftyFive" %}
{% set currentBrightnessAsPercentage = (currentBrightness / 2.55) | round(0) %}
{% set expectedBrightnessAsPercentage = (expectedBrightness / 2.55) | round(0) %}
{% set differenceFromExpectedAsPercentage = (brightnessDifferenceFromExpected / 2.55) | round(0) %}
{% else %}
{% set currentBrightnessAsPercentage = currentBrightness %}
{% set expectedBrightnessAsPercentage = expectedBrightness %}
{% set differenceFromExpectedAsPercentage = brightnessDifferenceFromExpected %}
{% endif %} {% set stopMessage = "Stopped Ashley’s Fader
because " + (lightFriendlyName | string) + " was found to be
at " + (currentBrightnessAsPercentage | string) + "%, a
difference of " + (differenceFromExpectedAsPercentage |
string) + " percentage points from the expected brightness of
" + (expectedBrightnessAsPercentage | string) + "%, which is
higher than the auto-cancel threshold of " +
(autoCancelThreshold | string) + " percentage points." %} {{
stopMessage }}
- if:
- condition: template
value_template: |
{{ isDebugMode }}
- service: system_log.write
message: |
{{ stopMessage }}
level: warning
- stop: |
{{ stopMessage }}
- if:
- condition: template
value_template: >
{## init ##} {% set stopEntityStatus = false %} {% if
stopEntityIsEnabled %}
{% if bool(states(stopEntity), false) %}
{% set stopEntityStatus = true %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %} {{ stopEntityStatus }}
- variables:
stopMessage: >
{% set stopMessage = "Stopped Ashley’s Fader because " +
(stopEntityFriendlyName | string) + " is on." %} {{
stopMessage }}
- if:
- condition: template
value_template: |
{{ isDebugMode }}
- service: system_log.write
message: |
{{ stopMessage }}
level: warning
- stop: |
{{ stopMessage }}
- condition: template
value_template: |
{{ (as_timestamp(now()) >= endTimestamp)
or ((endBrightness >= startBrightness) and (expectedBrightness >= endBrightness))
or ((endBrightness < startBrightness) and (expectedBrightness <= endBrightness)) }}
- variables:
currentBrightness: "{% set rawLightLevel = state_attr(light, 'brightness') %}\n{## If a light is off, its brightness will return 'None'. So first check if there's a valid brightness before getting the value ##} {% if rawLightLevel %}\n\t{% set currentLightLevel = rawLightLevel | int %}\n{% else %}\n\t{% set currentLightLevel = 0 %}\n{% endif %} {% if lampBrightnessScale == \"zeroToOneHundred\" %}\n {% set currentLightLevel = (currentLightLevel / 2.55) | round(0) %}\n{% endif %} {{ currentLightLevel }}\n"
brightnessDifferenceFromExpected: |
{{ ( (currentBrightness | int) - (endBrightness | int) ) | abs }}
isBrightnessDifferenceAboveAutoCancelThreshold: |
{% if autoCancelTheFadeIfTheLampBrightnessIsManuallyChanged %}
{{ (brightnessDifferenceFromExpected | int) > (normalizedAutoCancelThreshold | int) }}
{% else %}
{{ false }}
{% endif %}
- if:
- condition: template
value_template: >
{{ ((currentBrightness | int) != (endBrightness | int)) and ((not
autoCancelTheFadeIfTheLampBrightnessIsManuallyChanged) or (not
isBrightnessDifferenceAboveAutoCancelThreshold)) }}
- if:
- condition: template
value_template: |
{{ (lampBrightnessScale == "zeroToTwoFiftyFive") }}
- service: light.turn_on
entity_id: "{{ light }}"
brightness: "{{ endBrightness }}"
kelvin: "{{ kelvin }}"
- service: light.turn_on
entity_id: "{{ light }}"
kelvin: "{{ kelvin }}"
brightness_pct: "{{ endBrightness }}"
max: 10
icon: mdi:lightbulb-on-50
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