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Created December 27, 2019 07:24
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import sys , os
from dataset.mnist import load_mnist
from common.functions import sigmoid, softmax, np
def get_data():
(x_train, t_train), (x_test, t_test)=\
load_mnist(normalize=True, flatten=True, one_hot_label=True)
return x_train, t_train
def numerical_gradient(f, x):
h = 1e-4 # 0.0001
grad = np.zeros_like(x)
it = np.nditer(x, flags=['multi_index'], op_flags=['readwrite'])
while not it.finished:
idx = it.multi_index
tmp_val = x[idx]
x[idx] = float(tmp_val) + h
fxh1 = f(x) # f(x+h)
x[idx] = tmp_val - h
fxh2 = f(x) # f(x-h)
grad[idx] = (fxh1 - fxh2) / (2*h)
x[idx] = tmp_val
return grad
class TwoLayerNet:
def __init__(self):
self.params = {}
self.params['W1'] = 0.01 * np.random.randn(784,50)
self.params['b1'] = np.zeros(50)
self.params['W2'] = 0.01 * np.random.randn(50,10)
self.params['b2'] = np.zeros(10)
def predict(self,x):
W1, W2 = self.params['W1'], self.params['W2']
b1, b2 = self.params['b1'], self.params['b2']
a1 =,W1) + b1
z1 = sigmoid(a1)
a2 =,W2) + b2
y = softmax(a2)
return y
def softmax(self,a):
minus = a - np.max(a)
return np.exp(minus) / np.sum(np.exp(minus))
def cross_entropy_error(self, y,t):
delta = 1e-7
if y.ndim ==1:
return -np.sum(t*np.log(y+delta)) / batch_size
def loss(self,x,t):
z = self.predict(x)
y = self.softmax(z)
return self.cross_entropy_error(y,t)
def predict_result(self,x):
y = self.predict(x)
y_hat= np.argmax(y,axis=1)
return y_hat
def accuracy(self,x,t):
y = self.predict(x)
y_hat= np.argmax(y,axis=1)
target = np.argmax(t, axis=1)
accuracy = np.sum(y_hat == target) / float(x.shape[0])
return accuracy
def numerical_gradient(self, x, t):
loss_W = lambda W : self.loss(x,t)
grads = {}
grads['W1'] = numerical_gradient(loss_W, self.params['W1'])
grads['W2'] = numerical_gradient(loss_W, self.params['W2'])
grads['b1'] = numerical_gradient(loss_W, self.params['b1'])
grads['b2'] = numerical_gradient(loss_W, self.params['b2'])
return grads
net = TwoLayerNet()
x, t = get_data()
for i in range(10):
x_batch = x[:1]
t_batch = t[:1]
grad = net.numerical_gradient( x_batch, t_batch )
for key in ('W1','W2','b1','b2'):
net.params[key] -= 0.01 * grad[key]
acc = net.accuracy(x_batch, t_batch)
print (acc)
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