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Created June 7, 2011 10:45
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String#unpack format string width
# Calculate how many bytes String#unpack will read for a format string.
# Only guaranteed to work with the characters defined in classes, which are
# the sensible ones you should be using anyway. So there.
# Notably will not work with x, X, @, and so on.
def width(format)
classes = { "AazCc" => 1, "Ssn" => 2, "LlNVFfeg" => 4, "QqDdEG" => 8 }
bytes = Hash[ {|k,v| {|x| [x, v] } }.reduce(:+)]
directives = format.scan(/([A-Za-z])(\d*)/) { |c,n| b = bytes[c] * [1, n.to_i].max }.reduce(:+)
p width("NnccNcc")
p width("N2s48")
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