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Last active December 14, 2015 16:39
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Save alisdair/5116888 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
hubot script to tell people to make coffee for me
# Description:
# Assigning jobs randomly to people with a role
# Commands:
# hubot request <role> - choose a random user with a role
# hubot rota <role> - show previous assignment counts
# Examples:
# hubot alisdair is a support technician
# hubot matthew is a support technician
# hubot request a support technician
module.exports = (robot) ->
robot.respond /request( an?)? @?([\w .\-]+)\?*$/i, (msg) ->
role = msg.match[2].trim()
users = robot.brain.users()
if not users? or users.length == 0
msg.send "I don't know about any users."
eligible = (user) ->
return false unless user.roles?
search = new RegExp(role, "i")
user.roles.some (r) ->
search.test r
team = (user for id, user of users when eligible user)
if team.length == 0
msg.send "No-one is #{role}"
winner = team[Math.floor(Math.random() * team.length)]
winner.rota_stats = winner.rota_stats or { }
count = winner.rota_stats[role] or 0
winner.rota_stats[role] = count + 1
if winner.mention_name?
name = "@#{winner.mention_name}"
name =
msg.send "#{name} your turn to be #{role}"
robot.respond /rota @?([\w .\-]+)\?*$/i, (msg) ->
role = msg.match[1].trim()
users = robot.brain.users()
if not users? or users.length == 0
msg.send "I don't know about any users."
wins = (user) ->
return 0 unless user.rota_stats?
search = new RegExp(role, "i")
counts = (count for r, count of user.rota_stats when search.test r)
return 0 if counts.length == 0
counts.reduce (x,y) -> x + y
assignments = ("#{}: #{wins(user)}" for id, user of users when wins(user) > 0)
if assignments.length == 0
msg.send "no stats for #{role}"
msg.send "stats for #{role}: #{assignments.join(', ')}"
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