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Created September 18, 2024 22:08
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R5 parsing for Barrett
import ast
import einops
import numpy as np
import starfile
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation as R
DO_VIS = True
particle_star ='')
tomogram_star ='')
particle_df = particle_star['particles'].merge(particle_star['optics'], on='rlnOpticsGroup')
for key, particle_group_df in particle_df.groupby('rlnTomoName'):
# get (n_particles, 3, 3) particle rotation_matrices
particle_euler_angles = particle_group_df[['rlnAngleRot', 'rlnAngleTilt', 'rlnAnglePsi']].to_numpy()
particle_rotation_matrices = R.from_euler(
seq='ZYZ', angles=particle_euler_angles, degrees=True
# get table for specific table
tomogram_df = tomogram_star[key]
# get (n_tilts, 4) arrays for first three rows of projection matrices
projection_matrices_x = np.stack(tomogram_df['rlnTomoProjX'].apply(lambda x: ast.literal_eval(x)))
projection_matrices_y = np.stack(tomogram_df['rlnTomoProjY'].apply(lambda x: ast.literal_eval(x)))
projection_matrices_z = np.stack(tomogram_df['rlnTomoProjZ'].apply(lambda x: ast.literal_eval(x)))
# get (n_tilts, 3, 4) projection_matrices
tilt_projection_matrices = einops.rearrange(
[projection_matrices_x, projection_matrices_y, projection_matrices_z],
pattern='projxyz b d -> b projxyz d'
# get (n_tilts, 3, 3) rotation matrices
tilt_rotation_matrices = tilt_projection_matrices[:, :, :-1]
# get (n_particles, n_tilts, 3, 3) per particle per tilt rotation matrices
particle_rotation_matrices = einops.rearrange(particle_rotation_matrices, 'b i j -> b 1 i j')
particle_tilt_rotation_matrices = particle_rotation_matrices @ tilt_rotation_matrices # (n_particles, n_tilts, 3, 3)
# get (n_particles * ntilts, 3) euler angles in RELION format
particle_eulers = R.from_matrix(
einops.rearrange(particle_tilt_rotation_matrices, 'nparticles ntilts i j -> (nparticles ntilts) i j')
).inv().as_euler(seq='ZYZ', degrees=True)
# view first particle fourier planes rotated and unrotated
if DO_VIS:
unrotated = tilt_rotation_matrices
rotated = particle_tilt_rotation_matrices[0]
xy_plane = np.meshgrid(
np.linspace(-1, 1, ),
np.linspace(-1, 1, )
xy_plane = einops.rearrange(xy_plane, 'd h w -> (h w) d 1') # (b, 2, 1)
xy_plane = np.pad(xy_plane, ((0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 0)), mode='constant', constant_values=0) # (b, 3, 1)
unrotated = einops.rearrange(unrotated, 'ntilt i j -> ntilt 1 i j')
unrotated_planes = unrotated @ xy_plane
unrotated_planes = einops.rearrange(unrotated_planes, 'ntilt npoints d 1 -> (ntilt npoints) d')
rotated = einops.rearrange(rotated, 'ntilt i j -> ntilt 1 i j')
rotated_planes = rotated @ xy_plane
rotated_planes = einops.rearrange(rotated_planes, 'ntilt npoints d 1 -> (ntilt npoints) d')
import napari
viewer = napari.Viewer(ndisplay=3)
viewer.axes.visible = True
viewer.add_points(unrotated_planes, size=0.01, face_color='grey')
viewer.add_points(rotated_planes, size=0.01, face_color='purple')
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