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  • Save alisonspencer/45d11774885cb05732756e940aed61e6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save alisonspencer/45d11774885cb05732756e940aed61e6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Iris Keyboard
"name": "Iris Keyboard",
"author": "Lewis Ridden"
"x": 3,
"c": "#c4c8c5",
"a": 7
"x": 8
"y": -0.87,
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"x": 5
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"c": "#006d59"
"c": "#c4c8c5"
"x": 12
"c": "#006d59"
"y": -0.38,
"x": 3,
"c": "#c4c8c5"
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"x": 2
"x": 1,
"n": true
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"n": true
"x": 1
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"x": 5
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"c": "#006d59"
"c": "#c4c8c5"
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"c": "#006d59"
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"c": "#c4c8c5"
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"c": "#006d59"
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"c": "#006d59"
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"x": 3,
"c": "#c4c8c5"
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"x": -1.5
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