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Created February 17, 2012 03:00
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[Grooveshark] BaseController
jQuery.Controller.extend("GS.Controllers.BaseController", {
setup: function() {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
this.preSetup && this.preSetup()
init: function() {
if ( this.onWindow && !this.isGSSingleton ) new this($(window));
else this.onElement && !this.isGSSingleton && new this($(this.onElement))
instance: function() {
if ( this.isGSSingleton ) return new this(this.onElement && $(this.onElement) || this.onWindow && window || document.documentElement);
if ( this.onDocument ) return $(document.documentElement).controller(this._shortName);
if ( this.onWindow ) return $(window).controller(this._shortName);
if ( this.onElement ) return $(this.onElement).controller(this._shortName);
if ( this.hasActiveElement ) return $(this.hasActiveElement).controller(this._shortName);
throw "BaseController. controller, " + this._shortName + ", is improperly embedded on page";
singletonCallback: function( a, b ) {
a = "get" + _.ucwords(a);
var c = arguments;
return function() {
var g = GS[a](),
h = jQuery.makeArray(c).slice(2);
h.push.apply(h, arguments);
if ( g.onUpdateSubcription && !g.loaded ) {
var k =
$.subscribe(g.onUpdateSubcription, g.callback(function() {
g.loaded = true;
g[b].apply(g, h);
return null
return g[b].apply(g, h)
viewBundles: {},
bundleVersions: {}
}, {
init: function() {
this.subscribe("", this.callback(this.appReady))
appReady: function() {},
destroy: function() {
if ( $.isArray(this.subscriptions) ) for (; this.subscriptions.length; ) $.unsubscribe(this.subscriptions.pop());
subscribe: function( a, b, c ) {
c = _.orEqual(c, true);
if (!_.defined(this.subscriptions) ) this.subscriptions = [];
if ( c ) {
a = $.subscribe(a, b);
return a
} else return $.subscribe(a, b)
view: function( a, b, c, g ) {
var h = ["gs", "views"];
if ( a.match(/^themes/) ) h = [a];
else if ( a.match(/^\//) ) h.push(a.replace(/^\//, ""));
else {
h = "/" + h.join("/");
h += $.View.ext;
var k = h.replace(/[\/\.]/g, "_").replace(/_+/g, "_").replace(/^_/, ""),
m = GS.Controllers.BaseController.viewBundles[k],
p = GS.Controllers.BaseController.bundleVersions[m] || "",
n = "",
o = true;
b = _.orEqual(b, this);
c =, c);
if ( $.View.preCached[k] || !m ) return $.View(h, b, c);
g = _.orEqual(g, 0);
if (!(g >= 3)) {
if ( g > 0 ) o = false;
k = {
contentType: "application/json",
dataType: "json",
type: "GET",
url: "/gs/views/" + m + ".json?" + p,
async: false,
cache: o,
success: this.callback(function( t ) {
if ( t ) {
_.forEach(t, function( w, x ) {
$.View.preCached[x] = w
n = $.View(h, b, c)
} else {
setTimeout(this.callback(function() {
this.view(a, b, c, g)
}), g * 100)
error: this.callback(function() {
setTimeout(this.callback(function() {
this.view(a, b, c, g)
}), g * 100)
if ( window.gsConfig && window.gsConfig.viewsJSONP ) {
k.url = gsConfig.assetHost + "/gs/views/" + m + ".json?" + p;
k.dataType = "jsonp";
k.jsonp = false;
k.jsonpCallback = window.gsConfig.viewsJSONP + m
return n
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